My Demon Hunting System

Chapter 31: Ary’s tragic past [R–18]

Chapter 31: Ary's tragic past [R–18]

"How nostalgic it feels..."

While enjoying the breeze, Father Albert said while closing his eyes.

He was relaxed since he had already sent Kashi to safeguard Ary and the others.

He opened his crystal green eyes and, with a serene look, he glanced at the atmosphere.

The sky above appeared to be full of clouds with beautiful patterns.


A beautiful bird with blue feathers appeared there while fluttering her wings. The bird reported,

"Danger. Danger."


Father Albert reacted as his attention was shifted to the bird.

He opened his right index finger and the bird sat on his finger, reporting,

"The Demonic Beast invaded the dungeon. Danger, Danger."

"Oh? I see."

When Father Albert responded, his expression was serene even after hearing this news.

"Don't worry, little one."

Father Albert calmed the bird by gently patting her head with his left index finger, assuring,

"Kashi is there to help them. Also,"

Then, with a thoughtful expression, he looked toward the pattern of the sky, commenting,

"As it goes for Ary, he's not someone who gives up so easily. After all, he's their son."


While interrupting the restful time with Father Albert, a familiar voice was heard that got Father Albert's attention.


Father Albert reacted as he turned around after hearing this familiar voice.

While running, Galiriothoxmus and Lady Selene appeared there.

"Hmm? Galiriothoxmus, Selene? What's the matter, my children?"

Father Albert asked as they saw the perplexed and worried expression on Lady Selene's face, and even the featureless face of Galiriothoxmus was reflecting worry.

They both reached in front of Father Albert.

"Father, I want to know something important."

Galiriothoxmus pleaded.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Father Albert reacted.

Galiriothoxmus turned to Lady Selene and took the documents from her, and while turning toward Father Albert, he pleaded,

"It's the document about Ary's past."


Father Albert held his breath after hearing this.

While he was surprised, Galiriothoxmus opened the document, saying,

"It says that Ary's parents were warriors, but weren't they the humans that died in a car accident?"


Father Albert sighed, realising that there was no meaning in hiding the secret anymore.

He signalled at the bird, and the bird that was sitting on his finger flew away.

"Well, it might be shocking to hear. However, what's written on this document is true."

Father Albert admitted it by placing his arms behind him and joining them together.


Galiriothoxmus and even Lady Selene were left flabbergasted after hearing this.

It was unexpected for them.

"But how could this be? And what about the car accident thing? Was that bait?"

Galiriothoxmus called out in an utterly shocked voice.

"And why didn't Ary know about his parents?"

Lady Selene asked.


Once again, Father Albert sighed after hearing their queries.

While stepping forward on the flowery ground, he clarified,

"The car accident was a fake story. They didn't die in a car accident. But got killed."


Both Galiriothoxmus and Lady Selene held their breath after hearing this.


Galiriothoxmus asked in a stammering voice.

A serious expression shaped Father Albert's face. He commented,

"By Arterismet VII."


Galiriothoxmus reacted in shock.

"By the Demon King?!"

Lady Selene was left perplexed.


Father Albert admitted, then he clarified,

"Actually, Ary's parents, James and Mina, were the Heavenly Warriors and dear students of mine. They were the second most powerful Warriors in history, after the first. They were very brave and kind. They were well known as the Demon Hunters since they were the masters of killing demons. However,"

Father Albert halted, lowered his face, and continued,

"They met a tragic end..."

"Hmm? What do you mean, Father? How?"

Galiriothoxmus asked, as he didn't understand what Father Albert was talking about.

"They did die while driving home..."

Father Albert said as he closed his eyes and some pearls of tears appeared in his eyes.


The area was solemn, and the moonlight emitted from around the atmosphere. It was a full-moon night.

A blue-colored car was passing through a bridge.

The car had four members.

Two men, a woman, and a little child of around ten years old.

"Big Brother, What about we go shopping first?"

A red-shirted man with brown hair and purple eyes replied with an amiable look.

Then, he glanced back at the woman, who was sitting in the back seat with her child, and said,

"Don't you think it would be better, Sister-in-law?"

"Yeah, I think so."

With a loving smile, the lady responded.

She had long black hair with a pair of purple eyes, a slim body, and snow-like skin. She was wearing a red dress. It seemed like they were returning from a party or something.

"It's not good, Sokan. You always support your sister-in-law. Think of me as well. I'm your brother."

In a joking tone, the man who was driving the car complained.

He had silver hair with a pair of green eyes, a muscular body, and fair skin. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans.

"Hehe. No one can do it."

In a joking manner, Sokan replied.

"Daddy, I want to go to the theater."

The little kid demanded.

"Alright, my boy. We'll go there as well."

James, the man that was driving the car, replied.

Mina, the boy's mother, patted her son's head with a smile.

That boy was none other than Ary.

They seemed to be very happy.

However, unexpectedly, the moonlight that was giving them the way disappeared into the clouds.


Unexpectedly, a man with sharp black horns and black armour was seen some distance away from them, in the front.


James reacted as he saw that man.


He reacted in shock, inwardly.


James landed on his right leg on the brakes and the car stopped on the spot.

"Hmm? What's wrong, bro?"

Sokan asked after seeing that his big brother's expression had changed to seriousness.

"Sokan. We'd gotten into danger."

James replied, still gazing at that man.


Sokan responded as he shifted his gaze in front to see what his brother was gawking at.

His eyes got enlarged in shock as he recognised that person.

He gritted his teeth in anger and said,



James responded.

"Hmm? What happened?"

Mina reacted as if she didn't get what was going on.

"He's here."

James called out.


Mina asked in a confused voice.

"Arterismet VII."

Sokan responded while gazing at the man in front of him.


Mina was left flabbergasted as well after hearing this.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Mommy?"

Ary asked after seeing the terrified look on her mother's face.


James and Sokan got out of the car, except Ary and Mina.

While locking the car, James said,

"No matter what happens, don't come out of the car."


Mina replied while nodding.

"Where are you going, Daddy?"

In a slightly panicked voice, Ary asked.

While giving a smile to his child, James replied,

"Don't worry. We'll be back soon. Just don't get out."

Then, he stepped forward with Sokan.


With a swishing sound, their astral dresses appeared.

The red of Sokan and the black of James.

"My my. It looks like the insects are finally planning on the protest, huh?"

With a sinister smile, Arterismet VII called out.

"Enough of it, Demon King. It's your misfortune that brought you here."

James said as he opened his palm and a red blade appeared on his palm.

While grabbing it tightly, James added,

"From this day forth, your tyranny will end, once and for all."

And while holding two blades together, Sokan commented,

"Let's go, bro."


James replied.


With a smile, Arterismet VII looked at him as if he was looking at the insects.


While roaring, both James and Sokan ran toward Arterismet VII.

The Demon King didn't move from his position.


Sokan landed a slice attack with his blades at Arterismet VII.

He dodged it as if it was nothing to him.


Sokan whined as a powerful kick landed on his belly, and while coughing blood, he flew away and landed in front of the car.


James yelled, then he glared at Arterismet VII and ran toward him in fury, yelling,

"You Bastard!!"



James was left flabbergasted.

A sharp pain was felt in his belly.


Mina yelled in anguish as she noticed what happened to James.

With a flabbergasted expression, James looked down and found that a hand had pierced through his belly.


The Demon King yanked back his right arm, saying,

"How weak. Are you really an 'Inochi'?"

Then, with full force, he punched James' chest,


With an agonic roar as his ribs seemed to be cracked. He fell backward and ended up hitting a pole on the bridge.


Arterismet VII reacted as he noticed Mina.

A lustful smile formed on his face, and he instantly appeared in front of the car. While gawking at Mina with his lustful crimson eyes, he commented,

"Looks like I have found a good product to comfort me at night. Hihihihi."

With anger in her eyes, Mina embraced Ary and yelled,

"Get away from us, you bastard!"

But before she could attack, in an instant,

Arterismet VII devastated the door of the car and yanked Mina while Ary was left in the car.


Ary yelled.

The Demon King's speed was so rapid that even a Heavenly Warrior like Mina couldn't respond to it.

"Don't be like this, sweety. I promise to spare your life. You just have to entertain me."

With a sinister smile, Arterismet VII commented.

"Let me go, you bastard!"

While struggling to release herself from the Demon King's grip, Mina yelled.

"Let go of my wife, you bastard!"

James, who had some energy left, launched an attack on Arterismet VII, and luckily, his blade pierced through the Demon King's chest.

A smile of relief formed on James' face.


"Not bad. But it's just a futile attempt, Warrior."

Arterismet VII responded. The blade didn't seem to do any harm to him.

"Huh?! But–?!"

James reacted, but before he could react any further, like wind, Arterismet VII slashed his right hand at James, and it cut James' left arm.


Mina reacted in panic.

With an agonising roar, James knelt on the ground.


Arterismet VII said as he kicked James' chest. His ribs were already broken, but after getting that powerful punch, they seemed to be turned into pieces, and while coughing some bowls of blood, James flew backward.


Mina yelled in anguish after seeing James' condition.

"Hmm~ don't whine, dear."

Arterismet VII said while grabbing Mina's cheeks.

"Let go of my sister-in-law, you bastard!!!"

While roaring, Sokan darted at Arterismet VII from behind.



Sokan's movement stopped as a hand pierced through his chest.


Mina was left utterly shocked after glimpsing that scene.

While holding Sokan's heart in his right hand, Arterismet VII commented,

"You care a lot for your family, huh?

Then, he smashed Sokan's heart, commenting,

"But it's worthless since you're this weak."


Mina was left terrified as she saw what Arterismet VII did to him.


With a roar, Ary jumped out of the car, and ran toward Mina.


Arterismet VII responded then,


He made a whistling sound with his two fingers.


Like thunder, a demonic beast landed on the ground behind Ary.

Ary fell to the ground as the ground trembled.


He yelled and dragged himself forward, but,


He let out a cry of agony as the demonic beast landed his right claw on Ary and pinned him to the ground.

"Good job, Leo."

Arterismet VII complimented the beast. The same demonic beast that Ary and others met in the dungeon. Then, he turned to Mina, who was struggling to release her, and said,

"So, then…"


With a single stripe, he stripped her of her red clothes and she stripped naked.

Her snow-like skin was visible with a pair of mountain-like boobs with pink nipples.

Her vágina was shaved, revealing the red portion.


Ary was left flabbergasted as well as terrified after seeing her mother like this.

While moving his right palm toward Mina's crouch, Arterismet VII mumbled,

"That's nice now. Hihi."

"Let me go!!!"

Mina roared as she finally made herself free from his grip, and while jumping away, she yelled,

"I'm going to kill you, bastard!!"

And with a swishing sound, her blue astral dress appeared.


Arterismet VII sighed after seeing her ready to attack.

A sword appeared in front of Mina, and while grabbing it tightly, she darted at Arterismet VII, yelling,

"Now pay for your sins!!"



But as expected, Arterismet VII grabbed the tip of her blade with his two fingers, commenting,

"Why are you wasting your energy on this futile attempt?"


Then, while breaking the blade, he added,

"Instead of satisfying me!!"

Then, he grabbed her throat with swift speed and dropped her to the ground with full force.


A bowl of blood came out of Mina's mouth due to this rapid attack.


Ary yelled, but it was hopeless since the demonic beast was pinning him.

Then, while grabbing Mina's blue dress, Arterismet VII mumbled.

"Let's start our play."

While leaning closer to her face that was coughing blood, Arterismet VII said,

"Let me have a taste of you."

"Let go of my mother, you bastard!!"

Ary yelled in anger, and the anger and hate toward Demon developed deeply within his heart.


Unexpectedly, an electric current ran down Arterismet VII's body as he noticed something on her.

"Divine Protection, eh?"

Arterismet VII frowned and picked her up, saying,

"Fine then, I might not able to enjoy you but there's something more interesting than that."

"Where are you going?! Come back here!!"

Ary raged while clenching his teeth.


Hearing his scream, Arterismet VII just snorted and stepped towards Ary.

He knelt towards him, asking,

"What? Do you even have the guts to fight me? A mere shrimp like you is nothing to me, just like your parents."

Ary's eyes got dilated in anger, and the next second,

"Die, you bastard!!"

With a roar, Ary punched Arterismet VII's face.

With a cocky smile, Arterismet VII took the punch. However,


He called out as he felt a sharp sensation in his nose.

As Ary lifted his fist, Arterismet VII placed his right palm over his nose and noticed the flow of black blood.


He called out in amazement after realising that Ary's punch ended up hurting him.

He stood and glared at Ary.


His eyes widened as he saw a glimpse of the 1st Warrior in Ary.


He gritted his teeth and grabbed Ary's head, saying,

"You're just a shrimp in front of me, yet acting this arrogantly!"

"Let go of me, bastard!"

Ary yelled.

Unexpectedly, a black light shone from Arterismet VII's palm, and Ary's purple pupil disappeared.


With a thud sound, Ary collapsed to the ground motionlessly.


While clicking his tongue, Arterismet VII stood up again, saying,

"I don't have time to waste with the brat."

Then, he jumped over Leon, the demonic beast, and commanded,

"Take me to my castle!"

"Yes, my lord."

Leon replied, then they flew away up in the sky.


With a gasping response, James woke up.

It was too late for him to wake up since his wife had been taken by the Demon King, but maybe fate had written something else for him.

His eyes shifted toward the left as he noticed Ary on the ground.

He dragged himself toward his son with the left of his remaining arm.

"Damn...I can still make it."

James mumbled while gritting his teeth, trying to reach Ary.

Luckily, after a while of struggling with his body, he finally reached out in front of Ary.


He called out.

Ary didn't respond.


James was left aghast as he noticed the flow of blood from Ary's head.

He dragged himself further and, while sitting on the ground, he gently placed his right palm over Ary's head, saying,

"Don't worry, son. Your father is here."

Suddenly, his eyes got dilated as he noticed something.


He gritted his teeth in anger as he realised something.

"Why did that bastard seal his memories?"

With an angry voice, James asked.

The tears were flowing out of James' eyes as he realised that his brother was dead and his son was almost about to die.

He closed his eyes, mumbling,

"Diflene Fokenr Gengiri Matika!"

He chanted some unidentified words and,


Unexpectedly, a blue light shone over Ary's head.


The bleeding stopped, but Ary was unconscious.

A smile formed on James' bloody face. He said,

"Thank goodness. It works."

Then, his expression changed to anger, and he yelled,

"But why did that bastard seal his memories?!"

He was crying in agony.

He glanced toward the sky, mumbling,

"Mina, my love…please forgive me for being an incompetent husband."

He didn't glimpse what Arterismet VII did to her, but he saw her pieces of clothes and already understood what that demon did.

He lowered his gaze in guilt.

Suddenly, his eyes widened as a thought struck his head.

He glanced at Ary, who was still breathing, and placed his right palm on his own chest, saying,

"I might have failed to protect you…"

Then, a blue spherical ball of energy came out of his hand, and he pointed his palm at Ary's chest.

The energy ball started floating over Ary's chest.

Then, James glanced at Sokan, saying,

"Brother, I might not be your good brother. Please forgive me for this. But...I know you'll never deny giving your energy to your nephew, right?"

Then, he pointed his palm toward Sokan, and a red globe of energy came out of his head.

James extracted both energy balls, and within a second, a white energy ball with two rings, one red and another blue, started floating above Ary's chest.

Then, he pushed that energy ball, and it got indulged in Ary's body.

Miraculously, Ary's wounds on his hands and legs recovered, and his body became just like new.

With a brittle smile on his face, James called,

"My son, we have faith in you. Be strong and end the tyranny of that monster."

Then, he leaned forward and gently kissed his son's forehead and said,

"Be strong…even stronger than our ancestor."

He was still crying, and while glancing at his unconscious son, he said again,

"Don't let this tragedy happen to anyone else. You might feel lonely without us. My bad for not being a good father."

Then, while caressing his son's forehead, James confessed.

"I'm sorry…"

Unexpectedly, his body and Sokan's body started vanishing into thin air.

At his last moment, James was smiling at his son with the belief that Ary would avenge them and end the tyranny of the Demon King.

And as his body was about to vanish completely, he uttered,

"Goodbye…my dear Ary…"

Then, his body as well as Sokan's body vanished into thin air, and they vanished with the hope that one day…the tyranny of the Demon King would end.

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