My Blood Mage System

Chapter 31: Smoke and mirrors

Chapter 31: Smoke and mirrors

The first rays of the morning sun fell on the even lines of Oliveira soldiers standing in front of the forest that separated them from Nuvoloso's forces. It shone on the polished armor, making the soldiers appear like angelic warriors, ready to step into the kingdom of the night. Banners failed proudly on the wind.

Gianni stood in the center of his army, surrounded by his officers. Their horses were ready and waiting, but it wasn't time to move out, not yet. The plans were drawn already, but some things still needed confirmation, and some people—assurances.

"The scouts report that the enemy encampment is quiet. There were no signs of Nuvoloso's movements. Not to doubt you, Captain, but are you sure your information is correct?" Federico asked.

Gianni lifted his hand to his chest. There, right above his heart, hidden by his armor, hid the Sending Amulet that paired with Cael's. And now, it seemed, it would bring them victory in the upcoming battle. It and Cael.

"I'm sure, Lieutenant." Gianni turned towards Silvio. "Signore di Vinci…"

The gray-haired man smiled and approached Gianni. "I remember the plan. And you should recall that a spell of that scale requires too much mana for me to do it on my own."

Gianni nodded. "Of course."

Without another word, Gianni put a hand on Silvio's shoulder, preparing to give the man his mana.

It was a great blessing for Gianni, and no small luck, that Silvio agreed to aid him in this campaign. Because while many noble families kept libraries of destructive spells, magic like that of di Vinci lineage was rarer. And even rarer were the masters of it.

Illusions. Exactly the thing Ginevra used today.

Silvio muttered a spell, too quietly for Gianni to catch the words—on purpose, no doubt. Even now, he protected his family's secrets, just like any mage would protect theirs to the best of their ability. Mana shifted and moved in Silvio's pool, then flowed into the spell the mage weaved in the air.

Gianni added his own wide stream of mana to Silvio's, soon taking the brunt of the complicated magic, leaving Silvio only to guide.

It was complicated. And tiresome. In a minute, the spell was complete—and Gianni was half-depleted of mana. Just like Silvio. But while Silvio could restore his mana pool in an hour or two of meditation, Gianni needed more time.

Or, in this case, one of Leonardo's potions—one Gianni produced from a bag on his belt. A tiny vial with a concoction that, by some arcane means, transformed into pure mana as his organism digested it. Gianni drank the entire vial in one gulp, wincing at the slimy taste. These potions were definitely made from swamp dragons.

But the result was worth the effort. A web of Silvio's spell fell on Gianni's army—and then moved forward. With it, illusory shapes moved through the air, taking forms—the forms of Gianni's soldiers.

Soon, the full copy of the army stood next to it, to the soldiers' shock. Their figures were opaque, their armor clanged with each step, but their feet didn't trample grass, instead going straight through.

Good illusions, but only illusions nonetheless.

Silvio frowned in concentration, and the illusory army, led by an illusory Gianni, marched on the road through the forest. The gray-haired man exhaled, wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Now, even if I never reach the third rank, I can at least boast of having used a third-rank spell. And what a spell!"

"The most effective one, signore di Vinci. My gratitude is yours, again." Gianni lowered his head in a slight bow. "Now we shall see if this bait will catch the fish." He turned towards Federico.

The man didn't need an order. He nodded and turned to his own subordinates, sending scouts after the illusions.

"I hate relying on these tricks." Ignazio grumbled from Gianni's other side. "I hate fighting in forests, too. If we have to lie in ambush, we could do it on top of a cliff, at least. Much fewer spiders. And trees."

Thankfully, Gianni didn't have to even comment on the man's idiotic ideas.

"A cliff? Where have you got those ideas, signore Vespertino? Your barony doesn't even have cliffs, and neither does this entire county," Federico said. "Forests are great ambushing places. Even that she-devil Nuvoloso knows it."

They waited for the illusions to move far enough forward, with Gianni's allies and lieutenants bickering amongst themselves. Gianni himself didn't pay attention to them.

His eyes, and his thoughts, were on the forest. The knowledge that Cael was free out there, somewhere, warmed his wretched soul. But that he wasn't here, with *him*… Chilled his body to the bone.

Why? What happened? Was he caught again?

Gianni pulled the amulet from under his armor and sent a brief message. *Cael, the battle will commence soon. Stay away from the forest road.*

This. Short, like it should be. And the quick response from Cael immediately lifted Gianni's spirits.

*Please, be careful! I will, too.*

Gianni closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, it was time. He mounted on his horse and looked down on his quietened officers.

"It's time. Prepare to march! Today we will deal Enzo Nuvoloso a blow that he won't soon forget."

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