My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 115 Next Time, I'll Break Your Face And Then Your Limbs

Additional Chapter.


Thanks, Doaist_Culture for a gift!



"Advisor Adam, greetings. I apologize for presenting such a pitiful sight to you," James greeted him, rising abruptly, causing the chair to squeak.

"General James, it's good to see you're in good health," Adam nodded and smiled at the man, shifting his gaze to Leonid, who regarded Adam as if he were an enemy. "And this spirited young man..."

"This is Leonid, Hero Leonid. Sir Adam, he's just a cocky lad, so don't pay him any mind," the general replied, offering an awkward smile.

Upon hearing these words, Leonid suddenly stood up and pointed at Adam, looking displeased. "It's you, you bastard! I heard from the doctors that you hit me while I was in a coma!"


Adam raised an eyebrow as he looked at Leonid, who stared at him with irritation as if he were gazing at his worst enemy. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that even demons would appear saintly in comparison to the man who had struck him.

Imagine Leonid's surprise when he woke up several days later than his friends, all because he had been brutally beaten! And to make matters worse, he had suffered a concussion!

"What the hell?! Couldn't you have healed me properly?" he angrily demanded, stepping closer to Adam.

Though he tried to appear threatening, it was futile. Leonid stood at 5 feet and 3 inches tall, but...

"A-a-and? Anything else?" Adam replied indifferently, looking into Leonid's eyes.

...With Adam towering at 6 feet and 5 inches, any intimidation factor had been reduced to zero. In the end, the only one who feared for his life was Leonid.

While Adam didn't emit much magical energy in his base state, he couldn't hide his demonic nature, especially when he didn't want to.

Suddenly, Leonid's surroundings grew dark, as if night had fallen. Everyone around him, including General James, his comrades, and even Adam himself, disappeared. He found himself alone in a dark space with no source of light.

"What...?" He cried out in fear, realizing he was in an unknown place. "Where am I?"

A scream filled with fear and despair escaped his throat as the fear of the unknown covered his body, causing him to tremble and attempt to find an exit. But no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, the result was the same. He was alone in this darkness with no way out.

"An amusing spectacle."

Suddenly, a deep, masculine, beautiful yet demonic voice sounded. It held no anger, joy, or sadness, just pure apathy.

Then came a "shhh" sound, as if a gust of wind had struck his ear. Soon, red veins began to appear all around the darkness, slowly transforming into eyes.

"Aaaaah!" Leonid screamed and grabbed his sword from its sheath. In a matter of seconds, he drew his sword and prepared to attack, but suddenly, as he swung, a strange sensation of weightlessness overcame him.



A loud explosion followed by searing heat made Leonid feel excruciating pain all over his body. It was so intense that he didn't even have the strength to scream in agony.

The sword in his hand, blessed by the Goddess of Light herself, exploded, creating a bright flash of light that incinerated a large part of Leonid's body in an instant.

"Fascinating. Quite fascinating," the voice, now tinged with barely audible mockery, spoke again. "I'm simply curious... why are you so hot-headed? All the heroes I've heard of are known for their rational and calm demeanor. And here you are, so agitated..."

The demonic voice sounded nonchalant, devoid of any hint of emotion as if merely presenting its words out of sheer curiosity. Despite the lack of mockery in the question, it only fueled Leonid's frustration, as the pain from the burns subsided thanks to his miraculous regeneration.

In his chest area, Leonid felt a sharp, needle-like pain, as if a thousand needles were piercing his heart, creating small holes and causing blood to flow. Unpleasant memories flooded his mind, and his nightmares seemed to be reborn.

"Shut up! Shut up, damn it! Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!"

Leonid screamed, clutching his throat and raising his head, displaying a horrific expression filled with pain and anger. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his face was charred. His left eyeball dangled by a thin thread, hanging next to his left cheek.

The noble appearance of the once handsome and beautiful hero had wholly disappeared in the flames, leaving only a horrifying creature with barely visible facial features.

"How amusing..."

The demonic voice spoke again, but there were no further events. No one else asked questions, no one attacked him, and the pain from the burns subsided. When Leonid unconsciously touched his face, he found his skin in its usual state – soft and tender.



A faint cry calling his name roused the young hero from his strange state. Turning his head, he saw Angela, the girl to whom he felt a strong attachment. Worry was evident on her face. Her delicate brows were furrowed, and her light-yellow eyes gleamed as she looked at him.

"Angela... Uh?" Leonid mumbled but produced a strange sound when he felt a pat on his shoulder.

Turning his head, he saw Adam, who was smiling carelessly at him. From Leonid's perspective, it was a devilish, sadistic smile. It seemed like only he could notice the smile that threatened to turn into a grin, and Adam's narrowed black eyes carried a threat that could be critical for Leonid.

"Terrified... Was I scared? I?!" Leonid thought, feeling his pride being stomped.

However, Adam's soft voice, for some reason reminding Leonid of that devilish whisper, pulled the young hero out of his thoughts.

"One way or another, next time, I'll break your face and then all your limbs. When speaking to me, use 'sir' and formal language, understood?" Adam explained to him as if talking to a foolish child. Despite the gentle and cheerful tone of his voice, his words were very cruel. "Otherwise, next time, regular illusions won't be your only problem."


Ignoring Leonid, who was trembling with fear, Adam cracked his neck and turned to Alexander, who was being beaten by his daughter. Like General James, he had lost the ability to speak.

"What the hell?"

"Damn it, Adam, save me! This lass is insane!"

Alexander looked at Adam with puppy-dog eyes while his daughter used her magical staff as a cudgel. He yelled and struggled, but it was in vain.

"My daughter, twenty-eight blows with the staff... that's cruel!" Alexander complained, finally ceasing to play along. He easily grabbed the tip of the staff and snorted. "Stop acting like a hysteric. You're just like your mother in her youth, the same crazy b—itch!"

"Shut up, you old pervert!"

Vanessa shouted, hitting him again, this time with a magical spell – cold.

Adam felt all his energy dissipating into nothingness, and his gaze, directed at Alexander, was accusatory and disappointed. The man was having fun as his daughter beat him with a staff and spells. Although there were no injuries, Alexander was taking those blows quite lightly.

"Enough fooling around, Alexander. And you... What's your name? Uh, yeah, it's a Vanessa." Adam was tired of the spectacle and sighed, asking them to stop.

When the couple, father and daughter, heard his voice, the entire performance ended. Vanessa looked at Adam with interest, but he simply ignored her, turning towards the general.

"General James, I'd like to confirm one thing... can you defend the border?"

Adam's voice was filled with a strange power that made James feel insignificant – like a tiny ant before an enormous wave. He didn't even consider resisting. But his pride, which turned into determination, helped him regain control of his body and, more importantly, his speech.

"Of course, Sir Adam. I'm 100% confident that no demon filth will get through the border." James proudly declared, pounding his chest with his fist.

Alexander felt a cold drop of sweat roll down his forehead when James referred to demons as filth in the presence of Adam. But seeing no reaction on the second man's face, he was able to relax. Strangely enough, Adam's indifference frightened him more than anything else.

"Very well. I'll trust you and your troops. In any case, the queen chose you, so I have nothing to complain about." Adam said, narrowing his eyes and smiling. "Well, it was nice to meet you all. I don't know when our next encounter will be, but I look forward to it."

Finishing his speech, Adam extended his hand for a handshake, to which James immediately responded by firmly shaking Adam's hand and smiling.

For a fraction of a second, James felt a prick in his chest and appeared puzzled – his entire facial expression showed pain that lasted only a second. Glancing at Adam, he saw nothing suspicious. Just a usual smiling face.

But Alexander, who knew Adam well, could discern mockery hidden behind the friendly smile, which Adam soon concealed.

"Creepy... ugh".


As Adam exited the tent, he noticed that evening had already fallen. His gaze, directed at the moon, was filled with melancholy, and his lips stretched into a carefree smile that possessed a strong, captivating charm, affecting women within a two-hundred-meter radius.

Ding... ding... ding...

Adam frowned when he heard the annoying notification sounds and saw that he had received more than 20 experience points. However, one of the messages he read made him frown even more. He felt a strange unease, confusion, and horror.

His emotions, which surged over him like a wave, were hidden behind an indifferent expression, but inside, a storm raged. His black eyes seemed to grow even darker, and the whites of his eyes began to change from white to black.

Before him was a screen. And the text...

To be continued...

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