My Dragon System

Chapter 156 - Two teams

Chapter 156 - Two teams

When Ray's eyes met with the woman sat down next to Sir K, he knew he had seen her before. Her name was Ann Woodhock. The first time he had met her was when he and Gary were being escorted out of their village. Ann was an adventurer who had asked for the knights help down the foggy path at that time.

Martha calling out to her mother managed to jolt Ray's memories. The thing was she wasn't a knight of Avrion, so Wilfred or the others must have used some sought of a method to sneak her in, Ray thought.

Although Martha wanted to catch up with her mother, the atmosphere in the room wasn't right and she knew something was up.

Wilfred waited for everyone to be seated before he began to speak.

"I'll start by telling you all this meeting is being discussed in absolute secrecy and not a word of this can get out to anyone."

Everyone at the round table nodded before Wilfred continued.

"This meeting had to be made because as you may know there are some people at the Academy that cannot be trusted. The master knights here along with Von, discussed who we could trust in the academy and that led us to all of you."

Wilfred then took a deep breath.

"My scouts have informed me that the Shadow plague is on its way to Avrion academy. We at the Academy are safe but I fear for the surrounding towns and villages."

The students started to think of their families that lived nearby while an image of Candy and Tuffy appeared in Ray's head.

"Our army has been spread thin as we have sent support to the Alure kingdom to fight the Shadow plague on the front line and we have also decided to send another army to engage with the shadow plague before they reach the villages and towns but these armies are small in size,? I'm afraid they will only be sent out to delay the shadow plague and not defeat it."

"Why can't we send a stronger Army to defeat them?" Garry said.

"Do you remember the mysterious man who attacked Ray?" Wilfred replied. "That man was someone who is known as a true infected. They have the ability to cover their bodies in shadows, making it almost impossible to hurt them. Our Army so far hasn't been able to defeat a single true infected."

Everyone's eyes opened up wide as they heard Wilfred say those words. They had all heard tales of how strong a true infected was but thought they were simply exaggerated. For the first time, they were being told that no one had ever even defeated one before.

"This information, of course, has been kept from the public as to not cause panic, the people must believe we can win the fight against the Shadow plague." Wilfred then sat down in his seat as Ann stood up.

"My name is Ann and I am an Adventurer that has been hired by Wilfred to investigate the assassin that attempted to take the students life known as Ray. We were able to track the assassin to a certain location. To a cave located on a mountain just behind the academy."

Monk then stood up in his seat like a bullet.

"Isn't that the cave that leads to the divine being! Is it safe!"

"I have gone to check on the divine being and it is perfectly fine for now," Wilfred replied. "The divine being's power is that of light which is the opposite of the shadow. Infected will find it hard to get close to the divine being."

"I think you're underestimating the Shadow plague," Gary interrupted. "Jasmine was right next to the divine being and was still being controlled."

Then for the first time in the entire meeting, Slyvia stood up.

"That's why I suggested we invite all of you. Not only are you trustworthy but you are some of the strongest knights that the academy has ever seen." The centre of the round table suddenly started to shine and a 3D hologram appeared of the city.

"There are currently two ways to get to the Divine being, the Red door and the cave in the mountain. The plan is two teams will enter the mines below from these two entrances. This way the Infected has no way to escape. The plan is either to catch the infected or find a way to kill it. This way we can learn how to deal with a true infected and send the information to the Army."

Sir K then stood up to speak.

"The first team shall be led by me and the black sashes, we shall be entering through the cave where the Shadow infected was last seen. This means the team will consist of Myself, Ray, Gary, Monk and Kyle. When leaving the city, we must not be seen, this is the natural Job of the black sashes."

"The second team shall be led by me." Ann said, "We shall be entering through the Red door, I don't know all of your names so forgive me." Ann then pulled out a little list. "My team shall consist of Martha, Dan, Jack, Badger and Sloth."

"This meeting shall come to an end and we shall be acting at midnight today." Wilfred said, "Are there any last questions before we set off?"

"Do we know who the assassin is yet?" Monk asked.

"I'm afraid not," Wilfred replied.

Ray was currently conflicted with the mission at hand, he knew who the infected person was, it was his father. His father had warned him and saved him from the shadow plague when it attacked. Ray couldn't stop thinking of what the academy would try to do to him if they managed to capture him.

They would probably torture him for the rest of his life until they finally found a way to kill him because that's all they cared about, was their survival. Not once had Wilfred or the others mentioned of a way to cure his father, instead, they just wanted to find a way to kill him.

Whatever happened on this mission, Ray would not let them kill his father.


Special thanks to Fenrir2040, Divine_Orji and Ppowell for the gifts.

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