My Dragon System

Chapter 146 - Dragons Roar

Chapter 146 - Dragon's Roar

After a few days had passed, it was finally the day where Ray would go out of the city. Ray was confident in Slyvia's and Von's plan. If they hadn't come up with something like this, Ray had planned to use his transform skill to disguise himself as someone else.

The only problem with this was currently the city was on high alert. The city was monitoring every single person that came in and out of the city. So even if Ray disguised himself as a merchant, he would need all sorts of ID to pull it off and even knights weren't currently allowed outside the city unless they went out for a mission.

Ray woke up early that day and prepared all the things that he would need. He double-checked his endless void and made sure everything was inside there. He went to his training, as usual, to not arouse suspicion but this time once training had finished, he was to meet Slyvia and Von at the merchants centre in the city.

The merchants centre was a big giant warehouse, where merchants would come and drop off supplies in exchange for coin. The knights working there were mainly Red sashes who had been given an extra job. Inside the merchant centre, there were specific bays for each merchant, some were small and some were big depending on how wealthy the merchant was.

Currently standing outside one of the bigger bay's was Von and a fat merchant named Billy. Ray had Just arrived and Von gave a brief introduction to Billy.

"Can we trust him?" Ray asked Von.

"Huh, don't worry about that, me and Billy go way back, you can trust him as much as you trust me."

Before Ray would have even been suspicious to trust Von but now that Von had joined the Red wings Ray had more confidence in him. Ray nodded and proceeded to get into the back of the carriage.

Inside the carriage, there were several boxes that contained weapons inside.

One of the boxers were bigger than the others and that was what Ray would hide in.

Ray was now safely tucked into the box near the back of the carriage. He could feel the bumps and the carriage moving about. If it wasn't for his Dragon eyes skill, Ray wouldn't have a clue where they were but he could see the carriage moving through the city.

Finally, they had arrived at the city gate. One of the knights on guard went into the back of the cavern but didn't actually check any of the boxes like he was supposed to. He stood in the back of the carriage for a few minutes, before leaving and giving the okay to Billy.

Von beforehand had made sure that the guard who was on duty was one of his own men and told him of the situation. Von had many loyal knights around the city that would do whatever he asked over the other elders. Ray seeing the connections that Von had, it gave Ray an idea.

When he came back from his trip, he could call a meeting between all of the Red wing members and grant them permission to invite others. At the end of the day, it didn't matter if Ray knew them or not. The contract would force them to be loyal.

The carriage continued to travel for a while until they had finally reached a path in the centre of a forest, far away from the eyes of the city.

"You can come out now!" Billy shouted.

Ray quickly left the carriage and went to thank the man.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you anywhere specific?" Billy asked.

"It's okay you have already done more than enough. I have made my own arrangements for travel."

Billy Then bowed down to Ray.

"We shall meet at the same time here tomorrow then."

Ray then waited until Billy was finally out of sight before summoning Noir. Noir was a lot faster than any horse so there was no need for him to cause trouble for the merchant. Ray climbed on top of Noir's back and headed into the direction of the swamp hunting ground.

Ray had already gained many intermediate crystals from the foothills and the Bug forest, so there was no need for him to go back there. The system would only give him so many crystals per creature he slew. The most important thing was for there to be a variety of different beasts for him to slay and the swamp was the best place for that.

The journey to the swamp didn't take long with Noir and after an hour of riding, they had finally arrived. Ray de summoned Noir, as the thick mud water was hard for her to travel in, making it harder for her to fight. He didn't want to have to worry about her while fighting.

Ray opened up his endless void and changed his equipment into the same equipment that Nes used. Ray then also transformed himself into Nes. Although No knights were currently out here hunting, there were still adventures from several guilds that would come here from time to time to also hunt.

Nes's identity was that of an adventurer himself, this way if anyone saw Ray, they wouldn't question him.

Before when Ray hunted at the foothills with only around 25 points, he was able to defeat an intermediate beast in one blow.

This gave Ray an idea.

Suddenly a clone of himself appeared. The clone took the appearance of whatever Ray currently looked like, so right now there were two versions of Nes. Using the doppelganger skill used up half of Ray's mana but with 50 points left Ray was still powerful enough to deal with an intermediate beast in one shot and this would also be true for his clone which took 50 per cent of his current stats, giving the clone 25 points of mana.

This would allow Ray to hunt with twice the speed.

Before giving the clone a command to go off hunting, there was more thing he decided to do.

Unexpectedly, Ray then let a huge Roar that was as loud as thunder. The sound echoed throughout the entire swamp. Ray started to feel his body get slightly stronger as a thin red aura surrounded his body.

But he wasn't the only one that felt this, back at the academy every single member of the Red Wing's suddenly felt their body feel stronger and lighter. At the same time, a notification screen popped up in front of them.

Everyone currently stared at their screen in disbelief but it wasn't the stat boost that stood out to them. It was the name of the skill itself.

"Dragon's roar"

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