My Dragon System

Chapter 144 - Two for one

Chapter 144 - Two for one

Jack had been following Slyvia for a while now waiting for the right chance to approach her. It wasn't the fact that students weren't allowed to see Elders or anything, after all, Ray saw Von all the time and Von even acted as Ray's teacher.

It was because Slyvia was currently being called into meeting after meeting. The city was in chaos and now that Slyvia was an Elder, she was required to join these meetings. Finally, Slyvia had just finished her last meeting of the day.

She exited the dark gloomy meeting room and started to stretch out her limbs just outside.

"I think I'm going to go catch up with the others," Slyvia said to Von.

Slyvia no longer stayed in the dorms and was required to sleep in her own separate room in a different part of the academy. The location wasn't known to most and it was to be kept a secret. The living conditions where 10 times better and Slyvia always had a black knight standing outside her door as a guard.

Von would make sure that the black knight was someone he personally knew, as he didn't want to take any chances.

After Slyvia finished her meetings she would make it routine to head to the dorms and hang out with her old roommates for a while. It was the only thing keeping her sane. She would do her best to keep them updated with the latest information, she even told them information that they shouldn't have known.

Although this wasn't too much a problem as technically everyone was an ex elder.

"I will escort you to the dorms, it will be safer that way," Von said with a smile.

Slyvia nodded and the two of them started to head to the student dorms.

Over the last week or so Slyvia had become an Elder which brought her closer to Von. They nearly spent every second together. Von was always patient and gentle with Slyvia when he explained things to her and always chose to stay with her.

Just as the two of them were walking down the hallway that connected the academy with the dorms, Jack stepped out in front of them.

"I need to speak to you Slyvia," Jack said.

Slyvia looked at Von before answering.

"Okay, where should we go?"

"It needs to be alone."

"If it's as important as I think it is, then he comes along as well. I trust him."

Jack thought about it for a while. Ray had asked him to invite as many members into Red wings as possible and Von used to be Ray's teacher so Jack actually so no harm in Von knowing about it.


The three of them went to the dorms and into one of the empty rooms. There were plenty of empty rooms ever since the incident at the Arena and they had been left empty ever since. The three of them checked the room and outside to see if anyone was listening before Jack made his request.

"I'll try to make this quick and short," Jack said, "I've been asked to invite you to join a group called the Red Wings and not only that but by the leader personally."

"Who's the leader?" Slyvia asked.

"I believe you remember the man who saved us at the arena? his name was Nes. He said that the academy is in danger, not just from the shadow plague but from itself as well and you now being an Elder are in danger. If you join the group, he will promise you protection where ever you are."

Slyvia was deep in thought, it was true that her life was in danger. She could see the way the other elders looked at her. If it wasn't for Von then the other elders most likely would have done something to her by now. She also knew that she couldn't rely on Von's protection forever.

"Who is in this group of yours?"

Jack then opened up his status screen that had a list of all the current members. Slyvia and Von couldn't see the status screen but Jack started reading the list and included the names of Slyvia's roommates.

Slyvia was surprised by the list of names she had heard. Nearly all the current members were students. At first, she was sceptical when Jack sad that Nes wanted to protect her and the others but looking at the list it seemed like the ones that had joined so far, were the ones that were in the most danger. Slyvia also saw no way how it would benefit Nes himself.

Finally, Slyvia had made a decision. If her friends were in the group she wanted to be to. She wanted to be able to protect them whenever she could.

"I see you have made up your mind."

Slyvia nodded.

Jack then looked towards Von.

"And you?"

Von had remained silent the whole time not giving his opinion and letting Slyvia decide for herself. The next thing he did even shocked Jack.

Von had nodded also agreeing to join.

"Now I warn you two this isn't your standard group," Jack said as he went onto the system and chose to invite Slyvia and Von.

Suddenly, out thin air, a contract started to form in front of their very eyes. All the details were written out including the fact that the leader at any time, could destroy the contract also destroying their lives.

Slyvia hesitated for a little bit after reading the contract but the old man Von didn't. He wanted something to change in the academy and he was already old, he didn't have much time left on this planet anyway so he wasn't scared of a condition like this.

Instead, Von wanted to meet the man who could perform magic like this. This was something the old man had never seen in his life. Even mages of Roland weren't able to do something like this, a life binding contract.

When Slyvia saw Von sign the contract away, she no longer hesitated and signed the contract as well.

The two of them started to feel a burning sensation on their shoulder, they both looked to see what it was and could see the mark of a Dragonhead.

"That mark is proof that you a part of the Red wings. If you are called upon you must show this mark."

Jack then showed Slyvia and Von a few things about the system. How they could use it to communicate with other members, as well as see everyone who was a member. Slyvia then noticed that Gary and Ray weren't on the list.

"Jack, are you going to invite Ray?"

Slyvia knew the two of them were good friends after the incident at the arena, so she was surprised to not see Ray on there.

Jack thought for a bit before giving his answer. Ray wanted to keep his association with the Red wings a secret. The group's name would soon be spread throughout the world and many would try to find the leader.

"Ray had declined when I brought it up to him, he agreed to help out but didn't want his life in the hand of another."

Slyvia thought that sounded just like Ray.

While Von was busy messing around with the system he couldn't help but feel amazed by its powers. Whatever it took, Von wanted to meet the leader of the Red Wings.

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