My Ceo Husband is Sworn Enemy

Chapter 239: 239 Guilt_1

Chapter 239: 239 Guilt_1

He tilted towards me just slightly.

“All I want is simple, I want you to tell me about everything that has happened to you, any details, since the fire!”

I was silent.

He meant to confirm from me that I was his wife.

From his eager eyes, I got the hint.

“Gu Yuanzhou, are you looking for me to admit that I am Song Yun, to alleviate your guilt?”

Gu Yuanzhou was silent.

In his eyes, I saw his guilt.


That is the look of guilt.

He sat on the sofa, smoked a pull, looked at me for a while, and asked,

“So, are you going to accept this condition? There’s no loss for you!”

I laughed!

A cold laugh!

No matter what Gu Yuanzhou’s motives were, I could never admit to this anymore.

Ding Yinuo was right, I am not Song Yun anymore, I am Song Xiaoyun!

In any case, Gu Yuanzhou is now in the past.

“Gu Yuanzhou, your conditions are very strange! Why do you need me to admit that I am not that person, what’s the point? To have me admit that I am your departed wife, then break up with Ding Yinuo and remarry you? Do you think that’s possible?”

“You are my Ayun, my wife, you know that well.”

“No, I am not!”

“Really? If you’re not, then how do you explain not knowing about Song Xiaoyun’s past?”

“I believe you’ve read the diary, too! I have severe depression… While taking antidepressants, I am always in a daze, often have bouts of amnesia, and can’t even remember what I’ve done! What’s so strange about that? Don’t you have friends who are doctors? You could ask them, how many patients with depression are really clear-headed?”

At my question, Gu Yuanzhou was stumped.

“Then how do you explain your engagement to Ding Yinuo?”

“Oh, it’s very simple! After I developed depression, I have always been treated at Municipal Hospital. The several times when I attempted suicide, it was Ding Yinuo who saved me. He is my savior, I am just returning the favor with this engagement, is there anything wrong with that?”

I pieced all the details together, they made a watertight story.

Gu Yuanzhou, hearing this, laughed coldly.

“Fine, since you refuse to admit it, our deal is off!”

“So, are you going to give me back the diary?”

“Since you’re not my Ayun, there’s no reason for us to have any kind of emotional bond. And since you’re engaged to Ding Yinuo, you are also my sworn enemy’s fiancee. There is neither sentimentality nor common ground between us. So, why should I grant you any favors?”

“Gu Yuanzhou!!!”

“As I’ve said, when you’re ready to admit that you are Ayun, come talk to me… I’ll give you a three-hour deadline!”

With that, Gu Yuanzhou left without looking back.

Before he left, he took the diary.

In the morning, I returned to Tianjiao Company.

Ding Yinuo was leading a group of clients on a tour around the company…

This well-dressed man, maneuvering amongst a group of investors, seemed high-spirited and vigorous.

Sometimes I think, the decision for Ding Xiao’s resignation was really well-timed. It was his decision that led Tianjiao Company to new heights.

In fact, amongst the two brothers, Ding Yinuo really proved his potential, like a dark horse.

From a distance, I took a glance at him, decided not to disturb him since he was busy with the clients, and went straight back to my office.

Right then, Jiang Yuyan also came to find me!

I reported on the progress of things with Ye Mengyan and I nodded.

Things were going smoothly.

But, my mind was still preoccupied with Gu Yuanzhou’s threat, three hours!

I glanced at the time, it had been an hour and twenty-five minutes since he made that statement.

Not long after Jiang Yuyan had left, surprisingly, Ding’s mother came over.

“Auntie, why are you here?”

Ever since I got engaged to Ding Yinuo, Ding’s mother’s condition seemed to have gotten better.

She had dyed her all-white hair chestnut at the last wedding, and she wore a cheongsam. She looked like a warm and caring mother again.

She came in carrying a thermos. As soon as she walked in, she opened the thermos, and inside was an exquisitely designed porcelain stewing jar.

Upon opening the jar, the fragrance of chicken soup filled the air.

“Anuo said that you’ve been very busy lately. Young people should stay busy, but you have to take care of your health too! This is the chicken soup I made for you, to boost your energy! Rest assured, it’s from an organic, free-range chicken I bought from the countryside! It won’t make you fat.”

I was incredibly touched by Ding’s mother’s care, the feeling of being valued and cherished.

“Auntie, you’re not in the best health, you really shouldn’t be going through all this trouble! I can buy whatever I want to eat while I’m at the company, really, you don’t have to burden yourself.”

“Silly girl, why are you being so formal? You’re already engaged to Anuo, you’re going to be part of the Ding family, my child. It’s perfectly normal for a mother to cook for her child, isn’t it?”

“But, your health isn’t very good!”

“It’s fine! I’m not that decrepit yet! Anuo’s father is no longer around, and it’s uncomfortable for me to just idle around at home. I’m better off doing something and keeping myself busy. That way, I feel better!”

Ding’s mother sighed.

I didn’t know what else to say, so I sat down and earnestly drank the chicken soup.

The oily layer on the surface of the chicken soup had already been skimmed off, and it had been supplemented with American ginseng. It was indeed a nutritious delicacy.

The warm soup warmed my body and soul.

As I was drinking the soup, Ding’s mother sat next to me and chatted about things at home.

“Anuo said that you’re the lucky charm of our Ding family. Ever since you joined Tianjiao Company, the stock has been rising, and the business is booming! He also said that meeting you in this life is like finding his soulmate! It’s great, you guys are so in love, it makes me happy… Unlike your brother and sister-in-law!”

I was slightly stunned, “Has older brother and sister-in-law not reconciled yet?”

“Ah, your sister-in-law has depression, that’s a difficult disease to cure, it’s psychological, she wants to commit suicide at the slightest provocation… Ah, although she’s a good child, this disease, Axiao’s life is pretty much over. What I’m most worried about is Ruirui. The doctor says she can’t spend too much time with her mother. This disease, it can be infectious, especially harmful to a child’s mental health.”

“Has sister-in-law gone to see a doctor?”


“Why doesn’t she go? Staying at home could make her condition worse!”

“I’ve discussed it with Axiao, and Axiao has also discussed it with his in-laws… You know, this disease isn’t a good one, gathering a bad reputation when word gets around. If outsiders were to know about it, it would probably damage the company’s reputation. Her in-laws also have a reputation to uphold, they don’t want to be criticized, and if news of this were to get out, Ruirui would be laughed at by her classmates, for having a mentally ill mother! I don’t have a choice! No one wants to deal with this!”

Ding’s mother didn’t finish her sentence, but I already heard the meaning in her words…

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