My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 138 Veronica Steps Into Action

"First option..."

"As I mentioned before, it could be someone who had a part of the map before me, and they did it so perfectly that I didn't notice at first."

"Second option..." Adam stood up and tossed the stone away before dusting off his clothes. "Demons. I'm sure they targeted this village for a reason, as there was a faster route if their target was a vassal kingdom. Someone must have the same clues as me, and that entity should be the Demon General in this war..."


The renowned demon warrior was acknowledged as the second strongest after Queen Veronica, a horrifyingly bloodthirsty demon who earned titles such as "Devil," "The Strongest Demon," and "Bloody Lord." But the scariest part is that no one has seen his full power yet, and that's what's terrifying.

"If we believe Wikipedia, then Azaroth is a descendant from an ancient demonic family, who was adopted by Veronica when she discovered his talent. For his strength and wit, he was appointed as the first prince." Adam recalled the brief introduction of this man on Wikipedia and furrowed his brows. "From an ancient family... weren't the ancient demons rather abnormal? I remember their lineage traces back to a mysterious entity named Satan, who, according to legends, dissolved into mist, thus creating the lost world that is now considered hell."

Riddles upon riddles. This seemingly simple world held many strange variables, leading to results ranging from minor to supreme, often causing Adam headaches as he actively sought missing pieces of information.

Even if the world appeared peaceful, except for minor wars...

"He's like a serpent, biding his time for an attack. That's how I would describe this world. Cruel, mysterious, and unpredictable," Adam said and snorted in annoyance. "So, I need to start an active search for that damn map. But if the second part is with that bastard Azaroth, things are dire. He's as powerful as Amarantha, and I wouldn't risk her for the sake of a map."

Turning on his heel, Adam took out a small blue recording stone from his breast pocket. Infusing it with his magical energy, the stone lit up.

"So, the day was windy, and the air was filled with the stench of filth and blood. Although I felt the urge to return to the carriage immediately, duty and my unwavering sense of justice led me to the village. In short, it's as if they were making smoothies out of people here," Adam reported, continuing his narration for the High Council of Avalonia with an irritated tone. "There's a massive concentration of poison in the air due to decomposed bodies because of miasma. In three days, it'll be bustling here, as if a fish sale was going on. All because of the undead who will devour each other, and sometimes even themselves, thereby strengthening their bodies, and then they'll be the thorns in the ass. It's recommended, or more accurately, it's imperative to summon the fat priests from their holes and make them work, or else I'll personally feed these undead bastards."

Adam stopped sending magical energy to the stone, thus ending the recording. Satisfied, he placed the stone back into his breast pocket and turned, locking eyes with Chloe, who looked at him with a bewildered expression.

"What?" he asked.

"N-nothing, sir. But... isn't it right to send such a report in such an... informal format?" Chloe said, the corners of her mouth twitching with concern.

"Oh... so that's what you were worried about," Adam mumbled, then smiled at her. "Of course, this isn't proper, but I couldn't care less. They don't care how the information reaches them, as long as it does."


The meeting of the High Council. In brief, it is a gathering attended by the top figures of the empire, such as nobles with the title of Duke and high-ranking officials, along with Queen Elizabeth herself. During times of peace, this assembly often takes on a formal appearance, with attendees simply sipping tea and discussing their affairs and problems, occasionally sharing books among themselves.

But today, a very important meeting was taking place. An hour ago, the main army of "Moon of Avalonia" clashed with General Azaroth, and they are still engaged in a terrifying battle. Over a hundred soldiers from both sides were dying every hour, mainly among the ordinary soldiers, while the generals on both sides waited for the opportune moment to intervene.

Neither Azaroth nor the Avalonian general, whose name was Richard Sun, got involved in the battle of ordinary soldiers and waited for the other to make the first move. The reason is that they, too, had limitations, just like all the higher beings in this world. However, if either of them attacked first, it would be considered self-defense. At least that's what Richard thought.

"General Sun, we have casualties!"

"General Sun, we've killed two demon army commanders!"

"General, Commander Arnold..."

There were more than a hundred such reports, and they repeated every minute. The mind of an ordinary person would not be able to withstand such pressure, but Richard was undoubtedly up to the task, as his body had been reconstructed using magic, and his mind was stronger than average.

General Richard looked quite ordinary. He had no shining armor, overly beautiful features, or anything that could make him stand out from the crowd. Short black hair, brown eyes, a scar-covered body, and ordinary armor. Even his aura was ordinary, like that of a common soldier. However, in Avalonia, no one dared to be impolite to him, as the consequences could be lethal.

Richard was famous for his modesty and dedication to his duty. He never got involved in politics but followed the orders of Queen Elizabeth. His gaze always looked straight ahead, and the tip of his sword pointed at whoever his queen commanded him to kill.

Such monstrous loyalty was the frightening blade of Elizabeth. Richard came from a family that bore the name "Sun." Descendants of this family had always been devoted to Queen Elizabeth and served as her direct servants, ready to carry out any order, even if it meant taking their own lives. That's what this family was all about.

"How interesting... Azaroth, it's been two hundred years since we last fought, and I don't even know how strong you've become. But your rough and barbaric aura hasn't changed," Richard murmured suddenly, a nearly imperceptible smirk on his face.

On the other side, a whistle sounded, and in his mind, Richard heard a deep and haughty voice filled with pride and arrogance. It was Azaroth, who heard every word Richard said.

"Indeed, more than a century has passed. My hands have become much stronger, and my sword sharper. Richard, over the centuries of our acquaintance, you've left an impression as a brave and smart warrior, but even you have your end," Azaroth replied, "So, prepare to die. For I have become stronger since our last encounter."

Smirking, Richard narrowed his eyes and accepted Azaroth's challenge. "So be it. May the strongest prevail."

Clouds over the battlefield began to darken, and the thunderous roar made the soldiers look up at the sky, only to witness a clash of dark-purple energy and golden energy. It was a terrifying sight, but at the same time, it was so beautiful and dangerous.

The collision of High Energy could bring disaster to the entire world.


The Queen of Demons' Castle. This place was the only one where silence and order reigned. No one dared to approach this castle unless they were summoned by Her Majesty, Veronica.

Footsteps echoed. It was a demon with gray skin dressed in a worn black mage robe. His arms bore red tattoos in the form of marks, and his emaciated body evoked pity. However, no one dared even to think about approaching him, for he was the Second Prince of Chaos, Lucius.

"Mom. Call. Why?"

He spoke in disjointed words, and most of the time, it was hard to understand what he meant. However, the woman sitting on the throne easily understood the words of her adopted son.

"Lucius, you should have known by now, but I'll repeat it for your sake: your younger brother has returned."

The woman's voice was filled with joy and warmth, momentarily stunning Lucius. However, he then remembered the love this woman, who had become his mother, had for his youngest brother and shrugged, deciding to ignore it.

"Yes. Hear. Azaroth," he replied with a nod.

"Hmm? Azaroth told you? Surprising, that boy usually doesn't talk to anyone, but it seems he trusts you," Veronica smiled behind her black veil, gently running her fingers through the ends of her beautiful black hair. "Anyway, that boy has once again disappeared from his mother, and it saddens me greatly."

"Mirethasil. Hidden. Impossible."

"Agreed, he was quite attached to you. Amazingly, he didn't recognize you when you were in Elfheim," Veronica nodded and sensually crossed her legs. "I think he simply didn't recognize you. He disappeared from my sight that night, in a remarkably... strange moment when I was in meditation. Someone knew about it, although there are few such people."

After her words, the air grew heavier, and Lucius swallowed hard. A single drop of sweat trickled down his forehead, and his emaciated body began to tremble in fear. His adoptive mother's expression remained impassive, and her fingers rhythmically tapped on the armrest of the throne. Typically, this meant...

"I heard you were pursuing that elf. She was the leader of the Council of Elders, or whatever they're called. What are your successes?"

"She. Escaped. Let go."

"I see... well, in the forest, her powers are at their peak, so your chances of catching her were not the highest. I understand; it's not your fault," Veronica sighed and tapped the armrest of the throne, her eyes narrowing into slits. "But I hope you placed a tracking spell on her?"

"Lucius. Yes," he smiled and continued, "Fey Kingdom. Nirena."

"Hehe... Nirena, that sweet fairy, is hiding her? I understand..."

Veronica smirked and rose from her seat, announcing, "I will leave the Chaos Empire for some time. You'll be in charge."

...She's ready to act on her own.

To be continued...

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