My Dragon System

Chapter 117 - Zombies

Chapter 117 - Zombies

With Kyle leading the way and Nay and Max following. The group quickly headed down the stairs to under the arena as quick as they could. On the way to the medical bay, they went past several rooms such as the training room, the weapons room and every single one of them was empty.

Although Kyle not seeing any dead bodies took at as a good sign.

"How much further!" Max said as he was worried that something might have happened to his sister.

Max was closest in age to Slyvia and his brothers had always told him that he needed to look after his sister. The two of them would often play with each other as kids but Max always saw his sister as weak due to not being able to wield magic. He was just as shocked as everyone else when Slyvia had suggested she had been admitted into Avrion.

Everyday Max was worried about her.

"It's just those double doors up ahead!" Kyle shouted.


Slyvia and her group were completely surrounded by brain dead students. Slyvia stood at the front of the group with her shield blocking any oncoming attacks. Monk and Gary would then make quick work of the students aiming for their joints. While Martha did the best, she could to stop anyone from the sides.

The problem was even if Gary and monk would break the student's bones, they would still use whatever power and bones they had left to crawl towards them. It was truly frighting how determined the students were to get rid of them.

"I think they're somehow being controlled by the Dark Guild members," Slyvia said, "They haven't moved an inch."

"It's not like we can get over there right now!" Gary shouted back as he punched another student in the face.

Slyvia knew Gary was right, there were simply too many students to get through if they wanted to reach the Dark Guild members, they would have to resort to killing. If they didn't, then it would be them on the floor lifeless instead.

Slyvia clenched her jaw as she was deciding whether to give the order to kill or not.

"Gary, Monk Martha, you can use your we…." Just then before Slyvia could finish her sentence the door to the medical bay swung wide open.

In came three familiar faces.

As soon as Kyle and the others entered the room half of the student's attention when straight towards them.

"ZZZZ Zombies!!!" Kyle shouted.

Just as Kyle was about to swing his chain at the students coming towards him, Slyvia shouted.

"Don't Kyle their still alive!"

Kyle then quickly changed his tactic and instead swung his chain at the student's legs, knocking over a row of students that came towards him. The chain was a far more effective weapon and due to its bluntness, it would only do major physical damage rather than slicing off their limbs.

A group of students behind the fallen ones were struggling to move forward now. the students on the ground got in the way of the students behind them and if they tried moving forward, they too would fall.

Nay seeing this decided to do the same tactic as Kyle and would wrap her whip around the student's legs and flip them over.

Soon they had a barrier of fallen students between them and the other students. The problem now though was Slyvia and her group would be trapped as well. If they made a run for the exit the pile of student bodies would also get in their way.

Then Nay suddenly had an idea.

"Max, are you able to create a water barrier?"

"Yes, but I'm running out of mana, I won't be able to keep it up for long?"

"That's fine."

Nay then explained her plan to Kyle and Max and they were ready to execute it into motion. As the students would get back up, Kyle and Nay would continue making them fall back to the ground. While Max behind them was busy gathering mana for a spell.

"It's ready!" Max shouted.

Kyle and Nay then struck a row of students at the same time. Knocking them over to the side. This created a tunnel like path that led straight to Slyvia and the others.

"Sil Balase!" Max chanted.

Then a water wall between the pathway appeared blocking the horde of students from reaching and grabbing into the path. Just like with Ki, Mage's to were able to harden their attribute. Some masters would be able to form a weapon and keep it hardened for a long period of time.

But Max was still an amateur, so he wasn't able to last long.

Slyvia as soon as she saw the path commanded the others to follow her. The problem was at the end of the path there was also a group of students who Kyle and Nay had knocked over. Slyvia wasn't sure what they would do when they reached their but could only hope they had a plan.

Slyvia charged in first with, Monk, Martha, Kyle and Gary behind her. They quickly ran to the end of the path without getting a scratch on them from the other student's thanks to Max's water wall.

"Err, Slyvia, there's kinda a dead end up ahead," Martha said.

"We just have to trust them!" Slyvia said as she carried on moving forward.

Then when the group was just about to reach the end of the path. Martha and Slyvia felt something wrap around their body. Then the next second the two of them were lifted into the air and landed down right next to Nay and Kyle.

Nay and Kyle had controlled their Ki perfectly to be able to control their weapons as if it were another part of their body. They then used this to grab their friends and pull them over the horde of students who had been knocked over.

Nay and Kyle did the same thing again with Gary and Monk. Finally, everyone was on the same side just by the exit of the medical bay.

For some reason, the Dark Guild members in the medical bay still hadn't moved but their faces were now red with anger.

"Get them!" The Dark Guild member shouted.

The horde quickly moved towards the exit not caring for their fellow students who were laid on the ground. Some of the students fell over each over but now the sheer number was too overwhelming. Many of the students had just been trampled over as if they would do anything to complete their master's command.

Slyvia and the others without hesitation ran as soon as they had reached the exit.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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