My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 6 - Black Card

Chapter 6 - Black Card

Chapter 6: Black Card

“Is this… really a script?”

I tried to calm my trembling hands as I looked at Kim Eun-ha. She playfully shook her head from side to side as if asking what I was talking about.

“It’s not.”

“You’re lying.”

“You ask even though you know.”

“I can’t believe it. It’s only been a few days…”


I swallowed dryly without realizing it. I didn’t know what the drama was about or what role I was going to play.

But for me, just being able to touch the script was a very honorable thing. And even more so.

──<Peaceful Chaebol Life>──

Planning: TvM

Script: Jung Ha-rin

Direction: Kang In-ho


“Jung Ha-rin as the writer and Kang In-ho as the PD!? They are the legendary duo who hit it big with the <Reply> series, right?” (TL: Reply 1998)

“So they say.”



I felt as if all the strength had left my body. I just stared blankly at Kim Eun-ha, completely buried in the sofa.

“How did you manage it? With these people, the broadcasters would be supporting lavishly. Why parachute someone in…?”

“What else but money.”


As I calmed my shocked heart, Kim Eun-ha finished her coffee cleanly. She put the empty cup on the table and continued.

“A lot of money goes into producing a drama. Unlike the old days, you can’t just cut labor costs with passion pay.”

“That’s true, but…”

In the past, it was common for staff to work several nights in a row, getting paid less than the minimum wage.

But in today’s world, doing such things would immediately bring the wrath of netizens.

Consequently, many dramas fail even before airing. Nowadays, not only the work-life balance of the staff but also the school days of the actors are carefully managed.

‘…How much did she give?’

I couldn’t even guess how much production support was needed to insert a parachute actor with no significant experience.

‘It wouldn’t be just simple support.’

Kang In-ho PD and Jung Ha-rin, the writer, could be considered ‘guaranteed box-office hits.’

Not only are they talented, but they also have extensive personal networks, ensuring a production team of excellent people.

‘In other words, an excellent promotional tool.’

Peaceful Chaebol Life.

Just from the title of the work, one could guess that the main characters are from the upper class. And if they were to act, it would naturally be…

“Mirae Department Store as the filming location.”


Kim Eun-ha made a curious noise, as if interested. It seemed my guess was right.

Only then did I begin to understand the script in front of me. Even with strong backing from a broadcaster, renting out an entire department store would not be easy.

‘Of course, they could build a set…’

But that would also be costly and the limited space would reduce realism.

Moreover, a department store is a special space with many brands gathered. There are numerous ways to naturally integrate PPL (TL: product placement).

‘It must have been an offer hard for the production team to refuse.’

How to increase the production budget or how to integrate PPL without feeling out of place or reducing its impact.

How many production teams must have torn their hair out over the boundary between reality and ideal? Kang In-ho PD and Jung Ha-rin, the writer, couldn’t have been completely free from this dilemma either.

“It’s a pity. I was hoping to show off a bit.”

“You seem quite happy for that.”

“It was a pretty good deal.”

“Of course. If the drama is a hit, the department store will enjoy tremendous promotional effects. They might even attract foreign tourists.”

The public is more influenced by the media than they realize. The luxury items worn by actresses in dramas sell out without even needing promotion.

But what if there’s a department store in the drama that the chaebols often visit? Especially if you could actually go there yourself.

‘Wouldn’t the term “pilgrimage” exist for a reason?’

In an era where people desire the desires of others.

Commonly accompanied by the term ‘Flex’, these days people believe that what others enjoy, they should too. Once the flame of a trend ignites, it’s not easily extinguished.

One concern, however, is that in this industry, one-sidedly good deals are rare. Surely Kim Eun-ha must have paid a significant price. For instance.

“It was a bold decision. If the drama flops spectacularly, shaking off that image won’t be easy.”

This is the problem.

Everyone knows that a hit drama can create a ripple effect of success. Yet, there’s a reason why not everyone tries it.

An absolute rule in this field is that even authors who have continuously hit the jackpot can completely flop in their next work.

“Right. The lack of competition for this tempting deal, and the ability to insert you as a parachute, it’s all because of that.”

“High risk, high return?”


I expected a positive response, but Kim Eun-ha shook her head decisively.

Seeing my puzzled expression, she continued with a mischievous smile on her lips.

“I believe that my husband will surely succeed. So, in this case, it should be called ‘zero risk, high return’, right?”

“Of course, I don’t plan to take it lightly either…”

I swallowed the rest of my words. Somehow, her words seemed to have an underlying meaning.

Sure enough, she fiddled with her empty teacup a few times, then spoke in a cold, serious tone.

“If the drama fails because of Mr. Woo-ju, I’ll find a suitable redevelopment area nearby and bury you alive.”

“Ahaha, you really joke in a deadly way.”


“…It’s not a joke?”

With a slight smile, Kim Eun-ha just lifted the corners of her mouth without answering. I also responded with a silent smile. She really was a type of person to keep at a distance.

“Cough- Anyway, what… What role am I playing in this drama? It must be a fairly significant extra since I’m a parachute, right?”

“It’s Kang Joo-heon.”

“Oh, he even has a name.”

My excitement started to rise again. Even if it wasn’t a nameless role like ‘Passerby 1’, you never know.


With that hopeful expectation, I flipped through the script. I was just casually checking to see when this Kang Joo-heon character would appear.


Something was off.

From that moment, my hand flipping through the script became increasingly frantic, and with each page turned, my uncontrollable body started to tremble.

In the first chapter.

And the second chapter.

In the next, and the next.

The name Kang Joo-heon kept popping up.

“Eun-ha ssi, don’t tell me…”

Is he the main character?

I couldn’t finish my sentence. It seemed too foolish a question even to myself.

At the same time, I didn’t have the leisure to ponder it. I was so engrossed in the script that just flipping the pages left me breathless.

‘He’s not the protagonist.’

For a moment, I thought he was due to his significant presence, but thankfully (?) after reading through the entire script, I realized Kang Joo-heon wasn’t the main character.

However, he had too much presence to be just a supporting character. Especially in the early parts of the first episode, he had more scenes than the protagonist.

Mostly provocative performances aimed at capturing the attention of viewers who casually sample the drama.

‘I get the feeling.’

Kang Joo-heon.

This guy is a villain standing in direct opposition to the protagonist. Consumed to the bone with a sense of elitism, a true natural-born. In other words.

“…The main villain.”

“Interesting expression. So, as you said, he’s the villain throughout the drama. In fantasy novels, maybe akin to a Demon King?”

“Isn’t it because, Eun-ha ssi, you want to impose a certain ‘image’ on me as your husband?”

“That’s right.”

Kim Eun-ha readily nodded.

Indeed, her offering me a role in the drama was more than just a transaction; it was about imposing a suitable image on me.

Therefore, I easily understood the keyword ‘chaebol’. But being a villain was a different story.

‘A first role is a serious matter for an actor.’

Look at ‘Daniel Radcliffe’ from the movie <Harry Potter>.

Despite shaving his head, wearing horns, and even playing a gay role, he couldn’t easily shake off the image of Harry Potter.

Similarly, I couldn’t ignore the impact of the image given by my first role.

“Don’t you like it?”

“No, it’s not that. I’m not in a position to be picky. Honestly, I would have been satisfied even with an extra role. But…”

“Does it mean that having a villain image isn’t suitable for acting as your spouse?”

“Essentially, yes.”

Frankly, no matter the role, I’d bow down and say ‘Oh, thank you’, but Kim Eun-ha is different, isn’t she?

Regardless of the purpose, I thought a positive image would be more advantageous if she intended to present me as a husband candidate to her family.

Reading my expression, Kim Eun-ha spoke with a serious look.

“What I want from Mr. Woo-ju isn’t a docile retriever-like image. I’d prefer if you were like a Doberman, ready to bite at any time.”

“Must your analogies be so…”

“Hehe- Borrowing Mr. Woo-ju’s way of expression, am I a princess taming a Demon King? Come to think of it, that image isn’t too bad.”

“More like a witch, not a princess.”


I quickly shut my mouth at Kim Eun-ha’s sharpening gaze. Anyway, if the client has no problem, then that’s okay.

“So, Eun-ha ssi, you want me to act like a Doberman all the time, like today?”

“Yes. In front of the PD, writer, friends, and if possible, even your parents. Act like you’re possessed by the very ‘Park Do-Hyun’ I saw before.”

“You’re nonchalantly asking for something huge. Even setting aside the feasibility, having a personality like Park Do-Hyun would make normal human relationships almost impossible, don’t you think?”

“That’s exactly it.”


Kim Eun-ha snapped her fingers, agreeing. I stared at her, bewildered, as she continued with a playful smile.

“That’s what I want from Mr. Woo-ju. You need at least that much audacity to deceive even my grandfather.”

“What about people who already know me? They’ll think it’s strange.”

“Just tell me who they are. I’ll take care of them cleanly.”

“…I’ll handle it myself.”

Kim Eun-ha’s words were scary because I couldn’t tell if they were a joke or serious. I swallowed a cold sweat and hastily changed the subject.

“What about the activity support fund?”

“Support fund?”

“To act like a rich person, I need money, right? I have clothes that Eun-ha ssi just bought me, but other than that, I’m just a normal guy in his 20s with no house, no car, nothing.”


Kim Eun-ha looked at me with a serious face for the first time. She scrutinized my face as if gauging the truth, then took out her wallet.

“Oh- A rare card.”

“…Stop talking nonsense and just take it.”

“I thought it was a black card.”

“That one gets blocked if there’s a change in usual spending patterns. And don’t worry about the limit on this card, it’s unlikely you’ll reach it.”

“So, can I buy a house with this?”


That’s probably too much.

I subtly averted my gaze from Kim Eun-ha’s deadly look, holding the card and the script carefully in both hands.

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