My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 49 Unspoiled Nature


Tomorrow there will be four chapters. Schedule (GMT+8):

First chapter: 18:00

Chapter Two: 19:00

Chapter Three: 21:00

Chapter Four: 22:00

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There were many ideas about the life of nymphs. Some said they were even magical energy in the air, hiding from humans. In some countries, the nymph was a patron deity, and they worship this race.

They say that if you piss off a nymph, you won't be able to use magic your whole life. Nature will turn her back on you, and you will feel the ruthlessness of this life. That's why no one dared seek out nymphs, much less fight them.

Silvana was known only as an ordinary kingdom closed off from the world. But there were rumors that it was the home of nymphs, but no one dared to check it, except a few foolish people.

Adam imagined Silvana to be something like Elfheim, but he was somewhat surprised. In terms of structures or houses, there were none at all. Silvana was like what nature looks like without human intervention.

High mountains, large lakes, and rivers. Somewhere there was even a volcano with lava. Adam looked out of the carriage window and was greatly surprised by the scene. It seemed as if he was not in a country, but in a previously uncharted land where there were no signs of life.

Here and there, however, particles of different colors were visible, and Adam could even see translucent silhouettes of girls. It would be a lie to say that he was not surprised. Adam observed his surroundings admiringly and was like a child visiting another country for the first time.

The carriage was slow going or rather flying. Adam couldn't help but marvel at the artifacts and various objects in this world. Magic, compatible with technology - that's what this world was like.

"This world is dangerous but equally beautiful." Adam propped his chin up and looked at the bubbling lava. "It's true what they say, the more beautiful, the more dangerous."

During their journey, Adam did not see even a hint of houses or anything similar. Rather, it was just forests, meadows, mountains, and the like. He found the scene simply beautiful.

"Even Elfheim doesn't compare to these beauties... untouched nature is beautiful," Adam muttered.

Lily heard this and smiled proudly, beating her chest. She uttered: "Of course! We nymphs can only live thanks to Mother Nature. And for us, the species we have now is the most beautiful of all. Why do we need cities and houses and things like that? Nature in its pristine form is what true beauty is."

Adam turned his head and examined her proud face. It was obvious that Lily's emotions were very sincere and she admired her homeland. Adam did not deny or agree with her words in any way and simply expressed his opinion.

"I was shocked by Silvana's beauty for a moment, but let me tell you my view about it, if possible." Adam smiled and, seeing Lily's nod, continued. "Thank you. Now, for a human or an elf, houses are necessary. High-level practitioners can even sit in the rain for days and get nothing for it. Their bodies are adapted to it."

"However, what about ordinary beings? Those who have no power are children, old people, and just adults without magical energy or development. They don't have immaterial bodies like nymphs do. Their bodies are made of flesh and blood, whereas with nymphs it's made of magic, so they can't get sick or feel pain." Adam crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. "So for ordinary creatures, such a life would be painful and dangerous. If I'm given the choice of preserving nature or preserving the lives of ordinary people."

Adam smiled and stood up, answering his question, "I will choose to save the lives of ordinary people. Since it's more profitable."

He opened the carriage door and got out. They had reached their destination five minutes before, but Adam was busy talking to Lily. Adam looked up and saw four nymphs standing in front of him.

"Ladies, please escort me to Her Majesty." Adam smiled and walked forward.

Two nymphs followed him, and the remaining two entered the carriage with Lily. The nymph with red hair and red eyes looked displeased, but there was no trace of other emotions like hatred or dislike.

"It's sad that he doesn't understand our position." Lily sighed and shook her head, then looked at the two nymphs. "I suppose our mission is at an end. I give new orders to find information about the recent activity of the Chaos Empire. Her Majesty is concerned about Silvana's security, so a reconnaissance must be arranged immediately. Got it?"

"That's right!"



Adam walked down the deep and wide cave. There was no lighting as such, but Adam had no problem seeing in the dark because of his lineage. His black eyes glowed in the dark as if there were stars in his eyes.

"I wonder what kind of demons I belong to?"

Although he didn't fully understand what kind of demons he belonged to, judging by his spells, this species was more focused on magic, and with explosive power.

However, back to the subject. Adam saw two nymphs in front of him who were nymphs of darkness. This was felt by their magical energy and appearance, as the appearance of a nymph depends on the main attribute.

The two tall girls looked like two drops of water, and according to their explanation, they were born from the same source. In short, it is a peculiar interpretation of twins in humans. The chance of such a thing is extremely small, so one can only wonder.

Adam looked around and saw only the rough walls of the cave, which had not been altered in any way. It was obvious that the nymphs preferred to leave everything as it was and without unnecessary things.

There wasn't even any trivial lighting. Adam followed the nymphs and heard his footsteps echoing throughout the cave. From the entrance to their present position, they had gone some twenty meters deeper, but their path continued.

It wasn't until after a mile of walking that Adam finally saw the light. As he blinked, his eyes stopped glowing, which meant the night vision was off. Finally, they emerged through the passageway, and Adam wondered.

As he looked around, he was overwhelmed by the majestic sight of the lofty mountains that seemed to close around the meadows that stretched beneath their cover. The mountains rose majestically and impregnable as if creating an impenetrable barrier designed to protect these delicate meadows and their flowers from the outside world.

The meadows stretched before him in all their beauty, like a carpet of many bright colors. The fields, covered with soft greenery and vibrant shades of colorful flowers, created a picturesque spectacle. Here the exuberant splendor of nature flourished, spread out in beautiful harmonic order.

Adam found no visible indication that this impenetrable protection was created by magic or other supernatural forces. It was as if nature itself, deliberately and tenderly, had become the guardian of these places, seeking to preserve their beauty and purity.

"It's a miracle..." Adam was surprised and his eyes shone brightly.

He had a deep impression of Silvana and felt admiration, and awe at the majesty of Mother Nature. Who could have guessed that it was not created by the hands of some creature? Adam had never seen such a thing.

It seemed that even the air in this place adhered to laws unfamiliar to Adam and was much more saturated than usual. The air was cleaner and each breath made Adam's head cringe, intoxicating him with the unfamiliar sensation.

Idyllic. That was the only word to describe this place. Adam narrowed his eyes and felt that compared to the infinite beauty of nature, he was a mere speck of dust in the air.

"The world is changing with every second, and I have watched the flow of history for thousands of years. How many people have died in that time? How many islands have been sunk by the mercilessness of the sea? I can no longer remember..."

A sweet and youthful voice echoed behind Adam's back. When Adam turned around, he saw a girl in her twenties. Beautiful as Lycoris and captivating as the dope.

Beautiful red hair, tied in two ponytails on either side. Her scarlet eyes glowed like fire and gave off warmth. Dressed in a black jacket with a red shirt, she also wore a red wavy skirt.

Her slender legs were hugged by black tights that drew men's attention, and her red boots looked cute rather than just "pretty."

While Amaria and Amarantha exuded a mature beauty, this girl radiated youthful vigor and a sense of boundless freedom.

The red particles gracefully danced around her body, obediently following her every move, accentuating her noble and captivating presence. Her appearance exuded a remarkable combination of nobility and beauty, capturing the attention of all who beheld her.

"My name is Sierra Silvana, I am a royal nymph of fire. Having the power and authority of the Queen of Nymphs, I greet you...".

"Adam Harris, Demon."

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