My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 101: Comprehending the Door of Myriad Variations, Gaining the Power of Mutation

Chapter 101: Comprehending the Door of Myriad Variations, Gaining the Power of Mutation

"You can talk... wow, you’re a monster!"

The canary flapped its wings, flying three meters high. Its small body trembled in fear.

Qi Yuan was speechless: "I am human, a bona fide human.

You, a bird, speak human language instead of bird language. You are the monster!"

"Miss can speak bird language!"

"Biu biu biu... chirp chirp chirp..."

The canary's voice was like a machine gun, or an electric scooter alarm, crisp and piercing.

"Miss spoke bird language, so I am not a monster. Now it’s your turn. You are a drop of blood, speak blood language, or you’re a monster!" the canary demanded.

At this moment, the conversation between her and Qi Yuan was utterly illogical, like a childish chat.

How does blood speak?

Qi Yuan was dumbfounded.

But he couldn't let himself be outdone by a bird.

"Dinosaur... carrying a wolf... blood blood blood..."

Qi Yuan made up nonsense instantly.

The canary's eyes widened, rolling: "You are lying. Where does blood speak like that?"

"You are not blood, so how would you know how blood speaks?" Qi Yuan felt he had the upper hand, referencing the saying 'You are not a fish, so how can you know the joy of fish.'

Sure enough, the canary was stunned by Qi Yuan.

"Neither of us are monsters?" It cautiously flew over, landing near Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan paused, realizing he had been led astray.

Whether one could speak bird or blood language had nothing to do with being a monster.

"You are a monster, I am not." Qi Yuan emphasized.

The canary landed beside him: "Even if Miss is a monster, she is a very beautiful monster. And you, an ugly freak!"

Qi Yuan couldn't stand it: "If I transform, I will be handsome and dignified."

The two argued childishly and gradually became familiar.

Qi Yuan found that the canary wasn't very smart, rather vain, or perhaps just loved beauty.

He felt that this canary dragged him to its level of intelligence.

He stopped arguing over meaningless things and asked, "Where is this place?"

"This is Nine Pan Mountain."

"Where is Nine Pan Mountain?"

"In Nine Pan Mountain, of course," the canary replied with a look that suggested Qi Yuan was an idiot.

Qi Yuan was speechless, thinking, ‘Why not call it Second Fairy Bridge, why not call it Chenghua Avenue?’

But he understood he couldn't get anything useful from the canary.

"Do you know about the Southern and Northern Wars?" Qi Yuan asked again.

Anyone in the Liufeng Realm would know about the Southern and Northern Wars.

The canary shook its head.

"Do you... know about demons?" Was this place not the Liufeng Realm?

The canary's eyes widened in fear: "Those ugly things, there are lots and lots of them at the foot of the mountain!"

Qi Yuan understood.

He looked at the sky without stars and concluded this was likely the Liufeng Realm.

"Those ugly things, crazy and erratic, attack us on sight."

"Do you know what that door in the sky is?" Qi Yuan asked again.

The door in the sky was mysterious and ancient.

In the Liufeng Realm, he had never seen such a door.

This indicated that the place he was in...

"I don't know." The canary shook its head.

Qi Yuan didn't want to talk anymore. This dumb canary couldn’t provide any answers.

He stared at the Door of Myriad Variations in the sky, slowly comprehending.

The canary glanced at Qi Yuan and returned to its nest.

The small nest, hanging on a tree, looked delicate and exquisite.

Back in its nest, the canary preened its fine feathers.

It groomed for half a day.

After some time, it poked its little head out: "Blood drop, what are you doing? What's so interesting about that door?"

"I am comprehending the essence," Qi Yuan replied.

Comprehending the essence wasn’t like in TV, requiring total immersion without disturbance.

He just needed to look at it.

Anyway, fragments would fall off.

【You have comprehended the Door of Myriad Variations, back-scratching ability +1.】

【You have comprehended the Door of Myriad Variations, mutation ability +1.】

【You have comprehended the Door of Myriad Variations, mental disorder +1.】

All sorts of strange abilities were comprehended.

The more Qi Yuan comprehended, the better his mental state became.

"What is comprehending the essence?" The canary looked up at the Door of Myriad Variations, eyes filled with instinctive fear. "Can it make one more beautiful?"

"Maybe... it’s possible." Qi Yuan replied truthfully.

With the strange things he comprehended, becoming more beautiful was normal.

The canary was excited: "I want to comprehend it too!"

It imitated Qi Yuan, staring blankly at the Door of Myriad Variations in the sky.

As he comprehended, Qi Yuan's form gradually grew larger.

In the past month, the ability he comprehended most was mutation.

He had ten of them.

As for other strange abilities, they were fleeting and not systematic.

A month later, a sudden storm swept over Nine Pan Mountain, the wind blowing the trees, drenching the world. Qi Yuan, through the rain, still stared at the Door of Myriad Variations.

During the thunderstorm.

【You have comprehended the Door of Myriad Variations, slight increase in combat power in thunderstorms.】

"Can it be?" It was the first time in a month he had comprehended an increase in combat power.

However, the cold rain hitting his face made him uncomfortable.

At that moment, a banana leaf covered his head, shielding him from the rain.

The canary's voice came: "Blood drop, what a heavy rain."

Qi Yuan saw it, its feathers mostly wet, trembling: "I am not afraid of rain, you should go back to your nest. Wet feathers aren’t pretty."

"Hmph!" The canary held the banana leaf. "We are neighbors. Miss sees you without hands or legs, feeling sorry for you... Ah-choo..."

"Can canaries sneeze?" It was the first time Qi Yuan saw it.

The canary, wet and cold, turned away, not wanting to look at Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan whispered: "Fire."

A small flame rose beside them.

The canary, seeing this, its eyes rolled: "You know spells?"

"Comprehending the Door of Myriad Variations gives small abilities, just unstable."

The abilities obtained this way felt usable both in the Liufeng Realm and the game.

Unlike the Canglan Realm’s spells, which didn't work in the game.

The potential of these abilities seemed great.

"Wow, blood drop, you’re amazing. Why do I comprehend the Door of Myriad Variations but get nothing? My eyes are even a bit blurry." The canary approached the flame, feeling warm, dispelling its cold.

"Are you nearsighted? How can staring at the sky make you nearsighted? Maybe you should stop comprehending."

"No, I want to become beautiful!" The canary stubbornly said, suddenly its eyes rolled, "Do you smell something burning?"

Qi Yuan glanced, the canary's tail was on fire: "… Your tail is burning."

"Ah... uh... my feathers are on fire!"

"Blood drop, Miss won’t forgive you!"

The banana leaf was lifted, the rain dousing the canary’s feathers, extinguishing the fire.

Its tail still had scorch marks.

Loving beauty, it couldn't accept this.

It glared at Qi Yuan.

"Miss won’t speak to you again."

Like an angry child, it ran back to its house.

It looked at its tail, feeling aggrieved.

Mumbling: "Blood drop, if you don't speak to me first, Miss won’t forgive you."

The canary looked at the heavy rain outside, then slept in its nest.

Only sleeping could ease its pain.

At night, a banana leaf covered Qi Yuan, shielding most of the rain.

Qi Yuan glanced at the nest designed to shield from wind and rain.

He saw the panicked canary, glaring at him when noticed.

"What are you looking at? Without an apology, Miss won’t forgive you."

In the following days, the canary didn’t talk to Qi Yuan.

It seemed truly angry over its burned feathers.

Qi Yuan kept comprehending the Door of Myriad Variations, gaining more mutation abilities.

A year passed, and he had nearly a hundred mutation abilities.

Other strange abilities came and went quickly.

"Hey, blood drop, when will you apologize to Miss!"

One evening, the canary appeared before Qi Yuan.

Its tail seemed to have healed, it glared at Qi Yuan.

After a year, it finally talked to Qi Yuan.

"…Who are you?" Qi Yuan felt confused.

"You... forgot Miss, unforgivable!" The canary's feathers fluffed up, pacing around Qi Yuan.

"Oh, you’re the canary. I remember, thanks for the banana leaf." Qi Yuan smiled, recalling.

The canary glared: "You’re like fish, poor memory?"

Time flew, twenty-seven years passed.

Qi Yuan's form grew from a small marble to the size of a football.

Mutation abilities neared a thousand.

The Door of Myriad Variations in the sky slowly faded, almost disappearing.

"Blood drop, who is prettier, me or the white fox of Seven Pan Mountain?" The canary landed before Qi Yuan.

Around Nine Pan Mountain were other peaks.

On Seven Pan Mountain, a white fox speaking human language was popular among the mountains.

Gold nests and silver nests were no match for one's own home.

"You are the prettiest." Qi Yuan lied, comforting his neighbor.

"Miss knew she was prettiest, those guys have no taste, choosing that white fox as number one beauty!" The canary was indignant.

Suddenly, it looked up at the sky, its small face blank: "Blood drop, the Door of Myriad Variations... is gone. Don’t be sad."

"Blood drop?"

"Blood drop?!!"


Am I back?

Comprehending the essence was quick.

Qi Yuan opened his eyes, seeing his surroundings, back in Wu Gui City.

"So this is comprehending the essence?"

He recalled the Door of Myriad Variations.

He comprehended for twenty-seven years, gaining mostly mutation abilities.

When the door vanished, his comprehension ended.

"Mutation ability... what is it?"

"The Door of Myriad Variations, what is it?"

Qi Yuan looked at himself.


He whispered.

A flame ignited.

He didn’t use Canglan Realm's spell or game skills.

Saying fire, fire appeared.

"Mutation?" Qi Yuan whispered.

But his body didn’t change.

"Maybe too few mutation abilities?

Or haven't I found the issue?"

"Next comprehension at level ninety."

Sixty levels granted a comprehension chance, so did ninety and one hundred twenty.

Setting emotions aside, Qi Yuan hugged Xiao Jia, both lying in the city gate pit again.


In the windless desert, all was sand, vast and beautiful.

Qi Yuan, holding Xiao Jia, sat on the city wall, leisurely.

"This guard mode is good, constantly killing monsters is too much, even for me."

Qi Yuan had the death glow, but he was still weak, hard to recover from injuries.

He needed levels eighty or ninety for the death glow to be most effective.

Then he would be truly resilient.

"They’re here?"

Qi Yuan squinted, looking at the desert.

In the distance, dust rose.

The demon army’s advance stirred a sandstorm.

This time, stronger than before.

"Eight hundred?"

"Over twenty at level forty-nine?"

Qi Yuan squinted.

Usually, there were only one or two of such level.

Now, over twenty.

"Unfriendly visitors!"

Qi Yuan smiled happily.

"Beating the small ones, the big ones finally come?"

He jumped from the wall with his broken sword.

As always, he shouted at the demon army: "I am the guardian of Wu Gui City, intruders... will be killed without mercy."

Holding the sword, his thin figure contrasted with the thirty-meter high wall.

This time, different from before, the demon army halted.

A woman's voice came.

"Such a handsome man."

With this voice, a scantily clad woman appeared.

Her face was average, but her figure was explosive, in a blood-red dress slit to the waist, exposing much of her hip, showing a deep handprint on her slightly tanned skin.

Her face had strange tattoos.

She was the demon controller Caixia.

She looked at Qi Yuan with an ambiguous gaze: "So this is why Wu Gui City couldn't be taken, a cultivator appeared."

Qi Yuan looked at Caixia, surprised: "Besides foreign demons and void shadows, this is my first time seeing a humanoid experience pack."

Caixia's eyes flashed with regret: "Handsome and strong, but not very bright.

But I'm not interested in your mind, just your body."

Caixia’s eyes gleamed as she licked her lips: "Interested in joining my northern camp?"

This kind of conversation was normal.

Exorcists from ten thousand and eight thousand cities often fled to the north.

Caixia’s last male pet came from Galan City.

"I see you as an experience pack, and you lust for my body, seeking death!" Qi Yuan, angry, held his broken sword.

Delusional woman, shrimp-head woman!

"You still don’t see reality." Caixia's smile vanished, "You have no support in Wu Gui City.

My demon army is endless.

Do you think, blocking a few waves, you can guard Wu Gui City?

You alone, even as a state guardian, can't hold Wu Gui City!

Ten thousand and eight thousand cities will fall one day!"

Caixia retreated.

As a demon controller, her power was average.

The demons were her strength.

Over twenty overlord-level demons could sweep a small city like Wu Gui.

Not to mention hundreds more demons.

As Caixia retreated, the demon army roared, charging Qi Yuan.


Qi Yuan alone blocked Wu Gui City, facing eight hundred demons, charging into the army.

A flash of his sword, dozens of demons were shredded.

A new prompt sounded in his ear.

【Mutation progress 1%, extract 1% demon essence.】

【Gained demon essence *1.】

Qi Yuan paused.

Killing demons used to only grant experience.

Now, he also gained demon essence.

Was this related to comprehending the mutation ability?

Demon essence, what was it?
But now wasn't the time to ponder.

He was still fighting, questions for after the battle.

The slaughter had just begun!

With demon essence, Qi Yuan felt more excited, killing with greater vigor.

Not far, Caixia saw this, her eyes greedier: "Such a strong body, I want a lick."

But after a few hundred breaths, her greed turned to fear.

Eight hundred demons besieging one man, now a hundred killed, and he was unscathed.

Holding the broken sword, not a swordsman, but an assassin charging the army.

Yet this assassin faced encirclement, still killing dozens with each stab.

What assassin fights an army head-on?

She realized the gravity: "You are a state guardian!"

In this small Wu Gui City, a state guardian!
Qi Yuan, killing an overlord-level demon, greedily eyed Caixia: "Thanks for the appetizers."

Level sixty and fifty-nine were a threshold.

In the Canglan Realm, it was the difference between foundation building and golden core.

In Wangyue Continent, between emperor and supreme emperor.

In Liufeng Realm, between state guardian and overlord.

Before, without merging with Xiao Jia, killing this army took effort.

Now, easily done.

Caixia, without hesitation, fled.

A state guardian was too much for her!

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