My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 191 Settler (2)

Chapter 191 Settler (2)

Episode 191 Settler (2)

The Lesque Kingdom was the southernmost of the four kingdoms that formed an alliance in the western part of the Ion Continent.

Its unique characteristic was that it had a vast grain belt, large enough to be called the largest food production area in the west.

It was the result of their efforts over a long period, focusing on expanding their farmland, thanks to their warm climate which was optimal for growing crops.

‘And the existence of the Picaol Cathedral is also special.’

The cathedral, built on the spot where the second Immortal King fell 300 years ago.

The place where Heinrich had visited to obtain the holy sword was historically and religiously significant.

And since it was the only cathedral in the western part of the continent, it also played the role of overseeing the surrounding parishes.

And Geos Calkin, the spear knight who was a member of the hero party—.

Was a noble with the title of count in this country.

“Welcome back, Master. I’ve been hearing about you, but I’m relieved to see you safe and sound.”

“…Yes. You’ve also worked hard, Oliver.”

“Hahaha, there’s nothing to it, old man. It’s just managing the house. It’s nothing compared to what you do, Master.”

The place Heinrich and his party arrived at after Viscount Glatan’s territory was a small village in a remote barony, even within the kingdom.

It was a territory they couldn’t reach using the temple’s gate and had to use Isea’s teleportation magic.

This was Geos’s hometown.

“Oh my, I apologize for greeting our guests late. I’m Oliver, the caretaker of this mansion. I’ll do my best to make sure you’re comfortable. Please let me know if you need anything.”

An elderly gentleman dressed as a butler bowed politely and greeted the party.

Although the Lesque Kingdom wasn’t a large country, a count was still considered a high-ranking noble.

Naturally, it wasn’t strange for him to have a villa with a butler in his hometown.

“Come to think of it, you said you were a count, Sir Geos. Then do you also have a territory?”

Isea looked at him curiously after Oliver left to prepare their meal.

She was also like him, having gained her title solely through her abilities, but she hadn’t received a territory because she hadn’t made any significant contributions back then.

And Princess Riley was also in the middle of a power struggle with the Crown Prince, so it was difficult for her to take care of Isea separately.

‘It would be troublesome to receive a territory now, since I’m planning to return to Earth in a few years anyway.’

But she couldn’t help but be curious about his situation, as he was in a similar position to her.

After all, the foundation of a noble’s power was their territory.

“…I recently liquidated all my assets and resigned from my position as lord. I don’t have the time to take responsibility for others right now.”


“But I couldn’t bring myself to sell this mansion. …This is my hometown, and also the place where I met my wife. So we stayed here instead of my territory unless there was something special.”

Being a lord, the owner of a territory, was a position that came with many responsibilities.

He was responsible for not only guiding the way for thousands, tens of thousands of people, but also for their survival.

And the territory he received was a barren land, even though it was called a county in name.

It was a headache even in peaceful times, with so many things to worry about, but in this chaotic era, it was impossible to protect the people of his territory with ordinary effort…

He didn’t have the energy to do that after losing his family, which was everything to him.


Isea cleared her throat and subtly gauged his reaction.

She felt like she had made a mistake, bringing up a painful subject, but unlike her worries, he didn’t show any change in expression, just indifferent.

As if he didn’t even have the energy to express his emotions anymore.

“Of course, it doesn’t matter now. There’s a reason why we came all the way here, isn’t there?”

But his indifference didn’t mean that he had abandoned all his emotions.

His heart was filled with emptiness, having been worn down, but…

There was still a strong emotion that spurred him on—.

That emotion, ‘rage’, burning brightly even in the void, was his driving force.

“Right! That’s right! We didn’t come all this way to play!”

“An otherworlder… I hope he’s an Earthling like me. I wonder what country he’s from.”

“Hmm, then should we have dinner and leave right away? I hope we can get something out of this trip, now that we’re here.”

The other party members each spoke up.

Yes, the reason they came all this way…

Was to exploit the Immortal King’s weakness, who had shown vulnerability to Hesperon’s ‘special ability as an otherworlder’.

To find someone who knew about him and obtain information somehow.


Although Geos had a youthful appearance thanks to his high level, he was the oldest member of the party, having entered his forties.

‘Well, come to think of it, it’s only natural.’

Actually, awakened ones, who grew rapidly with the help of various buffs and skills, were the unusual ones.

It was only natural for the people of this world, who had to train rigorously to raise their level, to reach that age.

‘That’s why people revere Isea as a genius mage.’

She was only in her twenties, but she had already reached the level of an Archmage, and she was still growing!

Heinrich was an exception because he was a hero chosen by God, and Harley didn’t feel that strange because he was a Dragonborn and looked older than his age, but…

Isea was a pure human and even looked like a young girl in her mid-teens, so it was even more shocking.

“It’s been over twenty years since I first met him. Back then, I never imagined… that I would become like this.”

They had been walking for about ten minutes, following the path that led down the hill from the mansion to the village.

Geos, who was leading the way, looked around and muttered softly, seemingly lost in thought.

How many twists and turns had there been for a young, orphaned commoner boy to reach his current position?

His experiences were probably as eventful as ‘Harley’s Great Adventure’.

‘No, maybe not that much.’

Harley, who was proud of his story, stroked his chin and thought seriously, then nodded heavily.

He thought he needed to add a more dramatic scenario soon.

“Sniff! But mister, do you think he’s still there? What if he moved somewhere else…”

“…No. It’s been two months since I last saw him, so he’ll still be there. He even attended my family’s funeral… He took care of me when I was struggling…”


Another landmine.

It seemed like it was better to just shut up in this current situation where everything was a minefield.

“And he won’t be able to leave his current home.”


After walking for a while, following Geos who was lost in thought,

They arrived at a fairly large village at the foot of the hill and crossed the street, receiving everyone’s attention.

“Huh! Look, don’t tell me…”

“Isn’t that Count Geos? He’s back after being gone for a while?”

“Who are those people with him?”

The villagers started murmuring, recognizing him immediately.

‘Well, it would be strange if they didn’t know him, considering he was a villager who suddenly became a noble and returned, even building a mansion and settling down nearby.’

And his position was even higher than the baron, the lord of this land.

They must have benefited from him, so it was only natural for them to know him.

“…It’s here.”

And the place they arrived at, receiving everyone’s attention,

Was a building that seemed to have been built recently, the largest and cleanest in the village.

But its purpose was a bit unexpected…

“Huh? It’s Mister Geos!”

“Wow? It’s really him!”

“Daddy~! Mister Geos is here!”

“But who are those people with… Hiik?”

“Waaaah! It’s a monster! Sister! Sister!”

The children’s voices erupted from the spacious courtyard surrounded by a low fence.

There were too many of them to be siblings.

“This is?”

“…An orphanage?”

At that moment, a stranger’s voice reached the party’s ears.

“What? Geos? And a monster? Who dares to… Huh?”

A man who had hurriedly emerged from the building, hearing the children’s commotion in the courtyard, stopped as he saw the party.

A black man with a neatly trimmed short haircut and a white beard.

His gaze swept over the strangers who had suddenly appeared and stopped at Geos, who was standing at the front.

“It’s been a while, Chehai.”


And so, the hero party finally met the self-proclaimed otherworlder.

With him, who had the slightly unexpected occupation of a philanthropist running an orphanage.


“Tsk, to think they would call this manly Harley a monster. Kids these days don’t know anything because they’re young. A real man should have muscles like me.”

Harley grumbled as he entered the reception room inside the building, throwing off the large cloth he had been wearing.

He couldn’t help it because the children had all made a fuss when they saw him.

He wouldn’t have even been able to enter without being kicked out if it hadn’t been for Geos, who came with him.

“Um, Harley? It’s not just your muscles…”

“Huh? What are you talking about, missy?”

Isea blinked at him, as if she didn’t understand.

A giant, muscular physique over 2.3 meters tall, covered in tattoos, barbarian-like attire, and a menacing large axe.

And with his subtly emanating predator’s aura and extremely macho impression, it was understandable why the children had cried and screamed.

“…Never mind.”

But she just shook her head and looked away, instead of explaining it to him.

She wanted to pretend she didn’t notice, as he probably knew it very well.


Harley frowned and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

It created an even more menacing visual, but fortunately, there weren’t any children in the room, so it didn’t lead to a commotion.

“First of all, I apologize for coming here so suddenly, Chehai.”

“No, I’m actually grateful that you came. I was so worried. …Of course, I need to apologize for the children being startled because of that guy.”

Chehai, the black man sitting across from Geos, clicked his tongue and glared at Harley as Geos spoke first.

He wanted to kick Harley out right away, but he couldn’t treat Geos’s companion so poorly, especially since he had come after a long time, so he was enduring.

…Of course, he also had a rough idea of their identities.

“So, what’s going on, Geos? You didn’t come alone, you even brought these people.”

“Ah! Before we get to the main topic, let me introduce my companions. First, this is…”

“Greetings. I am Heinrich Saint Landguard, the first sword to uphold the Main God’s will. I apologize for the sudden intrusion.”

“Ah, no. It’s okay now. Ahem— I’m Chehai. I’m just a villager living here, taking care of the children.”

He seemed a bit uncomfortable after receiving Heinrich’s greeting, as if it was a bit too much, even though he was living in the countryside.

And the introductions with the other members followed.

His smile, which he had shown to Isea, unconsciously turned into a frown when it was Harley’s turn, but he didn’t say anything about the previous topic.

“Hello, Mr. Chehai! Just call me Hesperon! Of course, it’s not my real name.”


And after the final greeting with Hesperon, his gaze turned back to Geos.

Thinking that he would finally bring up the main topic now that the introductions were over.

“Chehai. You know who these people are… and what I’m currently doing, right?”


“I have a question for you. It’s a very important matter, so I’d appreciate a honest answer.”

The air in the reception room became heavy.

Not only Geos, but also his companions were looking at him intently with serious expressions.

“Haha, seriously. For your information, I’m not a dark mage, and I have nothing to do with the Immortal King. Ah, I did steal some potatoes with the kids a while ago. Is that why you’re here?”

Chehai tried to lighten the mood with a hearty laugh and a joke, but Geos just stared at him without any change in expression.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and nodded roughly.

“Alright, alright, just ask your question. Why are you being so…”

“Chehai, did you perhaps come from a dimension called Earth?”

A straightforward question, unlike the long prelude.

And at the same time,

Chehai’s body stiffened.

For Harley, who had been selected as a candidate for the ‘hero party’.

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