My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 108 You Have Five Minutes

His gaze turned angry, and he clenched his fist, trembling all over, as if unable to contain the rage coursing through his veins. Adam rolled his eyes when he saw this display and thought with amusement, "Give this guy an Oscar... no, Oscar needs this guy."

However, despite his amusing thoughts, Shizurana continued his proud speech, expressing with his entire demeanor how much he felt the pain of the situation. Although Adam was sure he was just enduring the ordeal somewhere in a bunker with his officials, who also displayed a strong heart-wrenching reaction.

"Warriors fought for the honor of our country and... won! We managed to drive out the demons!" Shizurana enthusiastically recounted, making exaggerated gestures as if he were a conductor directing an orchestra. "And in this war, he helped us... Advisor Adam from Avalonia."

With Shizurana's speech, the nobles turned to Adam, who stood nonchalantly, watching all of this with bored eyes. It was clear that many nobles looked at him with envy or ill thoughts, and some were openly gossiping, sending praise his way.

Adam didn't react strongly to this and felt a strong desire to take a nap. Honestly, he had planned to stay here for another week for some specific purposes, and then return to his city for further actions and to advance his city expansion plan.

It seemed that Adam shared his boredom and irritation with King Shizurana, who, though hiding his emotions well, could be discerned by a discerning eye as being angry and envious.

His gaze, directed at Adam, became even more determined when he heard his officials and close nobles openly praising Adam with flattering words.

"Interesting..." Adam thought when he saw Shizurana's right hand rise.


A deep and piercing voice from the king made all the commotion stop in an instant. The gazes of nobles and officials were fixed on the king, who, after looking at Adam and then turning his head toward a slender old man, smiled and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a magical circle appeared on the ground beside him, brightly flashing, and the inscriptions inside the pentagram lit up. There was a bright flash, blinding unprepared people except for Adam, Dereres, and Amarantha.

Amarantha and Adam watched with amusement as a man in knight's armor emerged from the pentagram, his face showing nervousness.

Soon, people got used to the light and squinted, recognizing the familiar figure.

"Captain of the guard?"

"What's he doing here?"

"Sir Dereres summoned him, perhaps he also distinguished himself during the attack?"

The nobles' whispers were loud in Adam's ears, and he could hear every letter they uttered. It couldn't be ignored that he was enjoying this situation, finally understanding where it was leading. However, Amarantha didn't react with the same good humor and looked ready to kill.

"Calm down. You don't often see a circus like this," he muttered quietly enough for Amarantha to hear.

Despite the woman's continued anger and her elven ears twitching in suspicion, she calmed down and now stared coldly at the king, who, for some reason, shivered.

"What's this feeling?" he muttered, but quickly returned to his mood, looking at Adam with a smug expression. "Either way. You dared to steal my glory... I... must... kill you!"

His eyes darkened, and a strange smile appeared on his face. The nobles, on the other hand, did not quiet down and became increasingly impatient when neither Dereres nor the king explained the situation, which was getting on their nerves.

Seeing the mood of his subordinates, the king hurried to calm everyone down. Then, smiling and tapping the armrest of the throne, he awakened Captain Jeremy from his sleep.

"However... our beloved captain, known for his merits, claimed to have seen a different picture of the situation." The king looked at Adam with skepticism, displaying such deep emotions that Adam almost believed it (not).

"Captain Jeremy, please tell us the real situation," he said.

"Yes, my king," Jeremy replied with a subdued and deep voice as if his voice had been sentenced. His eyes shone with a dark light, and his gaze was directed nowhere, but nobody cared, as no one paid attention to his face except for Adam and Amarantha.

"Mind control... haha," Amarantha laughed when she understood the reason behind the captain's peculiar appearance.

She was one of the most talented mages in the world and was well-versed in handling dark magic and curses, having learned from Adam. It couldn't go unnoticed that she was also skilled in mind control.

As a master, or more accurately, a grandmaster, she could subtly pick up on suppressed impulses in Jeremy's soul. He began to speak, "This morning... a demon attack occurred. The battle was fierce, and we defended as best we could. Advisor Adam came to our aid, and we were filled with hope, but..."

Jeremy paused, creating tension, and then continued his speech when he saw the nobles' interested looks, "Suddenly, the demons knelt before him, and Advisor Adam joined them, killing my soldiers. Fortunately, I was hidden under the demon's body and managed to escape his gaze..."

Jeremy brilliantly played out fear, trembling all over, hugging himself as if horrified by the memory. Adam only squinted his eyes and saw a mischievous smile on Amarantha's face.

"They made that up, but their fiction is quite close to reality," he thought, cracking his neck.

It seemed like this crack caught the attention of the nobles, who all suddenly looked at Adam with suspicion, seemingly eager to put an end to the traitor. Although, upon seeing his calm expression, some began to feel uneasy.

Shizurana looked furious as if he could sense the anger and resentment of the souls that had been killed by Adam's hands.

"Advisor Adam, what do you have to say about this?!" Shizurana loudly demanded, slamming the armrest of his throne and glaring at Adam with righteous anger. "Did my people treat you badly? Did I treat you badly?! Why did you do this?"

Their gazes locked, and Adam easily read the self-satisfaction in Shizurana's eyes. The nobles suddenly began to whisper among themselves.

"He... did that?"

"Damn, and I thought he was a good one."

"People from Avalonia are always like this! They treat us like expendables!"

Then their voices united into one.

"Down with tyranny!"

"Down with tyranny!"

"Down with injustice!"

"Execute the enemy of the people!"

Shizurana looked at Adam with a self-satisfied expression and suddenly froze when he felt pressure appearing out of nowhere. In Adam's eyes, he could only see indifference, deep apathy, and a hint of amusement, as if he was relishing the situation.

There was no fear, nervousness, or anything else. There was only confidence, pride, and unwavering determination. Lost in Adam's gaze, he felt like an ant standing in front of an elephant.

"What is this..." Shizurana feared for his life.

Behind him, the princess and queen frowned, looking at Shizurana, who was trembling on his throne. They seemed not to believe his words, especially the princess.

"Nonsense..." Suddenly, a quiet but imposing voice emanated from Adam, reflecting his indifference. "I haven't heard such foolish jokes in a long time."

Shizurana involuntarily bowed his head, and his eyes trembled with fear, his pupils dilating as he felt the pressure on his body double in intensity. This sensation was shared by everyone in the room except those who had spoken ill of Adam.

Amarantha turned her head toward Adam and couldn't help but squint when she felt a very weak, almost imperceptible, breeze-like pressure. But even that was enough to shock her.

"Impossible... I can't feel pressure, even when I encounter a being of a higher rank than me. Except..."

She suddenly came to a shocking conclusion that made her tremble all over and feel scared. She couldn't believe her suspicions, but all the facts pointed in that direction.

At the same time, Adam sighed, causing loud cries to echo throughout the battlefield. The pressure doubled in intensity, causing most unprepared nobles to kneel, including the king and his officials.

Dereres stared at Adam in shock, whose silhouette began to blur and seem to increase in size.

"What is this horrifying pressure?" Shizurana exclaimed, sprawling across his throne, feeling weakness throughout his body, as if all his bones had been removed. "Why do I feel so insignificant?"

His thoughts accurately defined his sensations, which were shared by everyone affected by the pressure. Everyone felt as though their bodies had turned into jelly, and their inability to control themselves filled them with fear for their lives.

With a bored expression, Adam watched as the nobles bowed their heads, kneeling. Suddenly, a clinking sound came from the crown hitting the floor. Adam smiled a predatory smile, revealing his sharp teeth, closely watching as the king knelt before his throne and bowed his head like a slave, awaiting his master's command.

"What a pathetic spectacle. You tried to orchestrate this whole situation... for what?" Adam was genuinely surprised by the king's actions. "Foolishness, indeed. Why would you try to portray me in a bad light, especially in such troubled times for the world... are you in league with the demons?"

Shizurana trembled in fear when he heard this question. Miraculously, the pressure on his body weakened, and he was able to lift his head and then cry out, "NO! NO! I don't work with demons... It's just... oh, yes! It's all my assistant's fault, he..."

"What assistant?" Adam interrupted.

"He's right here... Huh? Where's Dereres?"

Adam smirked slyly when he noticed the shock on the king's face. A minute ago, Amarantha had informed him that the slender official had used demonic energy to escape.

"It seems luck is not on your side, King Shizurana. Your trusted assistant took advantage of your foolishness, completed his mission, and vanished from the scene of the crime." Adam laughed and pushed his long hair back, feeling a growing sense of sadism. "So, all that's left of the criminals is you... as the advisor in power, I order everyone to leave this room. You have five minutes."

To be continued.

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