Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 406 - What a Pity

Zhao Lifei hadn’t thought she would find herself at a social gathering so soon. She wasn’t prepared to stumble upon so many familiar faces, but equally familiar intentions. When she mentioned a small banquet, Zhao Lifei assumed it would be a handful of people.

The muslin silk curtains, open-garden, and adequate classical music played by a live choir indicated it was hardly a tiny banquet. The people here were meant to socialize and mingle. It was Autumn, but certain species of flowers were splendidly blooming, their petals dangling with gleaming dew.

A large and untouched piano sat upon an empty stage, presumably awaiting the genius who would bless the audience today.

"Sweet child, you have arrived." Ge Yafan was dressed as graceful as Zhao Lifei remembered. A grey shawl made from merino wool was snuggly wrapped around her neck while her hands were draped with vintage jade and nothing less. Minimal make-up concealed some fine wrinkles, but she showed off the rest without shame. Her unwavering confidence towards the marks on her face was what made her so charming in the first place. She was simple and dignified, even after years of farming had toughened her hands.

"I apologize for ambushing you like this. I too had expected a small group of people, but my rubbish son declared it would be best to invite others. The more the merrier he claims, but I just think he’s lonely and is in dire need of a companion." Ge Yafan flicked her wrist in a disapproving manner toward the direction of her son who was entertaining a group of leisurely dressed men. Their outfits weren’t special, but Zhao Lifei knew better. The most important people were often ones who dressed as plainly as possible, for there would be no consequence for their outfits.

Yang Feng was the only exception, but that was because he was raised to be as rigid and upright as possible. He liked to dress his best and she certainly wasn’t going to stop him from doing so. Anything he wore, even if it was a trash-bag, could be something seen during Paris Fashion Week.

"How is the baby coming along? Perfectly safe I assume? I heard having a miscarriage can raise the chances of another one, but I hope nothing goes amiss with your dear pregnancy." Ge Yafan’s unfiltered words startled Zhao Lifei whose eyes widened the slightest bit, so unnoticeable, one had to look closely to realize the fleeting light in her eyes.

Zhao Lifei was glad her heart didn’t quiver at such words. She held her ground and gently smiled, "Don’t worry, Matriarch Ge. All is well. Though the news has not been revealed to the public, it would be in our best interests to keep it private for now."

"And who is ’our’?"

Zhao Lifei’s encouraging smile said it all. Ge Yafan was amused and highly entertained to see Zhao Lifei was not the type to bow down in the face of authority. She had purposely made her words taunting with the intent of sending small jabs towards the pregnant woman. It seemed Zhao Lifei was not as weak as she had previously expected her to be...

"You have a way with words, don’t you? I presume your sharp-tongued grandfather taught you that." Ge Yafan chuckled low, her smile hiding her intent of further questioning Zhao Lifei. Her method of getting to understand a person’s intent was unorthodox in the way it went for a person’s weak spots.

"If you think he’s sharp-tongued, you’re clearly unfamiliar with me, Matriarch Ge."

"Didn’t I say I would appreciate it if you called me grandmother?"

"You certainly don’t treat me like your granddaughter." Zhao Lifei’s face was dripping with kindness, as if she was chatting about the Matriarch’s well-being, instead of having a slight face-off.

Ge Yafan grabbed the nearest ceramic cup with spiraling ridges, made from an older technique of pottery. This child was simply too entertaining to talk to. "Such behavior can be deemed disrespectful. I thought you were taught to bow down to your elders?"

"Only to those who deserve it." Zhao Lifei chuckled while halting a waitress and grabbing her own cup of oolong tea. The freshly brewed earthy and woody notes could be smelled from a simple waft.

"You think I don’t deserve it? Your words truly wound my poor... feeble heart." Ge Yafan placed a hand upon her heart as if she was experiencing unbearable pain.

"Oh dear, perhaps I can recommend you a good heart doctor. I do remember my investment firm sponsoring a great hospital outside of the city." Zhao Lifei let out a peal of tiny laughter that resembled trinkets of bells, pleasant to the ears, but sharp and attention-grabbing. Her words were meant to sound caring, but the threats were clear.

"Such a generous little thing you are." Ge Yafan truly enjoyed a challenge and Zhao Lifei’s inability to feel fear towards the aging woman was a bonus. "I can see why my grandson is fond of you, though your behavior beckons the grim side of others."

"It wouldn’t beckon it if one didn’t poke the bear." Zhao Lifei’s eyes sharpened when she saw a small woman making her way across the gardens. She was accompanied by a group of socialites who were glamorously dressed, but all of their appearances paled in comparison to the ring leader.

"Finally, the piano prodigy has arrived. I was waiting all morning for her to show up."

Zhao Lifei noticed something was different about Zhao Linhua. Her hair was duller than usual and there seemed to be more make-up used to conceal her face. There were visible eye-bags under her eyes that had been expertly hidden with color-correcting concealers and foundation. Her shoulders were slightly hunched and she walked with the smallest limp, so tiny, Zhao Lifei had to strain her eyes to realize it. Even so, nothing could diminish the glow of her eyes when it landed upon the gleaming, grand piano coated in obsidian black. Music was her passion, but not her dream. Even so, she behaved as if it was.

"I’m sure you’re well acquainted with her, seeing as you’re her older sister." Ge Yafan carefully analyzed Zhao Lifei’s face. She was severely disappointed to find nothing had changed with Zhao Lifei’s mellow and self-assured posture. Her shoulders were laid back as if nothing could ever faze the heiress.

Zhao Lifei was surprised her sister was even standing up on the stage today. She thought Yang Feng had done something to her... And from the lack of Wang Nuoli’s presence, her suspicions were confirmed.

Wang Nuoli didn’t go anywhere without her treasured daughter. If Zhao Linhua’s fingers so much as grazed a piano, Wang Nuoli would be present to boast and fan her daughter’s confidence. So where was that supportive mother? Where was that small murmur in the background, modestly boasting of her younger daughter’s achievements, as if she was an only child?

"Every prodigy has to start somewhere." Zhao Lifei briefly commented, taking a small sip of the calming oolong tea. She didn’t even blink at the blatant jab towards her side. Her eyes boredly surveyed the highly-interested people in the room whose praises and whispers resembled the loud clamor in world-renowned auditoriums where only genius’ like Zhao Linhua were welcomed.

"Oh my god, is that Zhao Linhua?"

"It really is! I thought she was taking a long hiatus from performing? What is she doing here all of a sudden?"

"Regardless of the reason, it’s such a blessing to see her play!"

Voices of agreements chimed in, the garden buzzing with new chatter in the air. Pairs of eyes were slowly gluing itself toward the self-made prodigy whose skills lined entire bookshelves worth of endless arrays of trophies.

And then Zhao Lifei noticed something too startling for her to fathom. Zhao Linhua’s arms, though covered with silky white sleeves that bellowed out towards the scalloped ends, were covered with bandages. All of her pale fingers were securely wrapped. What had happened?

"Oh dear, it seems she’s injured." Ge Yafan commented loud enough for people to hear and turn towards her direction. And because she drew attention to her, everyone’s gaze naturally gravitated towards the stunning young woman beside her.

"What a pity..." Ge Yafan spoke up, her words causing Zhao Linhua to slightly flinch on the stage. "The piano would greatly accompany this colorful Autumn setting. Don’t you think so, sweet child?" She turned towards Zhao Lifei, purposely placing her as the center of everyone’s attention.

Zhao Lifei could feel her heart grow heavy at the implied message. She knew what was coming next.

"If I remember correctly, you used to also play the piano." Ge Yafan’s smile was gentle and beckoning, but also a bit worried, for her reputation was on the line. She had promised the people a piano prodigy would play, but who would’ve thought Zhao Linhua was injured to such a point? And she already had a suspicion on who caused this injury. Of course, that man didn’t know Zhao Linhua was supposed to attend this social gathering.

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