My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 125 Do not dare to look at my woman!

Chapter 125 Do not dare to look at my woman!


Despite the horrifying sense of danger, as if someone was breathing down his neck, Adam couldn't afford to spend too much time contemplating it in his position. The question before him was cooperation with the beastmen. Again, it was a contentious issue that had been causing him headaches and a desire for bloodshed for the past month, but Amarantha had convinced him to be calmer about it.

Reluctantly, but still convinced, Adam agreed. It infuriated him that the beastmen dared to raid their supplies and interfere with the export of goods, stealing everything. Even though Avalon could fend them off and even kill the violators with the help of Amarantha's subordinates, the result was still unsatisfactory. And now, after a long period of killing each other, the leader of these beastmen had requested negotiations.

To this call for help, Adam categorically refused - or more precisely, he wanted to refuse. According to Amarantha's words, she had conducted an investigation and recognized the leader of these beastmen, so she asked him to wait and see what the discussion would bring.

And now, they were just a five-minute walk from the negotiation hall they wanted to enter. The sound of their footsteps echoed, and there was not a soul around. The reason was simple - the maids had been called to a safe place while strangers were in the mansion, although they were not entirely alone - Amarantha's subordinates were hidden in the shadows.

Turning on his heels, Adam sighed and looked at the two women - Elyra and Elara, who also looked irritated. He sincerely expressed his emotions.

"Damn, this is so annoying," Adam said, scratching his head aggressively, feeling irritation growing in his heart. In response to his words, Elyra, who took his hand and smiled as sweetly as honey, spoke. Adam smiled in return but then continued, "Thanks for the support, but... I hate those creatures already. Each of them is a headache that can only be cured by killing the enemies."

Listening to his words, Elyra, with an attentive and tender gaze, gave her advice, "Even if that's the case... Adam, I don't like them either because of the actions of these creatures. We've had plenty of casualties due to their actions, and many provisions were stolen, and some goods were resold on the black market. However, we must maintain a dignified position and extract as much money from them as possible. We have Amarantha, after all, so..."

"No, Elyra. You're not entirely right," Elara interrupted her abruptly, then apologized for her rudeness, "I'm sorry for interrupting like that."

"It's okay," the nymph replied with a smile, then asked Elara, "So... what were you going to say?"

"Well... Amarantha won't be able to act because of the restrictions imposed by the other high-ranking beings," she patiently explained, smiling at Elyra, who made an understanding face, "This is the main reason why the Queen of Avalonia and the Queen of the Elves didn't engage in direct combat. It would have destroyed 90% of the lands on this planet."

"Oh, I see," murmured Elyra.

Noticing that Adam had stopped and was looking at her, Elara crossed her arms over her chest, highlighting them, and then began to share her thoughts with a gentle but serious voice.

"What about this... for starters, we should be strict with them. No matter what they say, we must set a high standard. Adam, you can read emotions, so you should be able to manipulate them, I hope?"

"Hmm... I think so, but I won't speak out of turn. Who knows, they might be prepared," the man replied, cracking his neck and continuing to walk. He waved his hand and turned his head, looking over his shoulder, "And yes... I'll take your advice into account. Thank you very much."

Hearing his words, Elyra and Elara exchanged glances and then smiled sweetly. It seemed that their smile could light up the darkness and dispel the clouds, and flowers could bloom.


There was silence in the negotiation hall. In the center of the room was a large rectangular table, two meters wide and five meters long. Chairs were arranged on both sides, and unusual people sat behind them. However, some could only be called half-human - the beastmen.

There were five beastmen in total. Each of them had a human appearance, but distinctive features included wolf ears and tails, and their facial expressions were stern. All five were men dressed in worn leather armor. Their bodies were covered in rugged scars, and the overall aura around them was heavy, showing that they should not be trifled with. However, even with their intimidating appearance, on the opposite side of the table were not ordinary people. One could tell with confidence that the woman, Amarantha's deputy, was not to be trifled with.

Almost no one was familiar with her, except for Adam and Amarantha. Although Adam was interested in the identity of this deputy, he decided not to intrude, respecting etiquette rules. The only fact he knew was that Vyran was a woman, although her name sounded masculine to Adam...

Either way, even those who did not know her could tell with certainty that she was not an ordinary woman. Just her green eyes with snake-like pupils, which seemed to pierce through you, could instill fear even in war veterans. Although she was not the only one present - there was also Avalon, whose gaze burned through the beastmen. He felt irritation, fear, and hatred, although fear overcame all other emotions. Next to him were his vigilant bodyguards.


However, their tense silence was broken by a single creak, followed by the sound of high heels on the marble floor, which was then muffled due to the red carpet. Those who broke the silence were naturally Adam, Elyra, and Elara, who approached the table with a straight and proud posture. As a true gentleman, Adam pulled out the chairs and helped the ladies to sit down, and then he sat down himself. After that, he looked into the eyes of the beastman who played the role of the leader and nodded to him.

"Pleasure to meet you, beastman. My name is Adam, for now, without a surname. In conversation, I prefer respectful and polite speech, as well as addressing me as 'sir' and nothing else," he began the conversation, immediately stating his conversation requirements, sounding arrogant and very proud. Unconsciously, the man released the power of his half-formed sin - Pride.

"You..." growled the beastman leader, furrowing his brow.


[Sin: Pride (50%)]

Before Adam appeared a small screen with text, which he swiped away and returned to the conversation. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the man was enjoying the feeling of not being contradicted. Looking at the beastman, who although looked angry, was restraining himself, he secretly scanned the emotions of his interlocutors. He saw each of their emotions as clear as day. Adam felt their anger, their fear, and their greed. Turning his head to the leader, he found similar emotions, but...

"Lust? Lust... LUST?!"

Something in his head exploded when he followed the gaze of the beastman and saw that his target of interest was Elara. Of course, Adam was enraged, which was reflected in a powerful surge of pressure focused solely on the leader.


A loud, painful roar erupted from the beast-man's throat, whose facial expression was distorted with anger. The others, except for Vyran and Elara, didn't understand what was happening, but judging by Adam's irritated and even angry expression, they realized that the leader had done something wrong.

"Le-leader!" the beastmen exclaimed, showing a willingness to help him, but suddenly they fell powerless onto their chairs, feeling a pressure stronger than usual.

The pain from this pressure was horrifying - as if the skin was melting under the influence of toxic substances, but each of them learned what it was like to feel the anger of the man who was called the mayor of the city of Sedyon. Although this pressure lasted only five minutes, Adam withdrew his magical energy and spoke in a commanding tone.

"Do not dare to look at my woman with your dirty, lustful eyes anymore. The reason you're still alive is because I'm curious about what you, savages, can offer me. Otherwise, your heads would have become an interesting trophy for all those mothers who lost their children because of your actions," he said in a rough and manly voice, instilling fear in the beastmen, whose tails stood on end. "And now... let's hear you out. You still haven't introduced yourself, although you should have."

Adam's gaze turned to the beastman leader. The man had black hair wolf ears and a tail of the same color. His eyes were blue, and his face was covered in scars, just like his strong hands. His aura was not very strong; he didn't possess magical energy, but the strength of the beastman was on par with a C-ranked practitioner.

Upon hearing Adam's question, which was also an accusation of his lack of manners, the leader snapped out of it and sighed, taking a breath. He began to introduce himself in a hoarse and raspy voice.

"You can call me Igrid, I'm a warrior from the Wolf tribe. I don't have a last name either, so just call me Igrid, Adam... um, sir Adam. I apologize for my ignorance and bad manners. I promise it won't happen again."

Looking into Adam's black eyes, Igrid felt his legs trembling with fear, and his body screamed, wanting to run away. It was as if he had looked into an abyss from which countless bloodthirsty monsters were watching him in the darkness. However, Igrid snapped out of his stupor when Adam nodded, closing his eyes for a moment and then opening them. The beastman leader no longer felt the same fear as a minute ago. It was as if it had been a dream, although the shivers all over his body proved that it was real.

"Next... I heard from my subordinates that you came to the city gates and arrogantly demanded that I show up, and then apologize for killing your brothers... do you think those words are still relevant, or do you share the same opinion as now?"

To be continued...

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