My Dragon System

Chapter 139 - Decision Made

Chapter 139 - Decision Made

The next day had come and the sun was shining through the window brightly into the hospital room. Ray was currently staring outside the window as there wasn't much he could do. Ray had managed to make a full recovery and could move his body well again.

When Ray tried to leave the room there were two knights stationed outside that told him he was to remain in the room until further notice. Although Ray would have no trouble taking out the two knights and ignoring their orders.

Ray thought it was perhaps best not to, especially when he had a trial coming up. Finally, after waiting for some time a man had arrived and entered the room. He was there to escort Ray to the trial room.

The man looked Ray up and then before saying anything.

"Your trial is set to begin, please follow me."

The man didn't look happy about the task he was given, as if he was told to go collect a dog or something and Ray could sense this but despite all of this, Ray agreed to follow the man.

Eventually, the man led Ray to the courthouse in the city. It was a big building that was just as big as the dorms at the academy. Ray thought it was useless to have something this big in a city especially a courtroom. Because most of the residents staying in Avrion where knights themselves, the courtroom was hardly used.

Only when a knight would break the rules of the city would they be summoned to the courthouse. So trials rarely ever happened. Standing just outside the large two doors where the mysterious black knights.

The man and Ray walked straight past them and entered the courthouse.

The courtroom was big and looked similar to the dining hall inside Avrion academy. With paintings of famous knights on the wall. At the back of the courthouse were six throne-like chairs were each of the elders sat. Each one of them had a Black knight by their side.

To the left of them was a table were the five master knights sat including Wilfred and Sir K. There was also a bannister in the middle of the room that separated the room into two halves. One for the elders and teachers and the rest for the convicted.

On a table just on the other side of the bannister were Ray's friends. Slyvia, Martha, Monk, Dan, Kyle and Gary. Each one of them looked extremely nervous and were pale in the face. The man continued to lead Ray until he eventually motioned Ray to sit next to his Friends.

One of the elders who sat in the middle then stood up to speak.

"I remind you all, you may only speak if you have been granted permission to speak." The old man paused to see if the children understood before continuing. "May this trial begin."

"What is there to speak of, these children have broken the laws they should be banished." An elder said.

Many of the elders nodded their head in agreement from these words. But there was still hope for Ray and the others as Ray had a close connection with the old man at the martial hall, who was also an elder.

"May I remind everyone about Ray's importance, he is most likely the child foretold in the prophecy." The old man said.

Then one of the elders stood up in anger. He was a short fat old man with ginger hair named Gibby. "Since when have we knights been so weak that we have to rely on kids to save us. We have always dealt with things ourselves and we will carry on to do so. Do you truly believe this boy has what it takes to defeat the shadow plague?" Gibby Shouted.

Sir K then stood up from the side and spoke out of turn, he could no longer take it anymore.

"Are these not the children that fended off the Dark guild for us? When we as the academy abandoned them. I see you dealt with things very well back at the arena!"

"How dare you speak to an elder like that!" Gibby shouted back.

"Is what Sir K said not true?" The old man asked.

The elders and Gibby felt slightly embarrassed by the whole situation that had happened at the arena. Gibby then sat back down in his seat before continuing to speak.

"Even if that is true, we did not break any laws while they did and the laws must be followed at all costs."

Then another elder started to speak, Ray hadn't noticed till now because the cloak was covering his face most of the time but he recognised this man as well. It was Humfree the leader at the hospital.

"I believe at the very least that Ray Talen should be allowed to stay at the academy."

The rest of Ray's friends gulped as they heard those words. They knew that many members thought Ray was important for the Academy but what about them? All they were known as were Ray's friends.

"And what do the master knights think? You have known the students for the longest time?" Gibby asked.

Delbert was the first to speak up.

"The Divine Being is the one who had set these laws on us in the first place and they broke them. I believe the Divine Being is testing us, if we do not follow its rules and expel every one of them then we will be punished."

"Beautifully said." Shouted Gibby as he had a huge grin on his face.

"I agree also," Rose replied.

Martha's heart sank after hearing those words. Rose had been her teacher for the longest time as the leader of the green sashes and thought she would have at least stuck up for her.

"Then I believe it is time for the elders to cast their vote," Gibby said. "We shall call out the names of each student one by one."

"All those in favour of banishing Gary Bluebird from Avrion raise your hand."

All of the elders had raised their hand. Suddenly Everyone's face at the table was in shock at what they had just seen. As if reality had just hit them.

"You can't do this!" Gary shouted. "We gave our blood for this academy!"

Gibby continued to speak coldly.

"Gary bluebird, you are now banished from Avrion city until death, if you speak again we will have the Black knight escort you out of the courtroom."

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