My Dragon System

Chapter 120 - 12 VS 100

Chapter 120 - 12 VS 100

Everyone was staring intently at the entrance of the arena. As if they were expecting something grand to appear any second now. The sounds of the m.o.a.ns were chilling but no one would move from the spot they were in.

Every person there had a reason why they needed to stay. Jack was simply following orders to look after Ray's friends while Ray was away. The third-year students had a debt to Jack and wouldn't leave without him. While the second-year students were still wondering where their friends were who went to the medical bay.

Lastly, Mathew was waiting for his dear sister and brother with Josh and Jake, while Sir K felt like it was his duty to get as many students out of the arena as possible, even if it meant him dying.

The group continued staring at the entrance waiting for the first thing to run through that hall. Then suddenly a silver-haired girl came running out panting hard out of breath.

"Slyvia!" Josh and Jake said as they saw their sister come out from the entrance.

Then following behind her was Max, Kyle, Nay, Monk and Gary.

But something was wrong, everyone could tell just from the look of their faces.

"Get ready for battle!" Slyvia cried. "We must not hurt them, they're the students."

Everyone although tired, listened to what Slyvia had said and readied their weapons but was confused by what Slyvia had said. Slyvia and the others quickly joined the group in the arena.

Then everyone was waiting nervously to see what would step out of the long hall in front of them. Suddenly, a student came stumbling out rolling on the ground, just by looking at this person you could tell they weren't in control of their body.

"That's what you were scared of?" Dan said.

But then shortly after just behind the stumbling student, all a hundred of the Zom-kids came storming out.

"It's as Slyvia said, do your best to not harm the students!" Sir K shouted, "But by any means, I am not letting a single one of you die here today, if it's you or them always chose you!"

Josh and Jake looked at each other as soon as they saw the students enter the arena.

"It is as we feared brother."

"You two go look for the ones controlling them, I will do my best to restrain the students," Mathew said.

The two of them nodded in agreement.

Mathew had a worried look on his face but it wasn't because of the students in front of him, but the dreaded feeling of something worse coming towards them. As Mathew looked up at the sky, he could see that dark purple clouds were starting to form.

"Keep them off me! I will deal with them all!" Mathew shouted.

The students looked at him like they were hearing things. How could one-person deal with all these students without harming them but everyone knew they were low on energy even if they were allowed to kill the students it was unlikely they would survive. All they could do was rely on Slyvia's brother.

The second-year students then formed a circle around Mathew while the others formed a line in the direction of the entrance with Sir K in the lead.

The Zom-Kids clashed directly into the first row of students. Sir K and Jack did most of the brute work, chucking students in the air and attacking their weak points. Jack was using his body as a meat shield; the student's barehanded strikes did not hurt him allowing the others to attack.

Of course, the line was not perfect and it allowed many of the other Zom-Kids to get through. This was where the circle surrounding Mathew would come in. They did their best to not allow any of the kids to get close to Mathew while he was busy chanting.

Meanwhile Jake and Josh had their own mission assigned to them by their brother Mathew. They had waited off to the side for all of the Zom kids to completely empty out form the entrance. Once they had, Jake and Josh snuck into the entrance and started heading inside as if they were looking for something.

They turned their head and looked at the carnage outside. It was currently 12 vs 100 out there and didn't seem like they were going to last much longer.

"Come on we have to hurry!" Jake said.

The two of them continued to run until they had finally reached the reception area. The 6 dark guild members were inside the reception slowly moving towards the arena.

"They are here, we must hurry!"

Jake and Josh quickly cast water spells attacking the 6 dark guild members. The first man went down and as he did something strange was happening outside.

A group of the Zom-Kids fell to the ground and started screaming flaying and clawing at their own bodies. Their own hands were causing scratch marks across their body, skin and flesh were starting to rip off everywhere, as if they were trying to get something out.

"What is happening!" Martha cried as she saw one of her fellow students roll about on the ground.

"Looks like they found them," Mathew said.

Then shortly after all the Zom-kids stopped attacking and started rolling around on the ground.

"No, No, they are all going to die!" Martha Cried

Then finally Mathew was ready.

"Water sphere!" Mathew shouted.

As Mathew cast his spell, a bubble of water appeared on all of the student's heads. The bubble completely covered their head leaving no room for the students to breathe.

Slyvia quickly ran to her brother's arm and started pulling at him.

"Stop it, Stop it you're going to kill them."

"It's the only way."

After a couple of minutes of the water bubbles being on the Zom-kids head's something strange happened. The zom-kids stopped moving and as they did a purple liquid started seeping away out of their holes. From their ears, eyes, nose, mouth everywhere it could escape from. The bubbles slowly went from clear, to purple in colour.

When all the bubbles had been filled up, Mathew lifted his hands into the air. All the bubbles followed and gathered to the spot at where Mathew was pointing at forming one huge purple bubble, then suddenly, the water fell to the ground.

Mathew had run out of mana; he was panting hard and could barely stand up.

"Are they dead," Monk said looking at the bodies on the ground.

"They should be fine now, it was the only way I knew to stop it," Mathew replied.

Slyvia smiled at her brother, she felt foolish for believing her brother would be able to do something as cruel as to kill all the students.

"But now we have a bigger problem, it's finally here," Mathew said looking up at the sky where all the dark purple clouds had gathered.

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