My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 118 Hidden atack

Chapter 118 Hidden atack

Angela felt fear and nervousness. For her, Adam was a terrifying and incomprehensible person, whose thoughts were unknown to her. He always smiled, making it difficult for her to understand whether he was angry or not. And when he assumed an indifferent expression, her sense of danger intensified, as if a bomb was about to explode any moment. This frightened her, even though Adam's behavior showed no aggression.

Upon hearing her words, which were aimed at defusing a small conflict between them and Leonid, the man raised an eyebrow in surprise. His reaction also surprised Angela, who couldn't understand the reason. Seeing this, Adam smiled and replied,

"If you're talking about that, there's nothing to worry about. I couldn't care less about the opinions of those who aren't any better than walking pieces of meat," he explained clearly, propping up his chin with his hand and smiling at the nervous Angela. "So, you don't need to play the diplomat or anything like that. As I've already said, his words are just a harmless joke. That's all."

Finishing his speech and expressing his point of view, Adam closed his eyes, signaling that he had lost interest in the conversation. Now he wanted to rest a bit, gather his thoughts, and figure out his next actions.

Fortunately for Adam, Amarantha eventually stopped pestering him and sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder, although she was alert, and her six senses were activated at full power, ready to face any enemy.


An hour later, there was the first stop. Adam preferred to spend the half-hour that the others decided to use for lunch and shopping on research. Food was not necessary for him given the level he had reached.

His current research objective was the system that had begun to change, although these changes were not so radical. With each level, it was evident that the system's space came to life as if someone had breathed life into it, which couldn't help but astonish him. However, even with these changes, which had only aesthetic implications, Adam felt a strange discomfort, as if it were something more than just decoration.

However, he had no thoughts on this matter, and he could only hope that it wouldn't become a problem in the future.

Half an hour passed, and Angela returned to the carriage, looking upset. She had a lost look, and an aura of despondency emanated from her, making the emotionally sensitive Adam open his eyes and chuckle thoughtfully.

Through the carriage window, thanks to his magical eyes, Adam saw Leonid, surrounded by women. Considering his appearance and holy aura, as well as his status... for ordinary women, he was simply a dream they wanted to hold onto.

"How amusing..." Adam thought, and the corners of his lips lifted slightly when he saw Leonid's proud and self-absorbed face. "Maybe I should show him who's the real boss here?"

A playful idea crossed Adam's mind, but he soon came to his senses and sighed, reclining on a comfortable couch. It would be too embarrassing for him to play with the feelings of children.

"Wait, how old am I, around thirty or something? I don't remember... but it feels like I'm over a hundred years old," Adam suddenly pondered, and a bitter smile crossed his face. "Although, who knows? Maybe I'm over two hundred years old."

Stretching, Adam yawned, feeling boredom creeping in. Turning his head down, he saw Amarantha, who was peacefully sleeping on his lap, hugging his waist, snoring peacefully. It was a charming sight.

So, his choice of conversation partner soon became Angela, who was still sulking, apparently offended by Leonid. Adam's eyes sparkled, and his vision changed when he saw flying emotion orbs.

There was anger, jealousy, and sadness, as well as numerous smaller emotions. It was evident that Leonid had hurt her infatuated heart, which couldn't help but make Adam smirk. To be honest...

Leonid irritated him. Not that the young hero had done anything wrong to him, but Adam simply disliked the whole hero theme. For him, it was like a gathering of idiots with strange motivations. It was as if someone had become so bored that they decided to create heroes just to annoy demons.

"Sister Angela... you look down. Can I ask what's wrong?" Adam asked nonchalantly, yawning and cracking his neck.

It seemed that Adam's voice brought Angela out of her thoughts, and her emotions shifted to confusion, shame, and wariness. Naturally, Adam noticed this but didn't react. He could understand that Angela felt wary of him due to his origin as a demon.

After all, as it is known, darkness and light repel each other.

"Advisor Adam... thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. Just tired from the long journey," she replied, flashing a friendly smile. It seemed that with this smile, the carriage became warmer and brighter.

Adam discreetly rolled his eyes when small sparks of light attempted to touch his skin to leave burns but were consumed due to his sin "Lust" and turned into magical energy.

"She tried a hidden attack to test me, didn't she?" Adam thought, looking directly into her eyes. "Interesting, interesting... has she figured something out?"

Although Adam believed he concealed his magical energy well, or rather, his demonic energy, he couldn't deny the possibility that someone very sensitive to this energy could discern his identity as a demon.

"So, it must be some kind of special power of hers... she's a nun, a servant of the Goddess of Light," Adam concluded and smiled when he noticed Angela's gaze soften. "A sweet and innocent nun. Understanding that I didn't react to her power, she decided I was human. But..."

Adam turned his head, trying to hide a sly grin that exposed his sharp teeth. It happened unconsciously, but he managed to conceal it.

"...I'm not an ordinary demon. I am a Demon General."

Unofficially, demons have status divisions based on their strength.

The lower tier - Lower demon, Middle demon, Superior demon.

The middle tier - Demon General, Demon Knight, Demon Baron, Daemon Viscount.

The upper tier - Demon Count, Demon Marquis, Demon Duke.

For ordinary demons, achieving a higher status level is a lifelong dream, and everyone aspires to become a Demon Duke, but not everyone can achieve it. However, there is, only one status that belongs to a single demon, and no one else can claim it without a special ceremony...

The Lord of Demons - Demon King.

"And only one demon deserves this status at the moment."

Veronica Chaos. The terrifying queen of demons who has ruled since ancient times. She is the second Demon Lord, ruling over demons, and no one has been able to defeat her. Veronica Chaos.

Amarantha described her as a mysterious and impassive woman who preferred meditation and seeking the truth over the power struggle. Among the entire group unofficially called the "Pillars of the World," she was the oldest and the most powerful. So, Adam feared her.

Considering that he was a demon, Veronica should be able to sense his presence if he did something wrong.


The second stop was in the city of Sedyon, for an hour. Since it was Adam's hometown, he went down and returned to his estate.

"Welcome back, Master."

As soon as he crossed the threshold, the voices of the maids, welcoming him in unison, could be heard. Adam smiled and nodded to them, and the maids smiled warmly in return.

"I'm home."

He sighed in relaxation, feeling the familiar scent of his estate and the familiar people. Although Varasima was comfortable, he still preferred his own home. It felt like the air here was purer, and the people were closer.


Female voices filled with joy could be heard. Turning his head, Adam saw Elyra, Elara, Claire, and Mary running towards him, while Ekaterina followed them more reservedly, but her eyes showed joy and attachment.

"Girls..." A tender and loving smile appeared on Adam's face as he opened his arms, inviting them into his embrace.

Several tender bodies of Elyra, Elara, Claire, and Mary immediately embraced him. Mary nuzzled her nose into his shoulder.

Adam closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasant scent of their hair, ignoring Alexander and Leonid's group, who felt awkward. They were completely ignored.


Twenty minutes later, Adam and his guests joined for lunch. The table was adorned with exquisite fabrics, and on them lay plates of expensive and luxurious food. Leonid couldn't help but swallow when he smelled it, and seeing the luxurious display made him feel like he was back in his younger years at a formal dinner in the Avalonia castle.

The others at the table were much more reserved, except for Lily, who had already started devouring the meat, ignoring the vegetables and fruits. Adam could only shrug and begin his meal.

There was no lively conversation at the table. Leonid's group talked about their matters, while Alexander and Adam discussed politics, and Adam's wives had their conversations about city affairs, fashion, and the like.

An hour later, they finished their meal, although they were a bit late.

Turning to his women, Adam smiled and hugged each one, kissing them on the lips. He could sense their sadness since they couldn't spend more time together, but he promised them he would return soon.

"I'll be back in two days. Then, show me the little birds," Adam told them before leaving.

Amarantha followed him this time, unable to leave him unguarded again, fearing he might get injured once more. Although such overly protective behavior might annoy traditionally-minded men, Adam appreciated her efforts and the emotions she invested in her actions.

Once again, they got into the carriage, and this time, Amarantha didn't hide herself. They sat back in the carriage with Angela and continued their journey.

To be continued...

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