Ch: 16 [Mutant School]

Ch: 16 [Mutant School]

Professor X asks with a troubled expression, "This is the second time I have seen a force like this. What do you intend to do with it?".

He looks troubled, and there is a glint of sadness in his eyes. Well, I can't blame him. Even I was surprised when I saw that blue freak burn to death in the blink of an eye. I said void back then, so it must be the Void Force mutation.

Now, the question is, what else can this destructive Void force do? And since it's powerful enough to make the Professor uneasy... Then, how powerful is my second mutation? There are too many questions in my head without any answers. I need to find those answers. For that, I must master and understand my power. And I need a place to test my power without any trouble.

As long as it was eroge power, it was fine. But now, with these insane abilities... I might lose control again. I might hurt Jenny and mom. I can't let that happen. I have lost many things... No more... I don't want to admit it, but I need Professor X's help.

I will be able to master my powers in this place, the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, without interruptions. Moreover, I want to meet that young lady, Rogue again.

[Exactly, this is the most ideal place to train.]

[If the host loses his mind, he can help you. You will also be able to earn EP if you play your cards right.]

You almost took the words out of my mouth. Well... There is nothing to lose anyway as long as I am not locked behind four walls.

"For now, not much. Maybe I'll stop by the school from time to time, and you can help me improve," I say.


I left the room after talking with the Professor. I decided to visit the Xavier school once or twice a week to train.

Since I am here, let's take a look around. I started walking down the hallways. There were six rooms, and mutant students were taking their classes there. I have never seen so many mutants in a single place.

I came across a large open field at the end of the hallway. There were a few mutants who were training under their teachers. I decided to watch the training section. It's really interesting to see so many unique powers.

A statuesque black woman with silver-white hair and startling blue eyes, teaching a young boy how to fly. I know her from TV. Her name is Storm, 32 years old. She is a legendary Omega-level mutant with the ability to control the weather. Just last month, she kicked Bloodshot's butt in physical combat. The entire fight was caught live by some high schoolers who were in the wrong place at the right time. The video became viral within a minute.

I should go and introduce myself- Right? I mean, I can meet her later, but... Damn! I like that tight black leather costume with golden linings she is wearing. I want to take her to a corner and fuck the hell out of her...

I walk toward Storm. She notices me and dismisses her students. Now, I am standing right next to her. Oh! I can see her cleavage.

Storm says, "Oh! You must be Alex. Really impressive job at the mall." I can see a peck of a smile at the corner of her lips.

[Booom!] Before I could say anything, a loud explosion occurred in the field a few meters from our location.

What is that thing? A flying human!

A man fell on his stomach before us. A blue and yellow costume, metal claws. It's Wolverine. Which retard in their right mind blew him? The one and only near-immortal mutant with rapid healing and a metal skeleton. He stood up with a groan. The cuts and bruises he had suffered from the explosion disappeared before my eyes. It's like Selina's arm.

"Argg! Jubilee!" Wolverine stood up with a groan. Even though he heals, I am sure he can feel the pain.

A young Asian girl with short black hair came running. She is wearing a white tank top, a yellow jacket that is a bit big for her body, pink goggles on her head, short blue jeans, and blue sneakers. "I told you grump you can't catch me..." She stops at a safe distance and yells at Wolverine.

"Just you wait... You little brat..." Wolverine began to walk toward the jumpy girl named Jubilee, "I will get you for blasting my motorcycle..."

Jubilee starts to run, and Wolverine continues his chase.

Jubilee is throwing sparkling beams at Wolverine, and he dodges them swiftly. The beams are creating small-scale explosions. They are running all over the field.

I ask Storm, "Aren't you going to stop them?".

Storm with a distant look in her eyes replies: "Logan treats Jubilee like his own daughter. He can't express his emotions as we do, but he takes care of her like his own child."

"So... They are basically playing a game of explosion tag. This place is really interesting," I say.

"Oh! Look at the time," Storm said after glancing at her watch, "I am late. Let's talk more next time, Alex." She flew into the sky like a bird. And there I was, alone.

My stomach is rumbling. It's already past 4. I have to get some real food. Humm! Since our shopping was ruined, I think I will take Jenny to a restaurant and spend quality time together, but mom is alone at home. She will be cooking dinner, so we can't be late.

If we leave now, we can buy some light food and enjoy them on the go. I hope they brought my car here, or else this plan will also go down. Ah! Speaking of Jenny. There she is, speaking with three girls around her age, just at the end of the southern hallway. Looks like she made new friends. Good for her.

She notices me and waves her hand. Huh? That glow again. I mean, that blue sparkle in her eyes. I am 100% sure her eyes glowed just now. Did she awaken like me? She came walking to me after saying her goodbyes to her new friends.

"Let's go... It's getting late, and I am hungry," Jenny says.

How does she know what I am thinking right now? Can she read my mind? But I don't see any System notification.

"Yeah. I am starving. Wanna grab some burgers and fries from White Castle?" I ask as I pull her closer in my arms. My right hand is on her shoulder, and Jenny's left hand is on my waist.

"Yes, that would be great," Jenny says softly.

Oh! She is blushing. It must be her first time walking with a boy like this in public, and my dick is tingling thinking about what she said earlier in the trial room. Should I buy some rubber? Humm! Nah... I don't want to force her, but if she agrees and I get lucky, I want to do it without rubber. Feeling her without rubber... Oh! I want to feel that sensation...

Jenny guided me toward the garage. Luckily they brought my car with them. Then we left for our next destination, The White Castle. Let me tell you, their tiny juicy square burgers are a thing to die for, and their exclusive cherry diet coke... There is just no comparison.


We bought the 1921 slider combo for us and the smoky slider combo for mom. Mom likes burgers with smoky flavors. We ate in the car. It was already 8 at night when we reached home. I gave a call to mom when we were waiting for our order. I didn't want her to worry about us, and I told Jenny not to tell mom about the mall incident.

Mom enjoyed her burger and coke. We had a great conversation while watching a comedy movie. Things are finally turning around for us. Sis and mom are often smiling. That tired look on their faces is slowly fading away. Then we had dinner. As always, a home-cooked meal is delicious. No burger can compare with my mom's cooked food.

I cleaned the dining table and washed the dishes. Soon, mom went to bed while Jenny and I decided to finish the movie before going to bed.

"I think I will take a long bath... Care to join me?" I whispered in Jenny's ear and lightly licked her ear lobe.


Next chapter: Will MC finally get to fulfill his dream? Or Will someone interrupt him again? Coming soon...

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