My Hermes System

Chapter 443: The Grand Purpose

Chapter 443: The Grand Purpose

"They… were all alive?"

There was a small silence slowly encroaching in the air as Athena's words traveled through the sheets of ice. Throughout the entire time, throughout their whole endeavor and adventure, they have been told that these World Eaters, these Systellions were conquerors that would devour everything that stood on their path.

That they killed every planet, people, and civilization like them over and over again.

And now, the ones who told them to rally and fight against these would-be invaders are telling them that… they didn't?

"What do you mean, Athena?"

But of course, the one that was most confused amongst all the people that were there right now was still Van.

"She meant what she said, King Evans."

This time, however, Pontiff Irin was the one to speak as she stepped closer to Van; her eyes, looking him straight in the eyes… without malice, without bar.

"We… do not 'devour' as you claim, we rescue."


"We rescue civilizations, people that would otherwise destroy themselves and place them… in an environment that would make it impossible for them to be swayed to a path of ruin."

"...You destroyed the Seraph's universe."

"We resurrected it. We are not our ancestors, King Evans," Pontiff Irin shook her head, before raising her hand and summoning several images to float in the air for everyone to see. And there, they saw people waging war with each other, famine, and ultimately planets exploding,

"Our ancestors may have waged war against the Seraphs, and it may very well have decimated hundreds of billions of lives. But it was, in the end, proven to be necessary. The Seraphs have long just been bystanders that just stood by and watched, when they have the power to stop any tragedies from happening," Pontiff Irin waved her hand, causing the images and holograms in the air to shift— showing the Seraphs' war with the Systellions.

Van couldn't really fully understand Irin's words and was just instead looking at the Seraphs, trying to find his mother amongst the lot.

"And when our war with the Seraphs was over, we created our own system— our own small universe."

But alas, before Van could even scan the Seraphs that were on display, the images once again shifted— showing the image of some sort of… colossal ship being built on the expanse of space.

"The Ark,"

Irin stated, "A ship that has its very own universe, capable of storing thousands of habitable planets inside it. Planets that would otherwise die if left be. The people of my ancestors' universe, and the people of the Olympians… the children of those who waged war against the Seraphs did not kill them, they were all alive inside the Ark…

…and you've seen their descendants, King Evans."

The images that floated in the air once again changed; this time, showing Van Bishop Bezios's party. The images continued on, showing Pontiff Tartys's arrival… and his death through Van's hands.

"I thank you, by the way, for getting rid of Pontiff Tartys— not all of those who inherited the memories of our ancestors are… of sound mind due to millions of years of transferring from body to body," Irin then let out a small sigh as the images that littered the air finally disappeared.

"Descendants? But Maria told me they are not capable of birth."

"Not anymore." Irin shook her head, "Our people have evolved beyond the means of such an action. But with the addition of the people of your universe, we hope to bring it back. You have to understand, King Evans— our civilization has existed for a million years. What we were a thousand years ago, or even a hundred years ago may very well be different than what we are today. I would like to think I was different from the one who came before me, and she was still alive not too long ago."

"This is true, King Evans," Demeter once again joined the conversation, "I have seen it myself because we have been here for more than hundreds of thousands of years."


"Demeter doesn't lie, Evans," Athena also stepped forward, "Or perhaps it is better to say that she can not. It is the nature in which she lives."

"And what if the inhabitants of this universe refuse?" Van furrowed his eyebrows.

"Then we leave those who do not want to join our crusade alone," Pontiff Irin explained, "There are already a few we have left behind, but sadly, as the Olympians have witnessed in their universe— those who refused soon died out thousands of years later by their own hands."

"..." Van turned to Demeter, who just nodded in response.

"This…" Van's breaths started to stutter as he looked at everyone,

"...This is fucking stupid."

"...Evans," Athena could really only offer her hand as she gently brushed Van's cheek.

"So all this time, we… I've been running around different galaxies for nothing?"

Van had a purpose. He thought he finally had one, and he liked it. Traveling across the expanse of space alone was sort of a solace to him, and the fact that he could warn the other planets that he could find along the way about the coming of the World Eaters was something he cherished dearly.

He wanted to give them the chance to escape all the tragedies that he himself had experienced— losing everything again and again. He never had the choice, he was never given one.

Arthur's world, Queen Vivati's world, and Pauline Serre's world— because of him, they knew of the impending doom that was about to happen.

This was his grand purpose, something that he could control. All his tragedies, all his pain led to this very moment… and now everything was telling him that it was all for nothing?

Was his entire life… a big fucking joke?

"It's not for nothing, father," Vanya, who had been keeping quiet also approached Van, "You've opened the barriers between our worlds. The people that are here right now are all because of—"

"Bullshit," Van started to let out a small chuckle.


"It's all just bullshit," Van said as he shook his head, "These Systellions would have found a way to breach through these so-called barriers on their own. I wasn't even needed…

…I'm not needed here."

"Nah man, fuck that," Gerald joined in on the conversation with his arms crossed; his eyes, scanning Irin and the Olympians, "This so-called Ark is just a fucking prison."

"We give all the freedom we can give," Irin squinted her eyes as she looked at Gerald, "We allow our people to do whatever they want, because that is how they learn the consequences of such actions. What we do not allow, however, are actions that would destroy and decimate the civilization of their planet."

"I don't like it," Gerald clicked his tongue, "It's too perfect."

"Because that is what we aimed for," Pontiff Irin nodded, "A perfect civilization includes freedom."

"A utopia like that can never exist," Gerald scoffed, "What's the catch, lady? Are you like some kind of canniba—"

Gerald was going to say more, but Vanya pulled him away and told him that it was King Evans, his father's time to speak.

Van, however, only shook his head as he heard that.

"I'm not a king, Vanya," Van shook his head before pointing towards Zeus, "That's your king… I'm just the son of people that thought they were actually fighting for something. Fuck, I wish Evangeline was alive to see this shitshow."


And from the crowd, Sarah suddenly stepped out, "This is a good thing, Van. Andrea—your sister would want this for you… you won't have to fight anymore."

"It's all I know, Miss Sarah," Van smiled.

"It's not," Athena once again stepped in front of Van, "You've proven to be above that many times over."

"And I have also proven I am not many times," Van closed his eyes, "I don't belong in the kind of world these Systellions are offering."

"Then fuck that, man!" Gerald once again raised his voice, "You still have an army ready to fight for you, let's fuck these motherfuckers!"

"But they don't," Van muttered as he shook his head, "I waltzed right into their territory."

"We were quite confident in the Vessel's defenses," Pontiff Irin sighed, "We weren't expecting for someone to penetrate it, and so soon. But it is true, we don't have an army, not anymore. What you will be facing, however, are me and Pontiff Eremiel— and based on your strength, King Evans…

…trillions of people will die before we reach a conclusion. And truthfully, I do not see a reason to continue fighting us, we are not a threat. If anything, our people would see you as the villain— you've already killed innocent people, and you've also held people against their will."


"You will be on trial for that, by the way," Irin then said as she took another sigh, "Consequences. That is, if you wish to join us and become our people. We can give you a free planet, you are already a King to a people, after all."

"I don't have people," Van shook his head before looking at Athena and Vanya, "Only a family…

…and they can decide on their own what they want."

"...What about you?" Irin squinted.

"As I said before," Van did not remove his eyes from his family, "I don't belong here."



"I don't know if I am being petty, or if I'm being unreasonable," Van then blinked a couple of times as he looked towards the purple sky, "But I…

"...I'm going to leave."

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