My Guardian System: The Trader

Chapter 69 - Town Of Tulg

When the Flying Troll fell, Jem followed with a Light Wave attack. It exploded and the body was torn to pieces when it was hit defenselessly. Jem looked at his hand. He was a little surprised at the power of that Light Wave.

He only turned around when he was sure that the monster was dead. He saw the shocked faces of the two with him. But Jem didn't pay attention to it. He invited them to continue their escape before the other flying monsters came down as well. When the man with a sword saw Jem and the others were leaving, he did not continue to approach them, but simply returned to his companion.

"What happened?" His companion asked as he returned. His forehead furrowed. A sign that he was confused by what he saw. Later he also threw a question at his companion. "Did you see what the young man did?"

His companion shook his head and said, "No. I didn't notice…" He stopped for a moment and glanced in the direction where the three ran. He continued saying, "Why, what did he do?"

He thought for a moment before answering. "Hm… I saw him throw something at the monster. But I also saw it when the monster dodged it. But, the monster still... fell?" He said in a questioning tone. He could not grasp how the young did it.

Then, he continued speaking. "I also noticed that something was stuck on the monster's forehead before it fell. Then the monster's body exploded when bright energy coming out of the young man's hand hit it. Unbelievably, though, I thought I noticed three rings shining on his arm," he said the last line in a doubting tone.

"Three rings?!" His companion was shocked to hear it. "Then he is level 3? Impossible! Are you sure about what you saw?!" His companion said in disbelief. Suddenly the man with the sword fell silent for a few seconds.


"I don't know. Maybe I'm just deluded," he replied. Even he was unsure if he saw it right.

"Hm….. maybe. It's so impossible, you know. Well, forget it. It's good that nothing bad happened to them."

"You're right. But who is that young man anyway? "

"Well, I don't know either…"

After they left the place where Jem had encountered one of the Flying Trolls, he again asked them where they were going. Unfortunately, Oldman Barn had nothing to answer for. It was his first time he experienced this kind of situation in his entire life. Suddenly, Oldman Barn remembered something.

"Right. Miles, by the way, where did your mother go? Is she safe?! " Barn asked his granddaughter breathlessly.

"At the evacuation center! Mom is there! " Miles replied while also gasping slightly.

"Evacuation center? Where is that?" He asked.

"Tulg Town!"

"Hm... Okay! Let's go there!" Oldman Barn had no idea about it, but it wasn't the right time to ask more questions.

Miles nodded at what her grandfather had said as she secretly glanced at the quiet boy, running beside her. She saw the calm on his face. Miles knows about the extraordinarily high physical power of ex-humans. So she wasn't surprised that Jem has high stamina. But, his calmness was quite surprising for Miles. She couldn't believe the extent to which Jem had changed.

The Evacuation Center Miles refers to is right in the center of the town of Tulg. This town has a population of just over 1500. But, the area is vast. Maybe because the center of livelihood of the people in this area is farming, so there are many extensive plantations around. So, although the population is small, the area is vast.

After running for more than half an hour, they finally reached the town of Tulg. It was located a few kilometers southwest of the Hillside Plateau. It was not easy for them to get here because they had to avoid being seen by the flying monsters that sometimes passed by.

When they arrived in the town of Tulg, the chaos around was noticeable. Houses that could be seen around are dilapidated while others are on fire, sending warmth to their skins. Although they did not see any dead people in their path, the strong smell of blood that mixed with their breath was noticeable.

"It looks like monsters have recently invaded this place," after Oldman Barn said it, they heard a shout from not far away.

"Waaah! Help!"

The three looked at each other. "What was that?" Miles asked. The two shrugged their shoulders in response. But, even before Jem and Oldman Barn could say something, Miles already dashed towards the source of the voice. "Let's go and find out!" The two could do nothing but follow her.

'The voice came from the next corner!' Miles thought while speeding up her pace. After turning into the alley, Miles almost fell when she stepped on something that was blocking her path. "Aww!" She cried out subconsciously. Because of this, her voice echoed and she was heard by other creatures present in the area. She inadvertently grabbed their attention. Suddenly, they look in her direction.


Her ears picked an eerie sound. Her sight was instinctively drawn to the direction of that sound. She froze on the spot at what she saw. "Wha—!" It seemed like cold water poured down her back at that moment.

Sharp saw-like teeth peeked out when they saw her. They seem happy to see more potential victims. Their eagerness to taste fresh human flesh is obvious based on the saliva flowing into their mouths. Miles's eyes grew larger when she saw them.

When Jem and Oldman Barn reached Miles, the old man got worried when he saw his granddaughter almost fall. He immediately asked her, "Miles, are you okay—" but Oldman Barn suddenly stopped speaking. Instead, "T-trolls!" He cried out in shock. He saw three trolls and two people.

When Jem arrived at the place, the first thing he noticed was the strong smell of blood around. He also saw lifeless people wearing town guard outfits. They all have horrible wounds on the body while bathing in their blood.

However, his attention was suddenly grabbed when he heard a mumble from one of the people surrounded by monsters. "Eh? W-why are there still people…" they heard this trembling mumble from the man wearing a town guard outfit. One of two people surrounded by three trolls. The other was an elderly woman. Maybe an ordinary resident of the area. Based on his observations, it looks like these guards tried to rescue the residents in this area.

Jem couldn't help but be surprised at what he saw. He did not think that there were people who were willing to risk their lives to save others. Or perhaps, there are just people who are really selfish. But it is also possible that they just have no choice and they have to follow their duty.

Whatever the reason, saving another person's life in exchange for your life can be considered right and wrong depending on the situation.. But, saving yourself in exchange for the lives of others is a big mistake. He felt bitter in thinking about it

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