Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 401 - Mosquito Bites

"I don’t understand what you’re trying to say..." Yang Ruqin trailed off when he narrowed his eyes, diminishing the clarity within it.

"First you ignore my texts and calls for a week, then you randomly show up unannounced with the audacity to ask for a hug. What am I to you?" He harshly asked her, refusing to allow his heart be played like an instrument. And she seemed like the exact type of woman who could crush it without blinking.

Yang Ruqin bit her bottom lip, fiddling her fingers and playing with the decorative things every few seconds. He was fuming and she knew it. "F-friends?"

"Friends?" Huo Qiudong coldly repeated, his eyes freezing over. The customary warmth he had for her was beginning to die out.

Seeing the fleeting light and the shriveling respect he had for her, Yang Ruqin panicked. "Qiudong, wait--"

He ignored her and stepped back, crossing his arms and drawing an invisible boundary line between them. "You must think I’m easy to play and manipulate, that I’m a gullible little fool." His disappointed voice strung fear through her core. She didn’t realize how invested she was until she felt overwhelming anxiety. Nervous that she might lose him altogether, she took a step forward, but he took two steps back.

"That’s enough." Huo Qiudong ignored the prickle of his heart when her face crumbled. She flinched as if she had been slapped by his words. "Go home. I don’t have time for games."

He turned his back to her and began walking towards his desk when suddenly, he heard the loud clicks of her low heels. Without warning, small fists were pounding at his back and a burst of emotion came from her mouth. "Y-you big meanie! I hate you, I-I-" Her words died off in her throat when he turned around without warning, his eyes blazing.

"Is it fun?"

"W-what is?"

"To play with my heart like this." He snarled, clearly offended by her words and actions.

Yang Ruqin was further hurt by his words and her expressive face showed it. "Oh my goodness, you’re denser than my low EQ brother!" She shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air.

"For the record, my EQ is exceptionally high—" His words were trapped in his mouth when she abruptly sealed her lips over his. His eyes widened larger than the moon as two pairs of hands brought his face even closer to hers. He wasted no time in grabbing her hips, yanking her closer to him. A hand traveled to the back of her head, angling it and deepening the kiss. Their lips were slightly off-sync, but the sparks spurring from it was enough to distract both of them. Greedily, they kissed each other as if both had been starved of affection.

Nothing could come in between their feverous lips, ignited with passion and hunger. Eventually, Yang Ruqin broke the kiss to breathe, but he didn’t stop there, only giving her a second to catch her breath before slamming his lips back down onto her. For someone who only dated two women, his skills were exceptional.

Their lips engaged in a tangle as old as time when their bodies couldn’t. With the heavy heat in between them, they might as well have been in a bedroom and not an office. There was enough desire to set the entire place on fire and neither of them seemed to care.

Finally, after a lifetime had coursed through them, did they finally break apart from the kiss. Yang Ruqin could feel her puffing chest and drumming heart. Her body was warm and her lips felt tingly.

"Idiot. Fool. Buffoon. Stupid." She cursed at him, naming every insult she could find, but in the end, came up empty-handed.

"How dense can you be to not realize my feelings for you? Play with your heart? Why would I do that when you have mine wrapped around your damn pinky, which for the record, is abnormally long!" Her cheeks reddened when she was about to blurt out, ’just like something else is long!’

Dazzled and bewildered by her words, Huo Qiudong’s face turned blank. He blinked and stared at her as if she had discovered the secret to the universe. "H-huh?" Was the only reaction his blank mind could give her.

"I’m not saying that again." Highly embarrassed by her unexpected confession, Yang Ruqin turned on her heels and prepared to storm out of the room. She took one step when two, strong arms hauled her against a brick wall.

"Is what you said true? Are you in love with me?"

"Maybe if your EQ raised a bit, you would know!"

Huo Qiudong’s lips twitched while he attempted to suppress the face-splitting grin from breaking out. "Don’t be angry, little one." Finally, a gentle smile graced his lips while he hugged her tighter. He really, really wished he could see her face right now. He could only see her reddened ears whose color must’ve matched her burning cheeks.

Yang Ruqin scoffed, "I’m not angry."

Her behavior reminded Huo Qiudong of a little kitty baring her adorable little claws at him. "If it makes you feel better, I like you too."

"P-pft, who said anything about me liking you?" Yang Ruqin tried to play it off cool as if she hadn’t just confessed her dying love for him a minute ago. She was just too embarrassed that her emotions got the best of her. It was the first time she made the first move and the feeling was oddly reassuring.

"You did." He tilted his head, "If I remember correctly, you precisely said, ’Why would I do that when you have mine wrapped around--" She slapped a hand over his mouth, turning to face him with an embarrassed face.

"S-shut it!" She stammered, her confidence flushed down the drain like her will to stay in this place any longer. She wished a hole would open up and swallow her whole!

Huo Qiudong’s smile widened at her flustered expression. Oh, how the tables have turned on. He seized the opportunity to kiss her palm, earning a startled yelp from her. Her eyes widened at his unexpected actions, "What are you doing?!"

"I don’t know, why don’t you tell me since my EQ is so low?"

"Aha! So you admit it!"

"You’re such a mood-killer." Huo Qiudong’s irritation washed away with a small chuckle.

"Hm, what’s that, Mr. Zero EQ?"

Huo Qiudong rolled his eyes at the childish bunny in his arms. "How creative."

She rubbed her nose with a smug smile, "Well, granted that I’m a RISING designer taking over the fashion industry by storm and becoming my own big-thigh, I can proudly say that I am indeed, very creative."

Huo Qiudong gave her an incredulous look. Spoiled and with a big ego. She was surely going to be a handful to handle. "Luckily for you, I can tolerate your large ego."

"Hey, I need to have a large ego in order to distract you from my flat—" She slapped a hand over her mouth, groaning at how much of a babble mouth she was. ’Now he knows I’m an A cup, only on a good day. Fantastic. I can just die right here and right now.’

"It’s okay. Sometimes, luck is not on your side, and it might look like a mosquito bite--OW!" He groaned when she smacked him on the forehead.

"Shut up! It’s a B-Cup!" Her face became as red as a tomato at her lie.

"Violence is not the answer."

"Well, too bad." Yang Ruqin crossed her arms with a glare. "Are you going to ask me or not?" She scowled.

"Ask what?"

"Why are the men in my life so clueless, ugh--"

Huo Qiudong chuckled, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend to whom I’ll spoil and shower with love every day?"

"T-that’s so cheesy..." Yang Ruqin stuttered, her face betraying her words. She was brimming with happiness at his corny words. He raised a brow, giving her an accusing stare. Turning her tomato face away from him, she whispered, "W-well, since you so graciously asked me to, of course, I will."

A second passed and he remained quiet.

"What?" She glared at him to which he let out a burst of laughter that sent fuzzy feelings down her spine. Her heart swelled at the bubbly sound, her face burning even more. At this point, she was pretty sure no shade of red could match the one on her face. "What is it?!" She groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"I’m sorry, it’s just... you’re too freaking cute." He attempted to suppress his laughter, but when she buried her face deeper into her hands, he couldn’t resist anymore. "Seriously, way too cute." His arms tightened around her, guiding her face and hands into his chest while he enveloped her in a bear hug.

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