My Dragon System

Chapter 154 - Remember that Name

Chapter 154 - Remember that Name

There were five men altogether sat at the table closest to the counter. Each of them wore a purple tag out proudly showing that they were all D class adventures. There Guild was well known in town as the Hounds and regularly harassed people but never took it too far.

This was one of the reasons why no one had gone against their wild behaviour but for the first time ever in this small town, a single man was going up against them.

The Hounds were shocked, as Ray was one second standing right by Candy's side and the next second his hand was on one of the members known as Iron claw.

Iron claw was the leader of a small sub Unit of the Hounds and had been placed in this particular town.

"What do you think you are doing?" Iron claw said. "Who gave you permission to touch me?"

"Just let the boy go," Ray said with a sterner voice this time, still holding on to Iron claw's shoulder.

Iron Claw tried to move his shoulder to shrug the man off but he couldn't move an inch.

"Do I have to remind you he attacked me first?"

"He's just a kid, he's already learnt his lesson so just let him go."

The other members of the Hound were confused as to why Iron claw hadn't hit the man already, like he usually would have. Little did they know that Iron claw was unable to move his shoulder.

Suddenly, one of the members of the Hound got too impatient.

"If you won't do anything then I will." The man said as he jumped off from the table towards Ray.

"No don't!" Iron claw shouted but it was too late.

Ray then lifted one of his hands and then used the skill "Iceball." A ball of ice shot out from the palm of Ray's hand and hit the man dead in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground.

Everyone around them who was watching suddenly started to gossip.

"He's a mage!"

"I thought he was a fighter; I've never seen a mage before."

"No wonder he was so confident."

The Guildhall worker behind the counter was starting to panic, afraid the situation would get a lot worse. She was repeatedly pressing a button that was located under the counter, which was used to call the Guild Guard.

"I won't ask you again," Ray said.

Iron claw could see something strange in Ray's eyes. It was a look he had seen many times before when he went out hunting, the look of a beast that had captured its prey. Iron claw was afraid if he let go of the boy, he would lose the only advantage he had.

Ray was now sick and tired of waiting, he started to activate the ice attribute in his gauntlet that was holding the man. In an instant, it nearly froze Iron claws whole arm that was holding onto the boy.

Ray then gripped the Iron claw's hand that held the boy and smashed it into a thousand shards of Ice.

Although Iron claw felt no pain due to the ice and adrenaline, the shock of losing his hand was devastating.

"Kill him!" Iron claw shouted at the top of his voice.

Each member of The Hound drew out their swords and weapons and went for the attack.

"I hear mages aren't good at close range combat!" A man shouted as he swung his sword.

Ray ducked the attack with ease and punched the man in the stomach sending him flying through the air and into the Guildhall walls.

"I'm not a mage."

Ray then went from one person to next dealing with each of them in a single blow, causing destruction to the table and walls of the guild. The onlookers stayed a good distance away but they stood there in amazement seeing Ray display his overpowering skills.

"What guild is he from?" A person watching by said.

"I don't know, I've never seen him here before."

When Ray had finished dealing with all the members of the Hound, he went up to each one of them and placed his hand on their body.

"You will never be able to fight again."

Ray then used the skill mana drain on each member but was disappointed by the result. Each of the members had only given him one mana point each. Most likely because they had never been trained to use Ki before unlike the knights at the academy.

Just then the two large doors to the Guildhall opened. A young-looking man in his twenties entered wearing bright Silver and gold armour. The man's name was Ark and he was the guard of the guildhall.

Guildhalls would usually hire a guard form a stronger guild to help out with disturbances like these. And Ark was a member of Flying Angel a top Ranked Guild.

As soon as Ark opened the door, he could see straight away that the members of the Hound had been defeated and standing over them was Ray.

Ark drew his sword and pointed it as Ray as he walked forward.

"Are you the one causing a disturbance here?"

But before Ark could even get close to Ray, Candy had stepped in between them.

"Ark, don't worry it's a misunderstanding, he was just helping me and Tuffy out."

Ark Noticed Candy straight away as he often looked after them in this town. In fact, he was the one that recommended them two to a guild that was related to Flying Angel.

Ark then withdrew his sword.

"Fine, you can explain the details to me later."

Ray then looked at the big clock that was placed above the entrance of the Guildhall. It was nearly time for him to meet the merchant and he couldn't be late.

"I have to go," Ray said as he turned to the two kids.

The woman who was behind the counter immediately came running out.

"Wait! you have to pay for all of the damage you caused, if you don't, I'll report you!"

Ray was in a rush and needed to leave immediately, in his haste he used his skill endless void and pulled out all of the 22 intermediate crystals he had obtained and placed them on the ground before leaving. He didn't know if it was enough to cover the damages but thought it would at least be close enough.

Ark was then curious about the crystals Ray had left behind; he had seen similar crystals before. He picked one up from the pile and started to examine it.

"What! These are all crystals from a Green Clops, how did he obtain so many?"

The others had heard Ark's words and couldn't believe their ears. They all knew how powerful a Green clops was. Many of them had to team up as a five-man team to take one out. So far only Ark was able to solo the Green Clops. Ray had clearly left more than enough for the repairs of the Guildhall.

Suddenly, another man came running into the hall out of breath but with a huge smile on his face.

"Have you heard the news!" The man shouted. "The Mud Crab in the swamp, it's been defeated!"

Suddenly, everyone's heart had skipped a beat. They started to remember the words that Tuffy had said and not only that but the fact that they had just witnessed his amazing fighting skill and now another man had confirmed the defeat of the Mud Crab. They no longer thought Tuffy's words were a lie.

"Who was that man?" Ark asked candy who was standing by his side.

"I don't know, all he said was his name was Nes."

"Nes huh, I'll remember that name."

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