Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 61: The Past And The Future

Zhao Lifei was too busy daydreaming out the window to even hear the whisper coming from her phone in the background.

She pressed a finger onto the window and started tracing out the people below that looked like little ants.

She didn’t realize that her emotions were growing unstable as if she was taken back to the version of her from two years ago. She had sworn to her grandfather she would keep her emotions in control. She had gotten out of that black hole and she did not plan on returning. It was what she had learned after spending days and nights with her team of therapists.

The devil on her shoulder used to be her - the real her. A delusional woman who chased after a man and went crazy when she got rejected.

"The past can never be changed." She muttered, completely forgetting her phone call with Yang Feng.

"Yes, but the future is destined for change." Yang Feng spoke up, completely confused at her behavior. She sounded woozy. Was she drunk?

As if in a daze, Zhao Lifei tilted her head to the side. Destined for a change...? Who was the man that was speaking to her?

It was becoming hard for her to concentrate.

She painfully squeezed her eyes closed when the world started spinning. She stumbled across the living room before finally collapsing onto the couch. Perhaps it was the combination of the drink and overworking herself while playing the piano, but she felt tired and her mind was clouded.

"Change? You make it sound so positive when the future can also spiral out of control." She whispered, her voice heavy.

Yang Feng paused at her words, his lips pressing together. He didn’t think she would harbor such bad thoughts. It didn’t match up with the person he had interacted with the past few weeks. Was she always this negative?

"Then seize control of it. The past is already out of your grasp, but the future is within the palm of your hands. What are you afraid of?" He climbed out of the car, his long legs quickly carrying him into Sky Arc Complex.

"Sir, please show your identification-" The receptionist said as the security team stepped forward. But instantly, they were blocked by a barrier of Yang Feng’s men. The security team tensed up as they remembered how familiar this scene was. The last time this happened, one of their valued tenants had been carried back to her home unconscious and it was by this same man.

Effortlessly holding back these feeble people, the men dressed in black exuded a dark aura and seemed more like soldiers than body guards. Their eyes were lifeless and bleak as if they won’t flinch at the idea of murder.

A few women paused to admire Yang Feng as he walked towards the elevator. Tall legs that seemed to stretch for miles, suit jacket hanging on his shoulders, swept back hair, and his signature lethal gaze.

His mysterious persona drew the women in the lobby closer. He was dressed like a wealthy businessman with a black trench coat hanging on his shoulders, but the way he confidently strutted with one hand tucked in his pocket made him look like a Mafia boss. Just who exactly was this man?

It wasn’t until a few caught a better glimpse of his face did they step back in fear. It was the legendary Yang Feng who swept the business world by storm! He was famed for ruining the monopoly in the market and within the few years since he became CEO of Yang Enterprise, had completely controlled a lot of the major businesses in the country.

They couldn’t believe that a man of such background and power was walking into Sky Arc Complex.

Sky Arc Complex may be a luxurious apartment complex, but it was not fancy enough to be the residence of choice for those who were in the upper realm of the wealthy families. It houses a couple of popular celebrities and some second generation heirs, but most of the residents are middle-class families who have a significant amount of money. There was a small handful of wealthy people who liked to ’hide’ in the building since the security was tight enough to make sure no one uninvited has access.

Yang Feng’s level was considered simply too high for Sky Arc. He wasn’t someone they could afford to offend.

"I’m not afraid of anything." She quietly said, hugging her stomach with one hand as she stared out of the enormous window taking over the entire wall. It was obvious she didn’t believe in her words.

"Don’t lie to me." Yang Feng’s voice was so soft, she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling within her.

"Now, be a good girl and open the door." He knocked on it, waiting for her to do so.

He was able to unlock her apartment door easily last time because of her fingerprints and gullibility to mumble answers to questions while she was asleep. But when he tried to type the password he remembered, he found out she had changed it.

His mood dampened at her actions but he was proud that she was, at the least, attempting to tighten her security. However, he still took offense that she did it against him. Who else knew of her password anyway? By changing her password, didn’t it mean she saw him as a stranger?

Zhao Lifei felt a slight buzzing in her head and her cheeks felt warm. Stumbling to the door, she opened it to see him standing there in all of his glory. Once again, she felt mesmerized by him. The lights from the hallway flooded her dark living room, adding an ethereal glow around him.

There was something about that clean-cut and alluring face of his that always seemed to draw her in. She had seen many handsome men in her lifetime and rarely do they ever catch her attention. To her, even if he was enchantingly handsome, what good would it bring? She felt confused at the way her heart skipped a tiny beat when the left side of his lips tilted up into a smirk.

"Well, are you going to let me in?" He mischievously asked her, teasing her for being so awestruck by him. His appearance was the same from this morning, but after running his hand through his hair so many times, it was a bit messy and there were a few strands falling into his eyes.

Unconsciously she reached up to brush it aside. He was surprised at her movement but he responded by bending down so that it was easier for her to reach up to him.

"You’re drunk." He pointed out, noticing her flushed cheeks and the way she smiled at him like a little fool. If only she would be this adorable while sober.

"Hm?" She mused as she twirled the strand of his hair instead of tucking it back. He chuckled at how obedient she had become which was unlike her usual self that always seemed to want to start an argument. On top of that, she was never this voluntarily touchy.

"And why do you have the lights turned off? It’s depressing." He gently grabbed her fingers, holding it like it was a treasure worth billions.

"How much did you drink?" He asked her as he flipped on the light switch and guided her back into the apartment with his hand on her small back.

His eyes trailed to the kitchen counter and he was startled to see an empty bottle of wine. He trailed his eyes away from the bottle and to her small stature, wondering how a tiny woman like her was able to drink that much.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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