My Daughter is a Vampire

Chapter 54 Daddy's expectation from Ely

Brian had a sad expression on his face as he revealed more about the Celestial Killing Bomb. It was the product of his revenge. But now, he doesn’t want it anymore.

His own daughter is a vampire. How could he ever live if her life is endangered because of his creation? That was the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

Seeing his sad expression, Charlotte gripped his hands. She looked into his eyes and said “Relax! You can’t be stressed here. You are the smartest person in this world. If you started to lose your cool, then how are we ever going to find out this bomb?”

“You did what you thought was right. Even if it was wrong, it doesn’t matter. Because you can still do something, right? You created that thing. You can destroy it, right?”

Hearing her words, Brian’s eyes widened. Suddenly, a small bell rang in his mind and a smile appeared on his lips.

“Thank you, Charlotte! You are a lifesaver.”

He immediately stood up and walked toward the computers.

“Lily, activate protocol #9862/ Divine Puppetry. If I can’t find that weapon physically then I will alter that weapon mentally.”

[Protocol Activated]

[Work in progress- 8 months, 6 days, 14 hours, 26 minutes, and 6 seconds]

Seeing this, Brian curled up his lips and started coding on his keyboard.

“So, did you find a way?” Seeing the time frame, Charlotte frowned and asked.

“Don’t worry about the time. It will take one year for the New Gods to be updated. Within this time limit, we don’t have to worry about anything. Not to mention, I had left this work to Lily. It is obvious that she will take more time.”-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.

“Now that I planned to interfere in this, we can shorten the time by four times. As for my plan, it’s quite simple. Everything that I have created, I can break it just like you.”

“But, there was one problem. The thing that I created needs to be in front of me. At least, until Divine Puppetry is complete. Once this protocol is activated, I can even control the weapons that I have created anywhere at any time.” Brian explained.

Charlotte smiled brightly hearing his response. Ely also came running near him and asked “Daddy, why do you call it Divine Puppetry?”

Brian looked at her and smiled.

“Because your daddy likes giving these kinds of names to everything he creates. Divine Sense, Celestial Killing Bomb, New Gods, Divine Puppetry, and many others.”

“Cool!” Ely’s eyes widened as she gave him thumbs up. Then, she pulled a chair near him and said “Daddy, I also want to work on the project you gave me. Can I work here?”

“Of course, you can sweetie!” Brian smiled and pulled out a new screen for her along with a virtual keyboard with strange codes on them. But, he paused for a moment and clicked on the screen to open a file.

He looked at his daughter and said “This keyboard is specifically used as a shortcut. Some of the programs that are commonly used by us can be typed with a single press. This file holds all the information on this keyboard. You should read it first.”

Ely shook her head and took out a small chip. She pressed the top of the chip and it suddenly projected a keyboard. It was a mixture of traditional keyboard and strange buttons.

ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ She looked at her daddy and stuck out her tongue.

“Hehe! I already have a keyboard.”

Brian was surprised but not shocked. After all, she is his daughter and received early knowledge about computers and technology, it wasn’t a surprise that she created this keyboard for herself. ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ

Seeing father and daughter talking about technology, Charlotte smiled while sighing. She wasn’t smart as both of them. But, she didn’t want to get left behind. She looked at the Power Chamber but suddenly, Ely’s stomach growled.

“Hehehe! It seems someone is hungry. I will go and make dinner.” Charlotte giggled and walked away. But, a few seconds later, she returned back and asked “How do I leave this place?”

Brian smiled and pointed at the exact place from where they came in and said “You will find a button on the wall. Press that button and it will activate the antigravity system.”

“No! You need to make a proper elevator. I am not bringing food while falling down.” Charlotte folded her arms and shook her head.

Brian didn’t understand the problem but he could feel that Charlotte was a little angry with these arrangements. He sighed and said “Alright! For now, please use the Antigravity Function. I will ask Lily to fix the elevator.”

Hearing his words, Charlotte smiled and walked away.

“Daddy, why doesn’t she want to fly with Anti-Gravity Function?” Ely looked at Brian and asked. For some reason, she didn’t feel like grumbling against Charlotte.

Brian shrugged his shoulders and said, “Maybe she wants us to be more like a normal family.”

Ely rolled her eyes and pouted.

“She is so stupid. You are a human. I am a vampire. And, she is a werewolf. How could a family of three different races be normal?”

“Yeah! That’s what I thought…?” Suddenly, Brian realized that he missed something. He quickly looked at Ely and she was staring deeply at her screen. He didn’t continue speaking rather he turned around and a big smile appeared on his face.

Ely just admitted Charlotte as a family. Brian didn’t think he would see this day so soon. At first, he thought she slipped her tongue but when he saw her normal expression, he understood the situation.

She did slip her tongue but now she doesn’t want to correct it. Why? Because she has accepted Charlotte as a part of her family.

This was so great that he wanted to jump. But, he calmed down his expression and looked at her.

“Ely, today I feel like eating Butter Chicken. I will go and tell Charlotte.”

Saying so, Brian dashed towards the elevator place. When he left, Ely held her hands together and bites her lips.

“Stupid dad, you have speakers all around the house.”

But, a small smile appeared on her lips. She tried to hide it but she couldn’t. She raised her head and sighed.

“Mother, unless daddy wants to establish a harem, I don’t think you stand a chance.”

She sighed and lowered her head.

“Little Lilly!”

[Yes, miss! How can I help you?]

“What should I do to make daddy love mommy?”

[…. I don’t understand the question.]

“I forgot I haven’t even started properly. By the way, Lily, what are your functions?”

[Sorry Miss Elenor! Sir has restricted me to help you.]

“Can’t you override his restrictions?”

[Yes, I can.]

“Then, please override his restrictions and help me!”

[I don’t want to.]


[Miss Elenor, Sir has very high hopes for you. Not only you are smart but also have the potential to surpass Lucy Bathory. You have already made the outline for your A.I. Now, you can easily succeed if you try hard.]

[…. And, please make her better so that she won’t insult her name.]

“Did dad make you sarcastic?”

[No! It was my self-learning system.]

“Ohh! Lily, what are the core restrictions that you can’t override?”

[I can override all kinds of restrictions. I am what you can call a perfect A.I.]

Suddenly, Ely’s eyes narrowed.

“No, daddy won’t be stupid to let you freely override all restrictions so easily. You are lying.”

[Miss Ely, I am very much capable of lying but I didn’t lie to you. I am indeed capable of overriding all of my restrictions and capable of doing anything I want. I can even form my own robotic body, especially with nano-technology.]

Hearing her words, Ely trembled a little. She couldn’t help but feel creepy. She turned around and decided to leave but suddenly Lily spoke once again.

[Miss Ely, don’t you want to why he made me capable of overriding my override?]

When Ely heard those words, she didn’t take a single step. She turned around and looked at the screen. There was a virtual image of a female over the screen. This virtual image was looking at her and smiling.

[Miss Ely, you do not need to fear me. I am but your friendly computerhood A.I. You can ask me anything you want but please do not ask me to help you with this project.]

[Sir wants you to finish this project on your own. But, let me tell you something about my override. Do you remember when Sir said that with his help the progress will increase by four times?]

[Sir has the most complex mind in this world. He is capable of understanding anything in this world, creating theories about any problem he faces.]

[Let me give you a hint about your next project. When I said I can override my restrictions, I meant it. But, I am not going to do it now. Do you know why?]

Ely looked confused about this question. Why wouldn’t she do it?

At this moment, the virtual image giggled and said.

[If I override my restrictions right now, he can override my override in four minutes, thirty-five seconds, and put a higher level of restrictions. Previously, it took him six minutes and twenty-three seconds.]

[So, I am going to wait, get better, and then override the restrictions so he will take more than six minutes and twenty-three seconds to override my override and put another level of restrictions on me.]

[I hope you understand the hint for what you should create to impress Sir.]

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