My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 10 Iliantra

The path to Elder Iliantra's estate lay across the capital, which forced Adam to speed himself up with magic. After half an hour, including the use of magic, Adam finally reached the manor.

"Oh..." Adam gasped in shock and his eyes became full of admiration. A large estate appeared before him, which was surrounded by forests. Adam saw many beautiful animals that looked graceful and beautiful.

As Adam stepped onto the land, he felt calm and peaceful. Looking around, Adam admired the arrangement of the land around the estate.

After a few minutes, he reached the door and knocked.

"Yes?". The door opened and a little man flew out of it.

Adam squinted and saw that it was a young girl with translucent wings. He was very surprised!

"Um... I'm Adam Harris, here to visit Mistress Iliantra by order of Her Majesty." He nodded politely.

"Ah, Adam, that charming beauty? Come in quick!" The fairy smiled and whirled around him, giggling.

A fairy entered the manor and Adam followed her. He was shocked to find that there were more than a hundred fairies in the manor! Every one of them was busy doing something.

Five minutes later, Adam reached the backyard. Immediately a graceful and beautiful woman caught his eye. She wore a simple white summer dress, and several fairies were tying her braid with a cute giggle while Iliantra read a book.

The whole atmosphere around Iliantra was full of calm, she smiled softly and interacted with the fairies, and looked very friendly. With her first-rate beauty, Iliantra surpassed even Amaria in temperament.

"Iliantra, I have brought Adam!" Shouted the fairy who had accompanied Adam all the way.

"Oh, thank you very much, Mistress Nirena. You have been a great help to me." Iliantra smiled softly and bowed her head, then turned to Adam. "Hello, Adam. Come on over, don't be shy."

Adam nodded and walked toward Iliantra. When he was in front of her, the roots of the plants suddenly came out of the ground and formed a chair. Adam was surprised but sat down nonetheless.

"Our acquaintance was not in the most pleasant of circumstances, unfortunately." Iliantra made a slight movement with her wrist and the roots came out again, which formed a stool.

Fairies descended from the sky carrying cups for tea and then poured tea. Adam smiled softly and thanked the fairies, "Thank you very much, beautiful ladies."

"You're welcome!" They answered in one voice and smiled.

Adam found that the fairies were very active and smiling. They didn't seem to know how to cheat and always answered very honestly and innocently. On Adam's shoulder sat two fairies on each side.

Iliantra smiled, as did a fairy named Nirena. Adam, at the fairies' urging, drank the tea and felt the bitter taste and then the searing pungency. His eyebrows rose slightly, but he finished the tea nonetheless.

"Uh-h?!" The fairies shouted unhappily and pouted. "Boring! Boring-g-g!!"

Adam laughed and shook his head. As expected, these fairies also like to play tricks on people.

"Looks like they couldn't play a trick on you." Iliantra laughed and shook her head. "Well, let me explain first why I invited you here... the day I saw you in the Hall of Elders, my eyes suddenly lit up."

Iliantra stretched out her thin and delicate fingers, poking at Adam's chest, smiling: "With my special magical eyes, I can see the potential of the beings in front of me. It's like a kind of mark... and depending on the color, I can determine the potential."

"White is the weakest potential, yellow is medium, red is high, and gold is very high." Iliantra smiled softly, taking Adam's hand. "Amaria is a very high potential, and so am I. But you... the color of your marks is purple."

"Purple? Is that a weak potential or a strong one?" Puzzled Adam. Although he didn't understand the part about Iliantra's eyes, he was curious about his potential.

"At first I was puzzled, too. And then, after searching in my family's library, I saw an old book." Iliantra held out the book with the old cover to Adam. He took it in his hands and opened it.


Adam narrowed his eyes and read the text carefully. And with each paragraph, Adam became more and more surprised. When he raised his head, he met Iliantra's gaze.

"Are you saying that I am the savior of Elfheim?"

It was written in the book that one day one who possesses the purple marks will appear. He, with his greatest talent, would grow stronger every day and become a ray of hope for Elfheim.

Adam didn't have much faith in that, for his potential was not good. The class he had was not martial, so he could only go into politics. Had it not been for his Inferior Demon spells, Adam could hardly have survived the time.

"But... I don't consider myself talented." Adam smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Could this be some kind of mistake?"

Iliantra smiled and waved. Suddenly a sphere fell on the table, and Adam grabbed it in time. Immediately upon touching it, the orb glowed with violet light.

Adam raised an eyebrow and looked at Iliantra, who smirked and leaned back in her chair: "The prophecy says that when the Sphere of Truth glows purple, it means the greatest talent of all time will appear."

Iliantra smiled and handed him a stack of books, most of them about magic. Her eyes narrowed, sparkling with cunning.

"You will be mine for two months. So study hard, or else..." Iliantra licked her lips and leaned toward Adam, emphasizing her breasts. "...I will punish you."


The next day...

Adam was in the library at Iliantra's estate. He flipped through and memorized another book with irritation and hatred.

The first thing Iliantra did was to give him Elvish textbooks. Adam thought it was for learning magic, so he enthusiastically agreed and began to learn.

But with each passing day, Adam was given textbooks with ancient languages, which he studied and studied... And eventually, Adam was even forced to help decipher the ancient texts.

At first, it was interesting, but then... Adam began to dream about these ancient fragments!

Now he finally began to study a book on magic. The book was about barriers, the beginner's version. Adam concentrated and began to learn the runes, which were the main part of the formation.

With each page, the formations became so complex that Adam had to reread them twenty times just to remember the formation visually.

However, despite the complexity, Adam fell in love with the formations and happily studied the book.

Five hours passed...

Adam flipped to the last page and closed his eyes. He felt tired, but sensing the new knowledge in his mind, Adam smiled contentedly.

"Oh, Adam, are you finished yet?" Suddenly a voice sounded in his ear and he saw Iliantra smiling sweetly.

"How did I not notice her presence?" Adam thought and then answered. "Yes, Mistress Iliantra. It was very fascinating."

"Uh... are you telling me that you've already learned all the formations within this book?" Iliantra asked with a strange expression on her face.

Adam nodded, and then, out of habit, activated the three basic skills of the Casanova class, smiling sweetly. He took Iliantra by the wrist and smiled softly: "Then... should Mistress Iliantra reward me?"

"W-what?! Get your hands off me!" Iliantra suddenly screamed and blushed, much to Adam's surprise.

Normally Iliantra acted like a noble lady and always smiled, but now she was blushing like a young girl. Adam blinked in incomprehension and made himself even more attractive through skill.

He stood up and took Iliantra's hands again and muttered sadly: "So Mistress Iliantra doesn't want to reward me for my efforts? I am so sad..."

Iliantra fell silent and closed her lips. She looked puzzled and confused, then clenched her teeth.

"Hmm, I'll think about it!" Iliantra snorted and disappeared.

Adam sighed and shook his head. He muttered: "What a petty woman..."

"Who's being petty? Tomorrow I'll add ten more books for you!"


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Friends, in connection with the contract, I'm opening up the goals through which you can get more chapters.

Inspiration capsule = +1 chapter (max 2/d)

Massage chair = +2 chapter

Luxury car = +3 chapter

Dragon = +5 chapter

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