My Inner Voice Heard By Heroines

Chapter 25 Villain Visits His Parents' House

"So grandpa, you want me to act as the hero in the Grayfia kidnapping you're directing tomorrow?"

After returning to Kuoh, Issei returned to the Lucifuge residence. He received a call from Grayfia's grandfather to discuss something at his house.

By now the two had been sitting in the living room for more than ten minutes.

Issei looked at Grayfia's grandfather sitting in front of her with a surprised expression, she just didn't expect this old man to be so cunning as to organize the kidnapping of his own granddaughter.

Lord Lucifuge nodded as he smiled at Issei. "Yes, Issei. Although the methods I'm using are rather evil, but I'm doing this for you. By using the hero save beauty trick, you can definitely make my granddaughter fall in love with you and obediently marry you."

"Hahaha! Old man... Are you sure you want to do this? You did so far because you wanted me as your son-in-law." Issei did not pretend to be a hypocrite anymore with the old man in front of him, he was now using his Dragon King attitude.

Grandpa Grayfia was clearly not a good person, so Issei didn't bother being a good person in front of him either.

Lord Lucifuge nodded, not minding that Issei had changed his manner of address. After all, he knew who Issei really was and he was definitely not a good person.

Although the other party had saved his life so it could be considered a good person, but he knew Issei saved his life with a lot of consideration. With his life experience having seen a lot of black and white in this world, he was certainly not so foolish as to think of Issei as a truly good person.

But it didn't matter if Issei was a good or bad person, because what he wanted was to have a good relationship with the Dragon King, especially the people behind him.

Just by hugging their thighs, Lord Lucifuge was confident that the Lucifuge family would be taken to another height.

His granddaughters would probably hate him if her found out what he was doing, but if this plan worked his granddaughters would definitely thank him.

For women, being married to a Dragon King and a disciple of that person was a blessing.

"Yes, I will do this. For the sake of my family and my granddaughter, I don't mind doing evil things. So... Does the Dragon King agree?"

"Of course, I'll cooperate with you. You know I'm very interested in Grayfia, right? You must know I won't refuse."

Lord Lucifuge laughed at Issei's agreement, but he only laughed briefly and looked at Issei seriously.

"I know this may be a little presumptuous... But I hope the Dragon King treats my granddaughter well."

Issei smiled faintly. "Sure, I'll do it without you telling me to."

Lord Lucifuge was relieved to hear what Issei said, but he didn't know that Issei was secretly sneering inside his mind.

After Grayfia had disappointed him twice, how could the Dragon King treat him well? Oh, of course he could.

After all, the Dragon King also had a heart.

He could at least treat Grayfia as his concubine to serve him every night.

Issei laughed out loud in his mind, he felt excited to do hero save beauty tomorrow.

After that Grayfia would definitely be his!


The next day.

Riser didn't know there would be a plot correction today. He still considered today as his day off. But unlike yesterday, he now went to his parents' house.

"Hmph! Stupid kid, you still know how to get home?"

"Stop dear, don't scold our son when he took the initiative to visit his parents!"

"B-But, dear, Riser..."

"I said shut up! Riser, have you eaten? Let's go to the dining room, mom will make your favorite food."

Riser looked at Riser Phenex's parents in a daze. Originally he was visiting his parents purely for business, but he was pulled by his mother to eat together.

How could he refuse such caring parents? Of course he did not refuse and allowed his mother to pull him into the dining room.

The Phenex residence or his parents' house was certainly bigger than Riser's private villa, even the dining room here was huge and luxurious.

His mother, Julia Phenex still looked like a young woman despite her thirties. Her blonde hair was as usual styled in a two-drill style. No idea why his mother liked to style her hair like that, but it looked good on her.

As for his father, Rudra Phenex did not look old either. Well he was like a handsome blonde uncle with a short blonde beard. The Phenex family was really characterized by its members mostly having blonde hair.

It's not just his mom and dad who have blonde hair, even he has blonde hair too.

The genes of the Phenex family were basically Blondis with handsome and beautiful facial features.

While eating together with his family and chatting about trivial matters. Riser actually felt complicated in his heart, this was the first time he experienced what it was like to have parents and eat together with them.

In the previous world, he was actually an orphan who was lucky enough to be adopted by an old man. But before the old man did his duty as his single parent, it turned out that the old man's purpose of adopting him was to pass on some of his wealth to him. The old man said that he only had a little time to live, because his other family members had also died and separated somewhere. The man chose to adopt a child in an orphanage to inherit his small fortune.

And he happened to be lucky enough to be chosen by the old man at the age of 7. After the old man died of his illness after 4 days of his adoption, he became the heir to his fortune. Now you might be wondering how much wealth the old man had? Unlike in TV dramas where this kind of routine would be overwhelming, the truth is that the old man's wealth was not big.

It was only worth 100 million, but it was enough to make his life as an orphan better for a few years. He diligently learned many things on his own and saved his money as best he could back then. After struggling a lot alone in his life, as an adult he could only work as a programmer of a small company with a salary of 5 million per month.

At that time Riser was content with the small life he had achieved, he could at least eat, drink, and sleep well while working overtime and enjoying his hobby of reading novels every day in his spare time.

Despite the monotony of his life, he was quite happy with it.

Until one day he was suddenly transported to the world of novels as he fell asleep in the company due to working overtime.

And here he was now, after a few days living in this world as a villain. Riser actually liked this world, this world was better than the previous world where he had a monotonous and ordinary life.

In this world he was the rich second generation!

He had an interesting adventure!

And he also has good parents!

Looking at his parents who just finished eating and kept asking him with concern if he had any problems or something.

He couldn't help but feel moved...

Riser felt that he was not suited to be a villain because his heart was too soft...

At least from the villain novels he read in the previous world, villains often did evil and immoral things.

But well... He didn't intend to become a villain like that either. He was him, not someone else.

He certainly wasn't a good person, but he wasn't a truly evil person either.

I'm a slightly soft villain, so what? I can still suppress the protagonist with this kind of me and be the winner in this life!

"Riser, why are you staring blankly like that? Do you have a problem? Tell mom, mom will definitely punish the person who gave you trouble!"

"Well as my son, how can you let others bully you? Tell me who it is? Even if it's from one of the seven big families like us. We can still strike back and don't mind waging a war of attrition. Whoever bullied my child, they will have to pay the price!"

Julia and Rudra looked angry thinking their son was being bullied by someone.


Riser smiled wryly, as a family of villain, this family is really united, right?

"No one is bullying me, mom, dad. I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"Is that so? Then that's good." Julia breathed a sigh of relief.

But Rudra frowned, "Did you think about your fiancée? Did that girl change her mind and urge you to cancel the engagement again?"

"What?! Is Rias starting to rebel again? I thought she had gotten over being rebellious and started learning to treat my son well. But I was wrong! I had to scold Vanelana so that she would teach her daughter well!"

Julia was angry, she already knew her son had been hurt a lot by Rias for three years. The pursuit of her son who looked like a dog licker continued to be rejected by the red-haired girl.

Julia honestly disliked Rias for her treatment of her son for three years. But since her son seemed to love Rias so much, she swallowed her dislike and even let her son and Rias continue the engagement.

She saw that Rias refused to cancel the engagement and even took the initiative to kiss her son.

Julia thought that Rias had changed and started to accept her son as her fiancé. She started to like the red-haired girl a little, but it seemed like it was only temporary.

The girl seemed to be rebelling again and making trouble again with her son.

Riser shook his head at his parents who immediately targeted Rias.

But he wasn't here because of Rias, the red-haired girl was learning to change. So for now he still had to see her progress before deciding whether he should cancel the engagement with her or not.

"No, it's not about Rias. That girl is learning to change for me."

"Really? That girl is willing to do it?" Julia was actually a bit skeptical about that spoiled girl from the Gremory family.

Rudra just nodded, he looked at his son who seemed to look more calm and mature.

He wondered what was wrong with his son?

Why do I feel my son has changed so much in a few days?

Normally his son would be chatty when talking to his parents and always have a frowning expression.

Now look, his son seems very calm and has a gentle expression on his face when talking to them.

Rudra felt strange, but he was happy that his son was finally becoming more mature. This way he would be more at ease about handing over the Phenex family to him in the future.

It looked like he could retire sooner!

Rudra was already jumping with joy in his mind, but it didn't show on his face of course.

It was important to maintain an image in front of others, especially in front of his family members.

"Yes that's what she told me out loud not long ago. By the way I have something important to talk to you about, dad."

"Want to talk to me? Okay, let's go to the workspace."

Rudra led the way to his private workspace. Julia pouted and complained that her son only cared about his father. Riser of course persuades her and says it's okay if she is also there when he talks to his father.

Julia happily joined the father and son in the workspace.

After the three people sat down in the workspace.

Riser immediately took out a piece of paper from his coat pocket and placed it on the table.

"This is the certificate of Lucifad land in Tokyo that the Lucifuge family gave me. I would like to leave this land to mom or dad to develop."

Rudra and Julia were silent and immediately read the land certificate carefully.

After finishing reading it, Rudra and Julia looked at Riser in surprise.

"How did you get this land? And it's 50%! How could the Lucifuge family be willing to share such a big cake with another family, especially ours!"

Rudra said in shock and disbelief, but he knew the land certificate was genuine. Just wondering how his son could get this land?

It couldn't have been bought with money, right? The Lucifuge family wouldn't be so stupid to sell 50% of Lucifad's land. Instead of selling it, it was better to develop it themselves to open a business.

Julia didn't ask, but she looked at her son with awe and curiosity. She waited for him to answer his father's question.

"I happened to manage to help with a problem that the Lucifuge family had. The young lady of the Lucifuge family, Grayfia Lucifuge has made a deal with me."

"And this is the result. After I managed to help with their problem, Grayfia kept her promise to give me 50% of Lucifad's land."

"Since I've been busy with something recently, I felt it would be best to give 50% of this land to you two. Using that land to open a business will help our Phenex family to expand further."

Riser was busy dealing with the protagonist and conquering the heroines. He could do business, but he could not devote all his time to it. So the best option was to hand over 50% of Lucifad's land to his parents, and the result was tantamount to strengthening his own family.

Riser wasn't really at a loss here, after all, his parents were also very kind to him. Besides, he also knew in the original work that the Phenex family was not a scattered family, as the villain family in the novel. All members of the Phenex family were united and never antagonized each other. The relationships of all members in the family helped each other.

Even in the original work when Riser was killed by Issei, all the members of the Phenex family crazily took revenge on Issei. Even if it would destroy the family, they would still do it.

It can be seen how united the Phenex family is to fight the enemies who hurt their family members.

The stronger the Phenex family was, the better for Riser. So he didn't hesitate to throw a big cake like 50% of Lucifad land at his parents.

"Hahahaha! Good, good, as expected of my son. I won't ask you the details of how you helped the Lucifuge family. You don't seem to want to talk about it, but looking at the results... Son, I'm proud of you!"

"It's fine that you're busy with your own affairs, let your father and mother develop 50% of the land for you."

Rudra said excitedly, he was proud of his son for finally contributing so much to the family.

Julia also looked happy and proud of her son, but she was more focused on something else her son said.

With a motherly smile, as a woman she had a sixth sense that was sharp enough to guess things.

"Riser, you said you made a deal with the young lady of the Lucifuge family to acquire this land. You called her by her first name..."

"It seems you're quite close to that Grayfia Lucifuge? I remember seeing her at a banquet. She was very beautiful and had beautiful silver hair. Could it be... Riser, you..."

Julia grinned at her son.

Rudra also finally realized something, and looked at his son with a smile. He even gave a thumbs up in his mind.

"...." Riser's lips twitched.

Should he explain it?


One hour later.

After leaving his parents' house, Riser could finally relax after being free from the enthusiasm of his mother who wanted to know about him and Grayfia's relationship.

His father was just watching on the side with a smile as if supporting him.

Seriously? None of you guys reprimanded me for having a relationship with another woman?

Even though I already have a fiancé?

Aren't the noble families from the novels often concerned with family face?

But this Phenex family is very different, it seems like the Phenex family in this world is very free in regulating the relationships of their children.

It doesn't matter if you hang out with other women even if you already have a fiancé. Other people talk bad about you because of that? Just ignore it. But if needed, the family can move to silence those people.

Riser can only say this villain family is so cool!

While driving his car, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Riser looked at the number of the person calling and smiled.

"Hello Grayfia, what's up?"

To his question, he heard Grayfia's panicked voice.

"Riser! I-I've been kidnapped! Please save me!"

Riser could hear Grayfia's sobbing voice, but before he was about to ask further.

The phone disconnected.

Riser frowned and his face gradually became cold.

"System, is this a plot correction?"

[Yes, host. Looks like Issei did something outside the plot again to get the heroine.]

"Do you know where Grayfia is now?"

[Sorry, host. System does not have a tracking function.]

His system becomes useless. Riser was also too lazy to complain. So he immediately stopped his car on the side of the road and opened his laptop to track Grayfia's whereabouts using his hacker skills!

In just three minutes Riser managed to track Grayfia's whereabouts from her cell phone number.

[This place... This routine... Issei, this bastard wants to pretend to participate in Grayfia's kidnapping so that he can do a hero save beauty?]

[The people who kidnapped Grayfia were also deliberately arranged to wait for Issei's arrival to pretend. I was a little surprised that the protagonist ended up playing dirty to get the heroine.]

[Damn it, I have to rush ahead of Issei to save Grayfia! If not, I'm afraid Grayfia will really fall for Issei. With the hero save beauty trick and the protagonist's halo effect, it's not impossible for Grayfia to fall in love with Issei, right?]

Without wasting any more time, Riser drove his car quickly to Grayfia's location. On the way he also didn't forget to contact the police for cooperation.

As a good citizen, it was important to contact the police in this situation.


Author note

I never tire of reminding readers to visit my pâtreon. There you can read the latest 4 chapters faster. You can also read Naruto fanfics with my new inner voice theme. By the way for the Naruto fanfic timeline I set it in Naruto Shippuden.


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