My Fate System

Chapter 105 - A Powerful Entity

The darkness enveloped the three as the explosion shook the tower. Their ears buzzed because of the blast as they felt the ground beneath them shake. When everything finally settled, Nikolai's darkness retracted toward his body.

Even though it was the bane of elements, it wasn't an infinite pit that can absorb everything. The explosion force still made him expand a considerable amount of mana, even though the elements were absorbed. 


"This is a weapon of mass destruction," Lex muttered as she shielded her eyes. Nikolai couldn't help but agree, amazed at the capabilities of his bedridden friend.

Sergio might not be the strongest or the brightest, but he was the most genius person Nikolai knew. In the future, he would be feared for his unorthodox potions that could rival Defiers.

The smoke left the tower through the gap, and their vision began clearing up. The place looked like a scene from hell, where ice and fire energies caused sparks to fly everywhere, small explosions still occurring.

The explosion obliterated the machines, and the Souls Mechanic had several limbs missing. The lights on its head were ominously flickering while it laid on the ground after losing its ability to fly. 


His hoarse voice was now weak and distant, seeming to be on the verge of collapse.

"I just wanted... live one more time... yet you..." His voice lamented the world for not working the way he wanted. "What have I ever done to you..."

"You've tried possessing us." Nikolai spat. "Don't act as if you are the victim. You had this coming the moment you considered yourself more important than others."

"But... don't you do the same?" His voice came out of the broken machine. Nikolai was silent until the lights flickered out. "I curse you, monster. I curse you for... eternity... revenge... I will... have..."

His voice faded as the lights went out completely. Nikolai stood there silently as a crystal appeared above the machine. He read the system's notification that declared the end of his quest.

[Quest Completed. You can choose a new Bloodline Talent.]

[You stole Fate. As a result, you obtained 20 Fate Points.]

[A powerful entity noticed your presence. Beware.]

  'What?' Nikolai paused as he saw the last messages. He glared at the last line with apprehension. 'A powerful entity noticed me? Who?'

Nikolai felt creeped out. However, it wasn't the time to be wary about such a thing. As long as he wasn't facing any danger at the moment, he could think about it later.

"It's a Knowledge Crystal. It should contain the knowledge of the Souls Mechanic. So go ahead and grab it, go on." Nikolai turned toward Lex.

"Don't you covet it?"

"I'm clueless about mechanics." Nikolai shook his head. "Taking this knowledge is like giving a knife to a limbless person. I can't make use of it."

"His knowledge and techniques are... evil," Lex said with a frown as she covered her eye. "I think it should be destroyed. Souls shouldn't be tampered with."

"Are you an idiot?" Nikolai snapped his head toward her. "Only living beings can be good or evil. Techniques are just a tool. You can use them for good or for evil. It's up to you."

"I can give them to Master as an apology," Lex said as she walked toward the crystal. Nikolai was stunned when he heard that, but she was walking toward the crystal anyway.

"Wait... what?"

"The dwarves want this, so I'm giving it to them. It's a way to free myself from their debt. If we told them about the dungeon before, they would have been possessed, right? But now it's different."

Lex didn't hesitate or waver in any way. She simply walked toward the crystal, reaching out to grab it. However, a gunshot sound rang in the hall.

"I thought about giving you the technique, but I changed my mind." The smoke left Nikolai's gun as he glared at her. The bullet lodged itself in front of her. "It seems despite hating each other, you and Sergio have the same kind of idiocy."

"What are you trying to do?" Lex turned to Nikolai.

"I'm not letting you give the crystal to the dwarves. Not in a million fucking years." Nikolai spat.

He never calculated for such idiocy. In his past life, the dwarves were killed by the Souls Mechanic. The only survivor was Lex herself. That's why she was the one who ended up with the Souls Mechanic knowledge.

"I thought you said this was my fate. I get to decide what to do with it." Lex said with a frown. She reached out to her gun, but Nikolai fired at it, striking it away.

"Some people are too much of an idiot to be given a choice." Nikolai sighed. He thought about the countless people who would die without Lex's fortress.

Nikolai might be a cold-blooded, cynical, and ruthless bastard. However, he never wished to harm innocents who don't threaten him. He refused to be a carrier of suffering. Humans needed to survive to overthrow Celestia.

"You are either dying here," Nikolai said with cold eyes. "Or you learn the knowledge."

"Why do you want me to learn it that badly?" Lex frowned. "Can it be that you are... possessed?"

"That's plausible." Nikolai grinned as he felt Yuxi take a step away from him. "If you use your skill, I'm killing her." Nikolai threatened the archer.

"You are not going to deny it?" Lex squinted her eyes. "Are you... the Souls Mechanic?" She seemed to be convinced of her hypothesis.

"Denying it? That's the same as admitting it." Nikolai smiled. "I'm not that pathetic mechanic. I only know that you need to be the one inheriting the knowledge, not the dwarves."

The dwarves were known for their selfish attitude toward the other races. They might have their reasons, but it didn't change the fact that they refused to help humans.

"I refuse," Lex said with a frown. "As much as I dislike them, the dwarves gave me a home. They deserve the knowledge they seek."

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