My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 110 Screaming prince

Chapter 110 Screaming prince

Hello. This is the author once again greeting his readers.

As of the time of writing this book, it is now 31.08.2023, 19:17. There's almost nothing left until the first of September. Summer has passed so quickly for me, although, of course, the main factor was the practice at college, where I spent 1.5 months of summer just to finish everything.

I have mixed emotions about this. Should I congratulate you or not? I'm not sure how many students or schoolchildren read me, but I must say, we need strong nerves.

On my part, I hope this won't affect the release of chapters. I'll try to release them daily, but I'm not very sure. Ugh... alright, I won't drag this out. Happy September 1st to everyone, and have a pleasant and good study."


"Damn, did that advisor notice my disappearance? I hypnotized everyone...'" Suddenly, this very object complained.

An explosion rang out, resulting in this object crashing into a large tree. Like a domino effect, the trees started falling one after the other.

A cloud of dust rose, behind which, with difficulty but still somewhat visible, was a human-like figure, two meters and fifty-nine centimeters tall.


The human-like silhouette screamed, clutching its head, and suddenly a strong wind blew, dispersing the clouds. As a result, one could see the cause of this collision.

Noteworthy for its abnormal height for a human, it was impossible not to notice its abnormally red skin, as well as black ram-like horns, completely red, including the sclera, and eyes as if made entirely of blood. Its mouth, wide open in a snarl, had countless sharp teeth filling the oral cavity.

The entire body of this creature was grotesque, menacing, and abnormal. It lacked the 'elegance' and 'beauty' that Adam displayed in his demon form. This was the form of a demon, wild and unrestrained.

"How irritating. I've been controlling him since childhood... fifty years have passed, and I was one step away from seizing power, but... AAAAAARGH!" The demon screamed again, clutching his head and feeling disappointment, disbelief, and fear. "And... an unknown attack on the mind. This advisor is truly dangerous."

The demon was Dereres, who had changed his appearance to that of an old man, returning to his true form. For all these years, he had diligently worked and manipulated the king to seize power, but he encountered failure in the form of an advisor who could see through his disguise strangely.

"I'm sure I hid well," Dereres thought, cracking his neck and heading to his secret base. "But apparently, His Highness's artifact isn't doing a very good job... I need to come up with new methods."

Dereres clicked his tongue in frustration, realizing that all his progress had been wiped away because of this person. Inside him, a spark of anger appeared, growing worse with each passing second, causing him pain. His heart was drenched in blood."

"When I left the palace, suddenly I was overwhelmed by negative emotions, anxiety, and dizziness. These curses... they are on the same level as our demonic curses," muttered Dereres as he thumped a tree trunk. Then, with a crash, a passage appeared beneath the tree. "I'll have to deal with these effects for a long time. How irritating..."

Dereres descended into the passage and made his way down the stairs. The entrance was automatically concealed, and the area around it had transformed, with dense bushes appearing around it.

Upon reaching the floor, Dereres first approached a table with various tools on it. However, his attention was drawn to a blue sphere.

"How am I going to tell the prince about this? He'll be furious..." Dereres recalled an unpleasant detail and felt a headache coming on. "That bastard thinks the whole world revolves around him. Her Majesty the Queen needs to give this fool a good talking to."

"Dereres, what's going on? Why do my spies say you left the castle?" Suddenly, a deep and young voice interrupted Dereres' thoughts, making him jump in fear.

Regaining his composure, though not immediately, the demon replied, looking at the glowing sphere. "Your Highness... a problem has arisen. My control over the king's mind has disappeared, the mark self-destructed due to the interference of third parties, and the spell that was meant to kill the king didn't work. We... have lost control over Varasima," Dereres reported grimly, expecting shouts and hysteria.


Tension filled the air as the prince remained silent, seemingly in shock. Then, there was a rustling sound, as if the prince had moved the sphere, followed by a loud shout.



"What the hell, you son of a bitch, can't you do your job properly, huh?! I even gave you my protection artifact, which can shield you from the attention of others. It's a perfect disguise!" The prince's voice was loud, and each shout was accompanied by a creak. "Why the hell are you such an idiot?! Oh, Satan, give me strength..."

Dereres refrained from commenting, feeling his head pounding from the noisy prince who was throwing a tantrum and repeatedly cursing his servant as useless and a complete idiot.

Only after half an hour of angry shouts did the prince finally calm down, showing a somewhat more respectful demeanor, although there was still a tinge of anger in his tone.

"Ha-ah... never mind. Tell me, who disrupted my plans? Could it be that Elizabeth found out something was amiss?"

"I don't think it's her, as the queen is quite indifferent to vassal kingdoms that have shown poor results year after year, asking for budget increases," Dereres replied humbly, trying to explain to the prince as clearly as possible. "Although I'm not sure, the advisor who appeared not long ago could be a strong expert. He saw through my disguise at first glance and then cast curses. Right now, I'm trying to recover from them..."

"I see. Anyway, we'll have to change our plans. Find out more about this advisor for me; I need useful and reliable information. And with that, I bid you farewell. I don't have time to chat with you."

The prince snorted and ended the communication, causing the sphere to dim. Dereres let out a sigh and began to prepare materials to lift the curse.


Clearing his name was too easy a task for Adam, who, through the king, who had become partially his puppet, managed to arrange everything in the best way, creating a noble and good reputation for the advisor.

However, it wasn't without its losses. For instance, King Shizurana had lost the trust of the officials and nobles present at that moment.

With Amarantha's help, Adam also managed to locate demon spies, as expected. He didn't eliminate them but discreetly left a mark that would act like an infection, instantly destroying the demon's body with a mere thought. It couldn't help but please him. He had learned this spell from Amarantha, but the process had been long and exhausting. Adam felt his entire body exploding with exhaustion when he finished learning and using it. It had been a difficult and energy-consuming endeavor, but it might be a good investment in the future.

Regarding his future actions, Adam had only established connections with traders at advantageous prices. He arranged for the purchase of goods and established imports in the city of Sedyon. He did all this at low and profitable prices and terms. Thanks to the aura of a savior, many traders and businessmen wanted to be associated with a man whose good reputation could serve as excellent advertising.

And so, the following goods appeared in the city:

1. Sweets: The issue of desserts and candies had been resolved thanks to Elara, but Adam managed to lower the prices.

2. Furniture: In Varasima, there were unusual pieces of furniture. Adam also bought the design rights, intending to make some changes and sell them for several times more.

3. Spices and so on.

All of this had been a good move, and he was pleased, as was Amarantha, who was delighted to see new offerings in the city, as it attracted attention to Sedyon.

Now, let's return to the present time. At this moment, Adam, by personal invitation from Shizurana, was heading to the dining hall, where only members of the royal family dined. The invitation had been sudden, so Adam arrived in the dining hall in casual attire.

"Good morning, Your Majesty the King, Your Majesty the Queen, and Your Highness the Princess," greeted Adam, not forgetting his refined manners.

Naturally, his polite, respectful, and gentlemanly behavior couldn't help but elicit admiration from the maids, who looked at him with love-filled eyes, full of joy and excitement. Although Adam gained no experience points for this, as these maids were already in love with him.

"Amarantha left me a token with an embedded spell and returned to our city. Schools will open there soon," Adam thought as he sat down.

The table was long. Very long. About five meters long. The king sat at the very top of the table with a self-satisfied look, starting his meal. The queen, named Kasumi, sat on one side, and Princess Mia on the other.

Incredibly, Adam was seated next to the princess, who shifted uncomfortably in her chair, clearly feeling uneasy. Her gray eyes occasionally lingered on Adam's face, and her chair, somehow, with each passing minute, moved closer and closer.

Did Adam do anything to cause this? No. He just sat there and enjoyed the situation. Adam wasn't an idiot, and his "Casanova" class wasn't just for show. He could keenly sense the emotions of other people, or more precisely, he could see them.

How could he not pick up on the lustful thoughts of the queen, as well as the loving gaze of the princess? For a moment, he even felt awkward when he met eyes with the princess, who looked at him with adoration and attachment as if she had found a lonely plank in an open ocean.

Such sincere emotions were amazing, and it seemed that Adam's appearance and demeanor had forever etched in the mind of the young girl, who had transformed from a self-satisfied and cold princess into an innocent, infatuated young woman. These changes had been abrupt but pleasant.

"Advisor Adam, I've heard that there have been some changes in the capital?" Adam raised his head and smiled when he realized that the one asking this question was the queen.

To be continued...

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