Ch: 4 [Such a Tease]

Ch: 4 [Such a Tease]

I watched intently as Black Widow's eyes locked onto my lips, a slight hint of desire glimmering in her gaze. The air around us crackled with tension, my own anticipation building to a fever pitch. In that electrifying moment, a flashing blue LED light on her wrist abruptly interrupted the charged atmosphere.

She lowered her eyes, a subtle disappointment flickering across her face. I could tell she had been just as caught up in the moment as I was. Her warm breath brushed against my skin, sending shivers down my spine, and the mere thought of what could have transpired made my heart race.

With a seductive smile, she pulled back, leaving me craving more. It was a torturous tease, an almost kiss that had been snatched away by an untimely interruption. Damn, those bastards for ruining our perfect moment. I yearned to activate my Erotic Pheromone power, but I knew deep down that it wouldn't be as satisfying to seduce her that way. Somehow, I felt she would come to me willingly.

I couldn't help but think about the magnetic allure of a woman like her receiving attention from a young man like myself who holds the power to make her stronger. There was an unspoken connection between us, a sense that I wouldn't need to rely on my powers to captivate her. After all, she hadn't resisted when I was about to kiss her; instead, she had leaned in, ready to engage in a passionate kiss. The memory of that brief, tantalizing encounter fueled my desire even further.

I know that she didn't resist because she needs my help to gain power, but a man can dream.

"You are free to leave... We will continue our conversation later," Black Widow said, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room. With those words, she began to make her way toward the door, her movements both graceful and alluring. Just before exiting, she paused, casting a lingering gaze over her shoulder, her eyes locked with mine. A playful smirk danced upon her lips, leaving me breathless with anticipation. Then, she was gone, leaving me alone in that room, my mind racing with questions.

I hurriedly reached the door, pressing my ear against it, desperately trying to catch any fragment of conversation from the device that had interrupted our heated exchange. It was clear that the communication device on Black Widow's wrist held something of importance. She had left in haste, even though she had been on the verge of surrendering her secrets to me in a moment of vulnerability.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself muttering under my breath, "Q&Q... Enhance my hearing"

Emulating what I had witnessed other awakeners do to activate their powers, I spoke the name of the skill I desired. Instantly, my peculiar System sprang to life, and a notification materialized before my eyes.


Q&Q Activated...


I can feel weird energy rushing within my body. To be more precise, I can see wisps of light green hue around my body. It was a warm and good feeling. So, this is what the awakeners call energy. Anyway, I touched my ears to improve the quality of my hearing. I don't even know if the skill works on the human body. Well, let's find out.

I closed my eyes and focused on hearing.

A distant voice came to my ears.

"Miss Romanova, we have successfully located a new warehouse as per your instructions. Our drones managed to capture a glimpse of Victor Fries in the vicinity, and six trucks loaded with ammunition arrived just 10 minutes ago. We eagerly await your command..."

Victor Fries... That despicable man.

[According to Villanpedia, Victor Fries, also known as Mr. Freeze, ranks as the third most formidable ice-themed villain. He possesses a tragic past, being both a scientist and a villain, driven by his relentless pursuit of a cure for his wife. To sustain her, he has kept her in suspended animation, while dedicating himself to finding the elusive remedy.

An accident involving a cryo-bath altered his genetic structure, making him reliant on sub-zero temperatures for survival. Creating a specialized cryo-suit, he turned to a life of crime to fund his quest, thus becoming one of Batman's longstanding adversaries.]

"I'm en route... Prepare the assault team and have Selina Kyle on standby. This time, we won't let those villains slip through our fingers easily," commanded Black Widow, ending the call abruptly. The sound of her footsteps faded away, replaced by the revving of her motorcycle engine as she departed from the hospital grounds.

Fortunately, the outside remained serene, devoid of any other audible presence aside from Black Widow and her conversation. It struck me as peculiar. For a hospital, it should be bustling with activity, yet an eerie silence prevailed. Nevertheless, that was not my concern, as I was now at liberty to leave.

But... Where on earth are my clothes?

I can't possibly step outside wearing this flimsy hospital robe.

I scanned the room, hoping to find something other than the plain white garments typically worn by patients during their stay. Alas, there was nothing. The camera had been destroyed, and there was no emergency phone or call button to summon assistance. There was no point in waiting here any longer. I had to venture out and see for myself.

As I opened the door, my gaze fell upon a black bag lying at my feet. Black Widow must have left it for me. I eagerly unzipped it and discovered a set of fresh clothes inside. They were brand new, with the price tags still attached. My goodness, they were outrageously expensive.

Although I used to be wealthy, well... until that wretched woman took everything from me. Argh! Just thinking about her fills me with rage. She will pay for stealing my fortune; mark my words. Anyway, as I was saying... I've never owned such extravagant clothing before. But who am I to complain?

I swiftly changed into the new attire and left the hospital. Upon stepping outside, I confirmed that it was indeed a hospital. However, it seemed that someone had vacated the building and relocated the patients to a nearby medical facility. Whatever the case, it was time to return home and uncover how in the world I ended up in Harley's BDSM room.

I found myself standing in Lancer Square, situated in the heart of New York City. This area had been given a new name after some bureaucratic amalgamation and all the accompanying headaches. It was now filled with upscale malls and top-notch restaurants. Further south, there was a famous nocturnal district that only came alive between midnight and 6:00 AM, known for its licensed brothels, nightclubs, and strip clubs.

Luxurious vehicles surrounded me, as affluent old men strolled alongside their young female companions. Then there were those sugar mommies with their young male counterparts... You may be familiar with terms like milfs and matures... Sigh. And they say money can't buy happiness. This place was a veritable paradise for the wealthy.

Okay, enough of this explanation. I'm starting to feel sorry for myself after recounting all that. Two years ago, I hit the jackpot twice in two different casinos, winning a total of approximately 300 million dollars, deposited neatly into my bank account.

And what did I do with that immense sum of money? I foolishly chased after a woman like a complete bastard. I kept my family in the dark, consumed by greed after coming into that absurd amount of wealth.

Instead of savoring life and helping my impoverished family, I hoarded it all for myself. I should have confided in my mother and sister. At the very least, I could have provided my sister with a quality education and bought her something nice. She never asks for anything, and my mother... She toils away at two jobs that barely cover our daily needs. Then there's the mounting debt, school fees, and rent.

Now that I reflect on it, what have I done? I feel like a shit.

I should have never pursued my childhood sweetheart. That conniving woman... Did she use some kind of nefarious charm to cloud my judgment? Perhaps she brainwashed me? Or maybe I am simply a worthless and feeble-minded fool, to begin with.

But today, for some reason, I feel different. I feel alive. My mind has never been clearer. It could be the result of my awakening. And that weird voice is no more. It must be the effects of the drugs. Regardless, it's a liberating sensation. 

I will do everything in my power to fix the mess I've made. With my newfound abilities, becoming the wealthiest man is no longer a mere dream. Soon... very soon...

Sigh. That's enough dwelling on the past. I don't want to dwell on it right now. I need to act swiftly and seize every opportunity that presents itself. But before I do that, I must catch a train. Darkness is descending, and I have no intention of spending the night on the streets.

Hmm... I feel like I'm forgetting something. My hands instinctively reached into my jeans pocket, only to find it empty.

Wait a minute! I don't have a single penny in my pocket, nor do I have my identification with me. How in the world am I going to make my way home?


Well, not much erotic content in today's chapter. But don't worry... Soon...


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