Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 388 - Mere Acquaintances

Huo Qiudong’s thumb ran itself over her lips. He leaned closer as if he was going to do something. Her lips, soft and naturally pink like that of peony petals, beckoned him. He was drawn to them, like a captain to a siren.

Staring deeply into her eyes didn’t help his case. She was perfectly still for him, whether it was on purpose or not, he didn’t know. When she batted her lashes, it teased him far more than he would’ve liked. Her dark hair came down on each side of her shoulders, the strands skimming over her chest.

His heart lurched when she bit her lip. Huo Qiudong was a second close from kissing her. Her soft and sweet scent was yanking him back to her. With heavy regret and reluctance, he forced himself to pull back and release her chin.

Yang Ruqin’s cheeks heated when she realized what had just happened. She scooted back a bit and looked away from him, with fear that he would catch the redness of her cheeks. She was never an easy woman. Obtaining her was a difficult feat that not many had achieved. Oddly enough, in his presence, she turned into mush and openly allowed him to do as he pleased. She couldn’t believe her own behavior.

The heated atmosphere prompted them to discreetly find each other. After a heavy silence, he spoke up, "I bought an Americano and a Caramel latte for you. I wasn’t sure if you were the type to prefer your drinks bitter or sweet, so I got both."

Huo Qiudong didn’t mention the fact that he studied the menu for twenty minutes, debated on all of the options and ten minutes later, narrowed it down to two options. It took a long, five minute battle of indecision for him to finally choose both.

Yang Ruqin’s eyes brightened at the mention of both drinks. Earlier, she needed an Americano to wake up her senses. But now that she had washed her face and brushed her teeth, she didn’t desire an Americano anymore. "I like both, but I prefer the Caramel latte more."

Huo Qiudong’s shoulder sagged in relief. He courteously wrapped the cold drink with a small napkin so that her fingers wouldn’t get cold. He noticed the small rings on her finger and worried the temperature might transfer to the metal. Thus, he wrapped another layer of napkins onto the cold drink and handed it to her. Her eyes clouded with confusion. He explained, "Your fingers might get cold."

"Oh, they’re usually very cold. I’m used to it." Yang Ruqin said, taking the drink with one hand. She nearly spilled it all over herself when he abruptly grabbed her finger, engulfing it in his warm ones.

"It’s very cold outside today. I recommend wearing a long coat. Judging by your outfit, perhaps a double-pocket trench or wool coat could work?" He made his actions seem like it was a gesture of warming her fingers. In reality, he wanted to hold her hand. The smallest exchange of skin made him feel odd... but not in a bad way.

"Is that so?" Yang Ruqin nervously said, biting her lips out of habit.

Yang Ruqin didn’t miss how his gaze immediately shifted to it, then painfully brought it back to her face. Tilting her head, her lips mischievously lifted into a slight smirk. She bit her lip again, slowly, and seductively, widening her eyes a bit while staring into his eyes. It darkened as she had predicted it would.

"Don’t do that." The abrupt hardening of his deep, smooth voice beckoned her heart to miss a beat. Her stomach fluttered when his thumb touched her lips, indicating for her to release her lips.

"I know what you’re doing." Huo Qiudong told her, leaning closer and closer. She sucked in a breath of air at his taunting behavior. "I will not hesitate to kiss you on our first date."

"Our first date?" She squeaked out, hating how flabbergasted she felt when he pulled back a second later, mirth dancing in his eyes. ’Damn it, he played me again!’

"Yes, we’re going on a date today."

"To where?"

"Anywhere you like." Using the hand he grabbed, he whisked her onto her feet, pulling her closer. He realized she was a head shorter than him. Seeing her look up at him, he could see all of her features perfectly. He wished he didn’t because it only made him want to kiss her more.

"I-I’ll go grab my coat then." Yang Ruqin stuttered, running into her bedroom to seek momentary shelter from him. Her body shuddered at the idea of what he could do to her. Perhaps it wouldn’t be the best idea to tempt him... She thought he was a shy and easily teasable man, but his behavior and actions today proved her wrong; he could easily overpower her.

- - - - -

Zhao Lifei entered the office to begin the preparation for her meeting with Ling Conglomerate. She had given the day off to Huo Qiudong and even offered to give him at least three days to rest. He refused the additional days and said one was fine. She shrugged it off and didn’t pay a lot of mind to it. Little did he know, she was planning on giving him a day off every week so that no one could start a rumor that she was an unfair boss.

Sitting in her large computer chair, Zhao Lifei tediously looked through the files placed onto her desk this morning. Then, she began to diligently look over the contract, jotting down a few questions and pointers. Soon, the hours whizzed by and the meeting was approaching.

She walked over to the meeting room. Her attorney was already present and waiting for her. She had hired him a long time ago when Feili was only an infant. Only recently did she contact him again.

Zhao Lifei didn’t want to go to a meeting empty-handed without anyone accompanying her. It would’ve been fine to walk in with a secretary, but currently, she didn’t have one. Since she gave the day off to Huo Qiudong, the attorney was her best bet.

Nian Zewan stood outside of the glass meeting room with an easygoing expression. His lean physique, paired with the sleek grey suit, enhanced a chic appearance. The thin-framed platinum glasses resting on his nose seemed to shine under the bright lights. His hair was partly gelled back and the other part was slicked to the side, covering his forehead a bit.

He seemed relaxed as if nothing in this world could affect him. It was part of his game to help others lower their guard around him. One would think a poker-faced lawyer was the best bet, but being a bit laidback was better, as it naturally angered the other team if they saw their subtle jabs didn’t work on him.

"President Zhao." He bowed his head, his arms straight beside him.

Zhao Lifei nodded her head and shifted her gaze to the room where Ling Fulei was already seated. His shoulders were loose while he leisurely took a sip of the coffee offered to him. When he caught her stare, his lips quipped into a slight smirk. It reminded him of their youth when she would catch him skipping classes and he’d toss her the smallest smirk. Like she had done in the past, she gave him a sickly-sweet smile — the same one she used to give before dragging him back to class.

"I see not much has changed." Ling Fulei started off the conversation, standing to his feet. "Well, except for the fact that you’re the CEO of your own company."

Glancing out the window of the tall skyscraper building, he let out a small whistle. "Quite an impressive feat for a company that only started three years ago." His eyes traveled back to her confident and self-assured form. "It makes me wonder the magic you can work as CEO of Zhao Corporation."

"You speak as if we’re friends when we’re mere acquaintances." Zhao Lifei chuckled coldly, walking to her chair, her low-heels clicking on the floor.

"It would be reassuring to be acquainted with the CEO of Zhao Corporation."

She knew what he was doing. He wanted to know if she was going to be eyeing that position. "Do you have so much time in the world to have useless discussions like this?" She quirked a brow, gesturing for him to take a seat while she did too.

"Only when it involves you."

Zhao Lifei gave him a pointed look, her eyes gesturing to the bodyguards outside, bearing the infamous Yang clan pins on their collar. She was glad to see them this morning, through the air around them felt very dark but not in a menacing way.

Ling Fulei glanced around the room. His entourage of assistants and secretaries were listening with open-ears. There was a question pressing at the tip of his tongue, threatening to come out. But it was not the best moment for that. ’Whatever.’ He thought to himself before asking, "How is you-know-who doing?"

"Pardon?" Zhao Lifei skeptically looked at him like he was stupid. Who the hell was you-know-who? Was it Yang Feng? The chances of that were unlikely since they were close acquaintances.

Then her brain clicked. Lu Minhong. Her face became chillier, shifting into an emotionless poker face. "That’s none of your concern, is it?"

Ling Fulei frowned. "I was just curious."

"To know if he’s up for a beating?" Zhao Lifei will never forgive him for what happened behind their school. It was one of the worst beatings she had seen Lu Minhong receive.

"I severely punished those bastards without hesitation, you know that." Ling Fulei seethed through clenched teeth. His jaw ticked at the memory of his followers who acted without orders. He ensured all of them got the worst punishment he could fathom.

"Why don’t we begin the meeting, President Ling?" Zhao Lifei sniped out with a disapproving frown.

Ling Fulei checked the time. He let out a sigh through his nose. "I went off-topic, I apologize." He muttered, gesturing for his secretary to come forth with the contract.

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