My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 130 Wolf Juliet

After some time, the dust cloud settled, and Adam saw a beautiful woman who stood out because of her pointed ears, which were different from human ears. She had blue hair and golden eyes, a slender and muscular body, and was dressed in worn leather armor. In her hands, she held a massive sword, the blade of which was two meters tall and 15 centimeters thick.

"Yo, guys. So, this is the so-called city of the future, Sedyon, huh? Quite an intriguing place, I must say," spoke a woman, flashing a wide grin, revealing sharp teeth reminiscent of a wolf's. "What a blessing. This place smells clean and pleasant, unlike my tribe's territory. It's not as developed there, considering the poor terrain, so survival is a constant struggle. I envy you folks..."

Her speech was carefree, filled with mirth, as if she were talking to an old friend. Her eyes sparkled brightly, illuminating everything around her. She was beautiful, unbelievably beautiful, but her beauty was different - it was a wild, elusive, and ruthless beauty. If you felt a tremor and lost concentration, you would perish - that's how Adam felt.

"A strange woman... an unusual woman," he smiled when he sensed a shiver running through his entire body - not from fear, but from excitement. "Very... very interesting woman."

She continued to smile brightly, looking up at the sky where Amarantha soared, peering down at the woman who seemed so small from such a height. She was constantly subjected to pressure emanating from Amarantha's power, which was more refined and intimidating - she didn't immediately destroy but gradually seized one's mind. With each passing second, you would lose yourself, and your heart would fill with reluctance as if you didn't want to harm the elf in front of you. That was Amarantha's ability, stemming from her succubus lineage - 'Charm.'

"Heh... you have an amusing ability, woman. Even I find it difficult to resist it. I feel this irritating sense of tenderness as if I'm in a mother's embrace," the wolf-woman said, and her golden eyes gleamed cunningly as she smiled, baring her beautiful sharp teeth, fearlessly gazing at her opponent. "But I wouldn't recommend doing that if I were you, by the way. After all, the hearts of those who have never felt the warmth of embraces..."

The woman reached for the hilt of her enormous sword.

"...are impossible to touch with emotions they are unfamiliar with."


The wolf-woman confidently stomped on the ground, creating a small crater and propelling herself ten meters into the air, reaching the same height as Amarantha, who still looked at the woman in front of her with apparent indifference, as if she posed no threat. Seeing this, the wolf pack leader snorted and swung her sword with one hand.

"Strike my enemy, Albreed."

A quiet whistle of the wind sounded, nearly imperceptible unless one listened carefully. However, the effect was astounding. Even Amarantha was surprised by this attack. Time seemed to stand still. Adam, Amarantha, Juliet - the three of them focused all their attention on each other, as if the rest of the world had completely disappeared, leaving only them. The sun's warming rays turned cold, and the gentle wind that had caressed Adam's cheek suddenly transformed into a sharp blade, capable of leaving small cuts.

"Amazing..." Adam murmured, flashing a bright smile at the scene before him.

In the sky, a thin, shimmering line appeared, extending five kilometers in length. Then came a loud explosion as the air ruptured, followed by a menacing shockwave that pounded the city walls. However, the countless layers of barriers managed to protect the city from destruction, though a few layers did crumble under the pressure.

"What an impressive technique, wolf-woman. It deserves respect," Adam commented sincerely, praising her. But then his eyes narrowed to slits, and he grinned mischievously, looking at where Amarantha had been.

There stood a beautiful woman. Incredibly beautiful. Demonic wings had sprouted behind her back, and a seductive demonic tail swayed leisurely. Her facial features had become sharper, yet her beauty had not been marred; in fact, she seemed even more beautiful by a hundredfold. Her pupils had turned diamond-shaped, and sharp claws, twenty centimeters long, had grown on her hands.

Ten meters away, the wolf-woman stood with an indifferent expression, but Adam could see the shock on her face. The woman was drenched in sweat, her body trembling like an autumn leaf, unable to resist the cold wind. Thanks to his glasses, which he had put on a moment earlier, Adam could see her magical channels, which were in chaos, but this struck him as strange.

"Her magical energy is intact? It's as if she didn't even use it... what could be the reason? Interesting..."

In their standoff, a victor had been found - Amarantha, who hadn't even used her magical energy, only defending herself. This attack hadn't left a mark on her, not even causing her to flinch.

"Interesting move. You didn't use your magical energy but opted for life energy instead. And your sword... it seems it's cursed, yet possesses formidable power," Amarantha remarked, addressing her. With just her voice, the wolf-woman grimaced, as if she had swallowed a fly. Now she was completely vulnerable to Amarantha's gaze, unable to even think of violence.

"What a wicked ability," the wolf-woman snorted, puffing out her chest, and introduced herself, "My name is Juliet Deprano, the Queen of the Beastmen Wolves. I've been ruling for a thousand years, and during that time, I've become known as the 'Bloody Blade.' There hasn't been an opponent I couldn't defeat, even if I lost before. Remember my name, for in the future, I'll make you kneel!"

She exuded a proud and unyielding aura, her face bathed in the bright colors of the orange sky. Against the backdrop of her confident smile, predatory grin, and the atmosphere of a warrior, the sunset became a mere backdrop, an ordinary background that only enhanced her beauty.

"Understood. I'll remember your name; perhaps you'll become an amusing opponent in the future," Amarantha replied, still wearing her indifferent expression, which hadn't changed throughout the battle. However, she then smiled, and this smile sent shivers down Juliet's spine, making her instincts quiver, and warning her of danger. "If you survive, of course."


A prolonged explosion resounded, and Adam raised an eyebrow, feeling the ground beneath his feet quiver as a monstrous dark purple aura enveloped the air, casting it in shades of purple. The moon vanished, the sun vanished, the clouds vanished. The entire external world disappeared as if they had been transported to another dimension.

"How unusual. She mentioned her ability, but it seems words can't truly convey its full power," Adam mused, nodding in fascination as he looked down at his feet.

He appeared to be standing on glass, and underneath this glassy surface, he saw countless specters, undead in the form of skeletons and zombies, emitting agonizing moans as they attempted to break through the glass and reach Adam. However, their attention was diverted by a whistle, which in a fraction of a second changed their target from the man to Juliet, who, though puzzled, held her sword ready to repel the attack.

Amarantha was nowhere to be seen, which alarmed her. The woman squinted her eyes and gripped her sword's hilt tighter, emitting a creaking sound.

"Let the feast begin."

A voice, reminiscent of Amarantha's voice, echoed from nowhere, like an echo from a mountaineer shouting from the summit of Everest. And, as in cartoon scenarios, the consequences of such a shout were as terrifying as an avalanche.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Sounds of cracking filled the air. Gradually, the glassy floor began to crack, and holes formed, from which undead creatures crawled out. As soon as they stood up, they rushed to attack Juliet, who swung her sword, unleashing yet another horrifying attack, albeit weaker than the previous one, but still retaining its terrifying appearance.

"Strike my enemy, Albreed."

A bright light appeared, and in an instant, a horizontal line reached the undead, who stopped, stunned by the flash. However, as one, they began to mutter something, except for the skeletons, of course. They simply emitted a grating noise, serving their purpose of annoying the opponent.

"You've never encountered those who have long surpassed the boundaries of ordinary beings, Juliet," Amarantha's voice sounded again as she suddenly appeared next to Adam, leaping into his embrace. Turning her shoulder, she grinned mischievously. "For your information, you've long lost your chance for survival. Because you've entered my ultimate ability..."

She waved her hand.

"Chances of victory no longer exist."

After her words, the undead suddenly inclined, and magical barriers appeared on their bodies, layer by layer. However, Adam noticed that it wasn't a defensive measure, as usual, but rather...


Suddenly, the horizontal slash distorted and cracked like glass. Juliet's eyes widened in shock, and she collapsed helplessly to the floor, gasping heavily. Cold sweat covered her back, and her body trembled with fatigue. She let out a prolonged sigh and smiled – this smile was radiant as if she had found hope as if she had found meaning in life.

Adam gazed into her golden eyes and saw in them a mixture of emotions: joy, regret, and hope. Like a child, she didn't even attempt to conceal her happiness, smiling brightly. There was no sadness, no despair, not even fear. She was proud, even in defeat, she was happy, even in the face of death.

"You're smiling even though you've lost. Your posture is proud even though you're on your knees," Adam smiled, looking into her eyes. "Why?"

To be continued...

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