My Angel system

Chapter 382 Bargaining Power

"Are you okay?" Luis asked, offering her a hand up.

Ciara had taken quite a heavy beating to the extent that she had not been able to get up even after Luis had arrived and diverted her attackers.

"Thank you." She said as she took his hands and got pulled up. "I hope you didn't punch her too much." She said looking at Lily who was lying on the ground now.

"I don't know if I did but she's okay," Luis said.

'I expected him to start controlling the other students here after knocking those ones out but I guess he's not that dumb.' Lena said.

Ciara turned to the side to see Cassie limping toward her with a stiff look on her face.

"Oh Cassie, are you okay?" She asked, moving closer to her.

"I am, it could have been worse if Luis had not shown up," Cassie said.

There were little mumblings from the few students in the room who were wondering who Luis was.

The students in the room were all first-year students so they were quite scared to go close to him, they thought he was a third-year student because that was the only thing that would explain what he just did and make sense.

"What happened to them?" Cassie asked, turning her gaze to the six students who were lying on the floor now.

"Someone was controlling them," Luis said.


"I wish I could answer that question but I don't know," Luis said with a sigh.

Whoever it was that was trying to hurt him had done something to hide the aura trails from using his compulsion and no matter how hard Luis had tried to find any of the trails with his aura vision during the fight, he just couldn't see anything.

"He was talking to you like he knew who you were, like you did something to him, did you do something to anybody?" Cassie asked.

"I don't know," Luis replied, turning to face the door.

'Move from there, Luis.' He heard Nova's voice in his head as soon as he had turned.

"I think we should shift a little to this side." The Angel quickly turned to the two girls to say.

"Okay," Cassie said.

As soon as the three had shifted out of the way, a loud bang was heard from the door as it came crashing to the floor.

Now sunshine could enter the room again and standing at the entrance now were Nova and Nicole.

"Alright, what happened here?" Nicole asked as soon as she spotted the six students lying on the floor.

"Ummm....I can explain." A girl said, raising her hand.

"Don't worry, I know who to ask," Nicole said, moving closer to Luis. "What happened?"

"They were being mind controlled," Luis said.

"You mean, mind deception," Nova said.

"No, he had them under his compulsion, he was speaking to me through them and he even told me that he had two mind Controlling abilities." Luis articulated.

"Two mind-controlling abilities," Nova said.

"That's not good," Nicole said with a worried look on his face.

"Do you know who he is and why he attacked Ciara?" Cassie asked. She had been listening carefully to their conversation.

"No, no we don't, at least not yet," Nicole said moving away from her as Luis and Nova followed her.

The students in the room were slowly leaving as the exit was open now and in no time they were all gone.

"Did anybody get hurt?" Nicole asked.

"Apart from the ones on the floor, no," Luis replied, shaking his head.

"Okay," Nicole said.

"Why didn't you use your aura vision to locate him, that's what you should have done instead of fighting those students?" Nova asked with a scolding voice.

"Yeah," Nicole said.

"You think I didn't do that, that was the first thing I did on getting here but surprisingly, there was no aura trail leading to him," Luis said.

"You can't be serious?" Nova said with a shocked expression on her face.

"I'm serious, there was no trail," Luis said.

"That doesn't make sense," Nova said.

"I know every ability used is supposed to give off an aura," Luis said.

Both Ciara and Cassie had made their way to Lily who was still lying on the ground unconscious and Ciara had slowly bent over her.

"It doesn't really make sense." She said looking at Lily.

"What?" Cassie asked.

"He could have just controlled the both of you who were closer to me but he just controlled her and these other students," Ciara said.

"Maybe he couldn't control me," Cassie said.

"Yeah, maybe," Ciara said, folding her lips.

"Is it true?" Cassie asked.


"What he said about you having something for him?"

"You heard that?" Ciara asked, turning to her with a surprised look on her face.

"Yeah, that was the reason why he was trying to hurt you, to get back at him, he sounded like he's been monitoring you two for a while now," Cassie said.

"Yeah," Ciara said.

"So, is it true?" Cassie asked.

"What?" Ciara asked, pretending not to have heard her the first time.

"Just like Lily asked before she lost control of her body, do you have feelings for him?" Cassie asked.

Ciara stared at her for a while without saying anything and just as she was about to open her mouth and answer that question, they started hearing footsteps coming toward them.

Luis, Nova, and Nicole had also turned their gaze toward the entrance to see who was coming. Nicole already guessed who it was.

Her guess was correct as Lieutenant Iris along with two male sergeants had stepped into the room now.

She didn't even look at the unconscious students lying on the floor as she walked straight to Luis.

"Luis Miles, please come with me." The Lieutenant said.

"This wasn't a public fight, Lieutenant, you can't isolate him because of this," Nicole said quickly, stepping up in front of Luis.

"I never said anything about isolating him, assistant, I just want to have a little chat with him." The Lieutenant said, keeping a straight face.

"If this isn't about isolating him, then you should allow me to come with you," Nicole said.

Lieutenant Iris stared at her for a while as if she was finding it hard to make a decision.

"Fine." She said turning to face the exit. "Just don't get in the way of our conversation and then later maybe we can talk about that door that your assistant destroyed." She added before walking off toward the exit with the Sergeants following her from behind.

____ ____

In the underground kingdom of the elves, elves walked around in their marketplace making purchases for everything that they needed in their households.

Living together in one kingdom made them seem United in everything but that wasn't really the way things seemed.

Among the elves were two groups, those that believed that the human race was a terrible and heartless race that deserved to be either eliminated or made to be ruled by them and those that believed that not all humans were bad and there was a chance that they could peacefully co-exist among them.

Well, the latter group didn't make themselves known because once an elf had asked Ashburn why he always gave them a hate speech about humans every day stating that not all humans were bad and their race wasn't exactly different from theirs.

Just a few minutes after saying that, Ashburn had teleported him to his balcony, pulled out the elf's sword from its sheath, and took his head off with that sword.

There were loud gasps as the elf's head dropped down on the crowd before his body slowly followed.

After that day, nobody dared say anything about humans not being as bad as they were made to believe in the kingdom, all of them pretended to hate humans.

Inside the king's castle now, in one of the rooms, the six-year-old girl Melina, princess Melina to be precise could be seen sitting on the edge of a large bed.

Ashburn hated humans with passion even the ones as little as Melina so why would he keep her in a room like that with a bed as good as that?

Well, he would have loved to kill her as soon as he took her but she was his bargaining power and as long as he kept her here alive, he was going to kick into the first phase of his plan.

Melina was on the bed but she was still a prisoner as her right hand was chained to the upper wooden part of it.

She cried every morning since she had been brought here and she would have even cried longer than she did if it weren't for the elf nanny who Ashburn had appointed to take care of her.

She was quite lucky as the she-elf was one of those elves that didn't exactly have anything against humans.

Right now Melina was sobbing as she tried to break free from the chain but it wasn't working and after trying a few more times she had given up.

She sank her face into the bed and was beginning to soak the sheets with her tears now.

"Dada, Diana, where are you?" She mumbled in a sobbing voice.

She continued sobbing until she heard the door move. She had recently made a promise to the She-elf to stop crying after the she-elf had made a certain promise to her and right now, she was trying to clean her tears on the sheet.

"Elizabeth." She said turning to the door after she was sure that all the tears on her face were gone.

She expected to see Diana there but standing there now was the elf who had taken her away from her home and brought her to this strange place, looking at him now, her heart sank deep into her stomach.

"Why are you crying?" Ashburn asked moving closer to her with his staff in his hand.

Melina didn't reply as she looked at him, the fear she was feeling now was present in her eyes.

Ashburn bit his lower lips as a disgusted look had appeared on his face.

"I asked you a question!" He yelled at the little girl.

"I want to see my dada and Diana," Melina replied with a trembling voice.

"You really miss them don't you?" Ashburn asked with an expressionless look on his face.

Melina responded with a little nod.

"I didn't bring you here to see them but if you insist," Ashburn said as a pink light shut out from his staff and hit both of her eyes.

She had immediately found herself in an endless pink space and looking far ahead she could see her father and Diana sitting around a small table with a tea kettle on top of it.

"Dada, Diana?" The little girl said with a surprised voice as a smile slowly made its way to her face.

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