My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 52 Interested?



Elyra saw Adam's seriousness and wondered. She nodded her head and asked Adam to follow her.

These meadows seemed to be endless, but after twenty minutes Adam reached another part and saw a hole in the wall. They entered the cave together, and after several turns, they reached the place where Elyra lived.

It was a very high cave and Adam couldn't even see the ceiling. In the middle of the cave was a small pond. Blue particles flew out of the water and surrounded the surface of the pond, illuminating the gloomy cave.

Adam marveled at the sight and felt his body become as light as a feather. It appeared that the blue particles of water surrounded him and, as if playing, stuck to him and cleaned his clothes and dust.

After a few seconds, the particles receded into the pond, revealing a clean Adam. Adam was greatly surprised by this.

"What a miracle...magic is an amazing thing." Adam sighed and smiled.

"Yes! The magic that surrounds us, caressing our bodies and helping us see this world from a new perspective... that's what Mother Nature's greatness is all about!" Elyra smiled and waved her hand.

A gentle oscillation of magical energy headed toward the pond, causing small waves to appear on the surface of the water. However, these waves did not stop growing, and ten seconds later Adam saw a translucent female body.

Her body was made of water and Adam could not make out her appearance, but he did find some similarities. This body of water looked like Elyra!

"This is my real body. It consists only of water and magical energy, as I am a water nymph. Her Majesty has a similar body, however, she has... ugh... never mind!" Elyra chattered merrily, and when she started talking about Sierra, she suddenly became silent and averted her eyes. "More importantly, Adam, is there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

Elyra's cheeks turned ruddy at these words, and she fidgeted in her seat, showing embarrassment and an amorous look. Adam, on the other hand, looked at her without coquetry or desire to seduce her. He hesitated for a moment and then decided to just be sincere.

"Elyra, Her Majesty and I made a deal." Adam looked into Elyra's azure eyes and said seriously. "I'll be honest... the deal is for me to take you as my wife."

A silence ensued. Elyra at first showed an incomprehensible expression on her face, and her mouth opened into an "O" shape. With each one, however, her cheeks grew ruddy, and a mist appeared in her eyes.

"E-e-eh?!" Elyra cried out loudly and her face turned completely red. She looked like a ripe tomato, and along with the fumes coming out of her top, Adam smiled.

However, he soon regained his serious expression. Although Elyra noticed that he wanted to say something serious, her thoughts were confused. Needless to say, Elyra was happy.

To her, Adam was a handsome, charming, and caring man. That was the impression Adam left on her, and given the seduction factor, Elyra was crazy about Adam. Although it was brutal, it was.

As long as it helps me in my development, such sacrifices are necessary. These were Adam's thoughts.

"Elyra... I agreed, but I want you to understand." Adam leaned in, and his head was level with Elyra's. "I don't have romantic feelings for you or anything. Rather, I was just enjoying your company."

"..." Elyra froze, and it was obvious that she was shocked.

She felt a strong sense of unease and sadness growing in her chest, but before she could even react, Adam interrupted her thoughts.

"But I am determined to take you as my wife. Not only because of the benefits but also because of my sympathy for you." Adam stroked her cheeks and smiled. "And, if you're ready to be the wife of someone like me...I promise I'll take care of you."

Adam was sincere and smiled softly. Many factors influenced his agreement with the wedding. One was profit, and another was connections. Elyra was not very powerful, but her influence among the nymphs was great.

As heiress to the Queen of Nymphs, Elyra had the power to affect even the oldest nymphs, who are already tired of life and just boring their days. Though on the surface these "old ladies" are useless, each of them has amazing power.

After all, the older the nymph, the stronger she becomes. Besides...

"If you win the recognition of a nymph, you can get the blessing of magic..." Adam remembered a paragraph from the legend.

The Blessing of Magic. The sacred ritual that made heroes appear and rule an entire era. This blessing doubles your magical potential, and if you're already talented...

You would go from being a "talent" to a "monster". Many heroes were afraid because of this, so there was confusion and chaos. Adam was not afraid of such a fate, since he was a demon, so being hostile to other races is part of the rookie starter pack for him.

Meanwhile, Elyra looked at Adam and felt a swirl of emotions in her chest. Was she disappointed? Yes, but not to say that Elyra was very surprised.

It was obvious that Adam would not love her the way Elyra loved Adam. They had a different mentality, and for a nymph, love is something holy and eternal. However, for Adam, or rather for the demon... love is entertainment.

There was also uncertainty. Elyra had no idea how many wives Adam would have. She had no hope of being the only one for the rest of his life. A few minutes later...

"Okay, but..." Elyra suddenly grabbed Adam's hand and laid her cheek. "If you forget about me, you'll be very regret, okay?"

Elyra laughed and smiled softly. Adam smiled in response to her joke, too. As he hugged Elyra and held her close to him, Adam closed his eyes and thought.


Suddenly the sound of bells rang in his head, and he opened his eyes to see the screen in front of him.

[The heart of Sierra has changed, opening up to the user]

[Name: Sierra Silvana

Race: Royal Nymph (fire)

Class: Mage

Attribute: Fire

Level: SS+

Status: Interested (1%)]

[Thanks to the user's actions, the "Casanova" class received 7 experience points.]

[Level 9: (47/105)

Adam closed his eyes again and mentally sighed. His sincerity had affected Sierra and she was friendly. Although Sierra seemed friendly, Adam had not received any notice until now.

It was obvious that Sierra was vigilant about Adam because of Amarantha. Also, for some reason she looked at Adam with a strange look, especially when she asked about his lineage.

"I don't understand this woman." Adam frowned and closed his eyes. He inhaled the scent of Elyra's hair and dragged her off to sleep.

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