Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 3: Prince and Emperor

Chapter 3: Prince and Emperor

A mechanical voice sounded for everyone to hear:

"Portal initialization. Do you have a place in mind?

"West city, close to Capsule Corp

"A portal has been opened! Congratulations!"

A gigantic door appeared in the treasury house. Before he could step out:

"Before anything. I will tell you something you should absolutely know before stepping. Do not act out of place, do not speak if I do not give you the order, try to be as lowkey as possible, even if you see me getting beaten up. Do not intervene, do you hear me Shahrazad?

-But, Big-

-This order is absolute! The people we are going to meet are as strong as gods. They could destroy any empire by their simple whim. Do not mistake yourself! We are here seeking help, not as a great empire. Girls, cast all pride aside! You hear me?!

-Yes, your majesty!


The door opened, a solemn face appeared on the four of them. They walked over and almost instantly were taken by an attraction that seemed to bend anything. The next moment they appeared in a futuristic city that seemed to have normal people as well as humanoid shaped intelligent animals. Shahrazad talked first as she examined the futuristic buildings, and weird shaped vehicles:

"What a strange place

-Get used to that, it's going to happen a lot from now on. You better keep you mind open."

"Look, Trunks, there is a weird door!!

-Wow, what weird discovery, Goten!!!"

As he heard the two children laughing their way to him. Marek stood in place.

'Dammit! I didn't even had time to close the portal! I wouldn't have teleported so close if I had time!'

He took a deep breath and smiled at the two children. Shahrazad who saw the two coming over giggled:

"What cute children, look at the shape and color of their hair."

'Dammit, woman do you want to kill me, those kids could end our entire dynasty with their little finger!'

Trunks then stopped in front of the princess his eyes baffled :

"What a beautiful nee-san! Ne! What's your name?

She smiled to the cute child, patting his head:

"My name is Shahrazad, I am a princess of a distant country.

"Princess? My dad is also a prince! He is the prince of all saiyans!" said the Trunks with pride all over his face.

Marek immediately took the opportunity to ship in:

"We are here to discuss work with your mother, Trunks"

The kid finally took time to look at him, surprise on his face:

"Your voice?! Are you a fusion like Gotenks?!

-I kind of I am, but not reallyI will tell you about it later, I really want to discuss something with your mom.

"Really? What work?

-I actually want to buy a lot of things from her!

-Good! Follow me! Lets go Goten!


Excited their legs parted with the ground and they started flying.

All the other women were shocked to their core.

They made way to Capsul Corp's guest room and Trunks has gone to call on his mother. Goten stayed with us asking all kind of question:

"Where is your country? What was this weird portal?"

Marek answered all his questions with a smile on his face. They were even surprised by the patience that their monarch has towards that child.

Goten was left flying everywhere with excitement:

"So you are saying your world is even outside of the King Kai domain?! And there is a lot of strong people there too?! That sounds so exciting!!"

As they kept rambling an attractive mature woman with clear blue hair and green skirt, entered the room with Trunks on her side:

"They are here, Mom! They look really funny!"

Marek kept checking the surroundings.

'Really? I can't even find him? If the kids saw the portal, there is no way 'he' didn't detect it?'

Bulma analyzed everyone of this curious visitors.

'They don't look malicious. But they don't look like normal people'

As they approached, Marek stood up and gave a gentlemanly bow, demonstrating his profound bearing, shocking all his followers.

Marek was the Emperor, him boing before someone, was a clear signal that this woman was a big deal. He then elegantly spoke:

"Hello, I am Marek Vega, Emperor of the Combrosia Empire. I came from another dimension.

Miss Bulma, CEO of the Capsul Corp, rumors of your elegance doesn't betray you at all, it's like time stopped moving for you alone."

As he spoke those words, he felt a mountain of killing intent targeting from the left. Marek barely managed to keep himself composed as he smiled:

'So HE is here, indeed'

Shahrazad kept her calm demeanor but she was pouting inside:

'Big brother, never ever said those things to me! How hateful! Watch how I will get even with you! Hmph!'

Bulma, who is not accustomed to hearing sweet words from the blockheads she hangs out with was putting a happy face:

"What a good child! So well mannered! Tell me what you want! This Ane will get it done! "

Shahrazad lips were twitching:

'Ane? How dare you be so shameless, you old hag!'

"If I may inconvenience you, we are foreign to this world. But we are her to strike a deal with your Capsule Corp. We want to buy enough food and clothing for 700000 people for 6 days and we want to use your capsules to transport."

Bulma who just had a silly look on her face, turned serious as she was pondering over the proposition.

"You look in a hurry, you didn't even contact any food production or clothing production company, did you?"

As she spoke her gaze pierced right through him.

'As expected of the woman who tamed Goku and Vegeta. She is not that easy to deal with. She is testing me. Despite her quircks, Bulma is a kindhearted woman. She wants to see who I really am, to see if she helps me.'

"As expected of Miss Bulma, your wisdom is unparalleled. I actually am in a very compromising situation. I wish I had met you in a better situation."

She sighed :

"Okay, I get it. What about the payement?

"I don't posses your currency. But I could down pay 1 tone of Gold. And add 2 Tons later."

As he said that. The girls almost wanted to vomit blood :

'That much?!! For mere food and clothing?!! Isn't that plain robbery?!'

As he announced, the beautiful Bulma started laughing:

"Well, you're loaded as heck!! What a good kid! You understand your situation very well! You know what? Ane will do you a favor and only accept the 1 Ton of Gold! What do you think?

-Your grace has reached this Emperor.

Shahrazad who knew, the meaning of the conversation, had her face down, her hands clenching on her dress.

'She knows we are on a pinch and without her help, even if we can buy at a cheaper price, we can't get it on time. Only her company could do that, in the amount of time required. She overpricing and selling us a favor, what dangerous woman.'

-Good, your goods should be ready in 4 hours.

She said smiling as she sipped her cup of tea.

-But I believe that's not all you came for.

Tension started spreading in the room. The followers of Marek had question marks all over their face. Even Shahrazad was surprised but looking at the face of her beloved she had a bad hunch in her heart.

He reached for the tea that was just served, wallowing in its bitter sweetness. He then took a deep breath

"First, I would like to say that I delegate the responsibility of all of this deal to my wife Shahrazad. The deal will be accomplished by her alone. Whatever happens after that."

As he said, that bad hunch grew into certainty. Something was about to go down!


Bulma responded in a reassuring tone.

"The second deal is about the Dragon Balls."

As he said the killing intent skyrocketed again. This time Marek couldn't maintain his posture at all. Even sitting on the sofa, he started breathing heavily. Bulma expression became stern:

"What do you want to do with the Dragon Balls?"

"Before saying what I want. I should say what I can offer in exchange."

Bulma snickered :

"And what could you offer that should be equivalent to a wish from Shenron ?"

"I have information, vital information for the survival of your planet."

Bulma paused, her face becoming solemn:

"Someone that could destroy Earth. I would like to know who is that ? Even Buu couldn't do it."

Marek smiled viciously looking at Bulma as if looking at an ignorant infant, he sipped his tea and addressed the whole room:

"You would be surprised, Miss Bulma."

"Prince Vegeta, Beerus is awakening from his slumber."

As he announced that, the wall broke down as a powerful silhouette strangled Marek:

"What did you say?!"

A frightened expression could be seen on Vegeta's face. Looking at him, Bulma realized the gravity of the situation. Marek was pinned in the wall, blood coming out of his mouth. The powerful hand making it for him nearly impossible to speak.

"BeeThe godofDES"

"Vegeta!! Let him speak!"

He got his hand of him and ordered:

"Talk, you ant !!"

He barely stood up as he looked eyes with the Prince of Saiyans.

"I won't! I will only do it if I get the Dragon Balls!

-What did you say?!

His hair started going yellow from the anger. But Marek stood his ground, unyielding:

-This is the deal I proposed, you get information, I get the Dragon-

He didn't even finished, that he was punched through all the Capsul Corp residence.

'Dammit, so strong. And he is using infetesimal power to not kill me.

-How dare a puny human like you talk deals with The Prince of Saiyans!?

Despite the pain, the emperor stood up from the rabble as he looked eyes again with his foe:

-I won't relent! Even if I have to die today!

When she saw the bloodied appearance, rage invaded Shahrazad mind as she was bout to pounce on Vegeta. But Marek cried with all his lungs:


He said with all the power he could gather. Bulma who saw the dedication towards his beloved decided to intervene in the matter:

"For what do you want the Dragon Balls? And remember if you lie, I will know!"

He looked at Bulma, as he smiled with his bloodied face:

"I wantGHA.I want to become a Saiyan!"

Bulma covered her mouth with her hand. Vegeta looked over as he started laughing:


-Laugh all you want. That is what all this deal is all about!


He looked over with his frail voice:

-You will have to kill me, then! OH GREAT PRINCE OF SAIYANS!!

He immediatly got kicked into oblivion again. Pain that he never felt before invaded every pore of his body.

'Dammit, that hurts so bad. I feel that my whole body is broken. What might!!'

He got closer, each of his steps made the earth tremble, the whole building was already breaking apart. Shahrazad looking at this power was biting her lips in frustration:

'They are indeed as strong as gods. Its obvious he is holding back a great deal.'


-Pride? Is that what's going to feed my starving country? Is that what's going to heal dying elderly and weeping woman? IS THAT WHAT'S GOING TO AVENGE THE GRIEF OF MY PEOPLE! TELL ME PRINCE VEGETA!

Vegata's anger was transformed in surprise as his mind wandered elsewhere. Not an instant after, a vicious smile appeared on his face:

-You seem to be suffering a great deal, little shit. Let me end you from your misery!

But even then, Marek didn't relent:

-You can't do THAT! Only I can do so by MY OWN! For even if I become the strongest of the world, if I LOSE MY COUNTRY I WILL ALWAYS BE THE MAN WHO LET DOWN HIS PEOPLE!

He continued to advance a murderous light in his eyes. As he got closer blinding lights descended from above as numerous silhouettes appeared, power oozing out from them.

It was the Z fighters! Krillin was the one who spoke first:

"Vegeta! Are you crazy? He is only a normal human!!"

Goku had a serious and quite angry expression as he was about to step in, but someone didn't allow him to do so:

"SON GOKU!! Hero of the Earth! Do not intervene! This between ME AND HIM! For even if I have to die today THIS EMPEROR WILL SEE IT TO THE END!"

Extraordinary pride could be heard from his words, his bloodied face continued to show a determined grin, making even the people infinitely stronger than him, tremble with excitement.

Son Goku looked deeply at this man. Looking at his expression, he suddenly remembered someone who used to burn with the same fire when they were in Namek, his biggest rival, who he knew better than anyone.

He then looked at Vegeta and finally noticed the subtly hidden smile on his face that only he could notice.

He then said with a grin on his face:

"Okay, have fun, buddy."

He continued smiling childishly as he talked:

-Lets do this, Prince Vege-!!

Before he could finish, he was kicked again, his whole chest cavity was now shattered rubbish! Kirillin couldn't take it anymore:

"Goku, if you aren't gonna do anything about it! I will go myself"

As he was about to go, a hand stopped him, it was Bulma's with a serious expression on :

"Stop. Believe me."

Seeing that even Piccolo was motionless. He finally relented.

Shahrazad who saw everything that unfolded has streams of blood coming out from her clenched hands as she looked at her beloved being toyed in the hands of others.

'This humiliation! I will surely pay it back! Prince Vegeta!'

Time passed as the situation got worse and worse.

But one thing was sure, he kept unrelentingly getting back up again and again. And as his body soaked in smudge of deformed limbs and mushed internal organs, his weak grin grew wider and wider.

The previously concealed smile of Vegeta, turned in a visible one as he asked:

"What are you laughing at? You crazy bastard!"

"You tell me first! Prince Vegeta!"

"You still have the guts to address this Prince! Good!!!""

He sent him flying for the seventh time. Even after that he weakly stood up, the tendon of his legs were visible. His smile was still on.

Inside he felt, in addition, to hellish pain, a deep sense of accomplishment that kept making him happier and happier:

'So that what that feels like! To fight for greatness! It makes any other thing in the world meaningless! What a thrill!'

Looking at the unrelenting light in the eyes of the young Emperor, Vegeta smirked looking at his bloodied fists.

"This is getting boring"

He then loosened his grip as he turned to Goku:

"Kakaroto we need to prepare, someone super-dangerous is coming to Earth.

-I know, the King Kai heard your conversation.

-Good, get the details from him."

He turned around and left. As she heard the last words, Shahrazad collapsed as tears started dripping from her face. She was a mess.

'He did it! Finally! This is over!'

She didn't know how many times, she wanted to blind herself just so she wouldn't see this horrible scene. She contained herself, her worry, and her feelings to not hurt the one she cared the most about. Bulma who saw, and who knew the most what she had gone through, took her in her arms as she whispered to her:

"You are brave girl, aren't you. Cry it out, little princess"

Goku witnessing the whole ordeal and seeing the happy face of Marek, nodded a goofy smile on his face:

"I like this guy!"

Krillin with his hand on his forehead complained:

"Of course, you like him. Only crazy people like each other."

Gohan who looked at crying Shahrazad:

"Like Mom and Bulma, this poor girl will have it hard!"

When he said that, everyone started laughing in their signature manner. As Vegeta was preparing to take his leave, his back against the others:

"Little shit, what was your name again?"

Marek whose vocal cords were tattered still managed to squeeze words:


"Marek, huh. When you are done with the Dragon Balls, I will be waiting for you at the Hyperbolic time Chamber."

And then he disappeared. Hearing these last words, Marek fainted an elated smile on his face.

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