My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 55 Limit



With a sharp movement, Adam stepped inside Sierra and felt an intense pleasure, and with it a stabbing pain. He opened his eyes wide when he suddenly felt a huge surge of magical energy.

His body bloated and in a few seconds, he exploded in a rain of blood. The arena automatically closed and the Sierra clone disappeared.

Two hours later...

A notice appeared in front of Adam.

[User died because of an overabundance of magical energy. Generating a detailed report...]

[7 h 15 min 10 sec: User begins the act of conception.

7 h 15 min 11 sec: User explodes due to excessive magical energy. The cause is set...

24 hr 26 min 1 sec: User exploded while virginity deprivation a Sierra clone. Due to the nature of Sierra, the User was unable to last due to the sudden increase of the tank a hundredfold. It is recommended not to repeat this process to avoid similar situations]

Adam opened his eyes, finding himself in the cave. The back of his head felt soft, and through the translucent screens, Adam could see Elyra, who was looking at him worriedly. Adam closed his eyes and sighed, feeling tired.

"Did something happen? When I woke up, I found you on the floor with a pale face. Could it be that the magic stone has not been learned?" Elyra worriedly groped Adam's face.

Her face was as pale as Adam's, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Adam was slightly discouraged and ran his hand down her cheeks. Elyra, feeling the warmth of his hands, pressed her cheek against his hand.

"Don't worry. Thanks to you, I was able to assimilate all the magic stones." Adam laughed and kissed Elyra on the cheek. "Thank you, sweetheart. Without your help, I couldn't have achieved this."

"I'm happy that I can help you." Elyra smiled sweetly.

Meanwhile, Adam noticed that Elyra was naked. He squeezed her nipple, making Elyra shudder and moan. She looked at Adam coquettishly and began to change.

"Elyra, do you have enough magical energy for another stone?" Adam turned and asked Elyra seriously.

The girl closed her eyes and checked the amount of her magic, then nodded. She smiled at Adam and said: "Thanks to the saturation from the pond, I'll be able to do it twice."

"Great. I'll be sure to thank you after this." Adam smiled and crossed his legs.

He put the magical stone in his mouth and closed his eyes. Adam felt the magical energy penetrate every cell of his body.

It began to throb violently as if his heart was beating in unison with the flow of magic. Then came the fiery heat that enveloped his essence. The heat spread through his veins like lava, penetrating the very depths of his being.

Pain pierced his bones as if they were breaking under the pressure of invisible forces. Every movement was accompanied by a sharp, aching pain.

His back was covered in sweat and it was only on willpower that he restrained himself from screaming. Elyra didn't hesitate and immediately sent a stream of water, which, just like yesterday, formed an extra layer of skin that surrounded Adam's body.

And it helped a lot. Adam felt a pleasant coolness and his brow relaxed and the sweating disappeared.

[Sin "Gluttony" activated. Magic stone of rank "F" is absorbed. User gains +3 experience]

After twenty minutes, he opened his eyes and began to speak to Elyra. After resting for an hour, Adam put the magic stone back in his mouth.

The pain went deep into his bones as if thousands of needles were piercing every cell of his body. All his muscles tensed, and his bones seemed ready to crack from the exertion. But Adam didn't give up. He clenched his teeth and concentrated, forcing his body to endure this unbearable agony.

Thanks to the support of Elyra, who stood by his side, supporting him, Adam gradually began to get used to the agony and the magical heat. He learned to control his breathing and adjust his mind.

This time, however, the absorption of the magical energy took much longer, lasting almost half an hour. Adam felt every cell of his body filled with this burning power, causing inner turmoil in his body. The pain became even more intense as if his bones and muscles were on the verge of collapse. But he did not retreat. He looked deep inside himself, accepting this magical energy, opening himself to it, and becoming one with it.

Finally, after many minutes of suffering, Adam was able to hold out. He opened his eyes again, and his entire physical shell was drenched in sweat, his eyes looking tired. A screen appeared before him.

[Sin "Gluttony" activated. Magic stone of rank "F" is absorbed. User gains +3 experience].

"Ha-ah..." Adam breathed heavily and lay on the ground.

Next to him was Elyra, who was exhausted from her long use of magical energy. Adam looked at his magical channels and saw that they were full. He was discouraged and didn't know what to do next.

"Elyra... My magical channels are full, is it supposed to be like this?" Adam asked worriedly, taking Elyra's hand.

"...Full? This means that you have reached the limit for your present level. It makes no sense to raise the level of the tank any further, for only excruciating pain and no more will follow. There is even a chance of death."

Adam reflected and sighed. He was different from ordinary creatures and advanced through the system. The "Casanova" class and raising the level of this class allowed me to reach new heights only with the help of experience.

Adam wondered how he could level up as quickly as possible. Normally he could accumulate experience through seduction, but... it would be hard right now, given the current location. Adam sighed.

"A month...".


The next day.

Before heading to Sierra, Adam entered the system's space and opened Lucky Block. The map glowed brightly with white light and Adam frowned, expecting something normal.

[Congratulations! You have received: Bracelet of Love x2]

Adam raised an eyebrow and two bracelets made of red thread appeared before him. Adam sensed a strange energy from them but did not pay attention.

Once out of the system, Adam, accompanied by Elyra, headed toward Sierra's abode. It was a long journey, but through patience, Adam and Elyra finally saw a young girl with red hair tied in two ponytails.

Sierra must have noticed them, too, and waved. Her lips stretched into a sweet smile, and Adam quickened his pace as he approached her. After a few speeches and thanks, Adam and Elyra sat down on the rock, as did Sierra.

"Your Majesty, as agreed, I and Elyra will ally." Adam nodded gravely and smiled, taking Elyra's hands in his. "Elyra has told me that to conclude the union, I must ask your permission. Please approve our marriage!"

Adam stood up and bowed. This was the etiquette and the rules when one asked for the hand of a member of the Nymph race. The permission of the Queen of Nymphs was required, who would successfully bless their marriage, thereby approving their union.

Sierra listened to it all with a soft smile. She waved her hand, and a sudden feeling of warmth made Adam lift his head. His eyes were swimming, as if he'd had a lot of alcohol.

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