My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 58 99/100


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Even if Adam gives the order to Sierra not to resist at all, he still can't stop the magical channels from moving. It's possible that when you level up to their state...

They became monsters that had acquired something akin to immortality. As long as magic existed, Ascendant: demigod could survive even if his body was destroyed. Nymphs... even scarier.

Imagine that you live in a magical world and can use magic. You meet a nymph at Ascendant: demigod level and decide to fight them with the same power. But...

During the battle, your magical power suddenly disappears, and the enemy nymph only grows stronger. After a hard battle, you still win, but suddenly...


Because your magical channels were destroyed at the beginning of the battle and your body, developed to the highest level, could only maintain that state thanks to the strong base. But the nymph you 'killed'...

Suddenly appears in front of you safe and sound.

Because for nymphs, there is no concept of "death". They can lose consciousness, but they can also regain it if they wish. Living in the magic that inhabits this entire world, they are immortal.

"So, Adam, you should be careful with the nymphs, and even more so with Mother. Although, I'm sure you'd never do us any harm." This is what Elyra had once said to Adam while they were vacationing together.

Adam shook his head and decided to see what Amaria's magic channels looked like this time.

"Huh?" Adam frowned when he discovered that Amaria's magical channels simply did not exist!

The reservoir that all creatures in this world had was also missing. Adam couldn't believe it.

"It's possible that it can hide its magic channels. Besides, in the description of Glasses of Truth, it said there was a limitation in the form of user level." Adam shook his head and walked out of the arena. "I guess I need to focus on leveling up. And the shortest and most efficient way is through the magic stones I can obtain by completing the Sierra mission."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Adam sank into thought. Every time he had sex with women, he was sure that he would not leave behind a surprise pregnancy. The reasoning behind this was that his Casanova class had a passive ability that prevented it.

He could control at will what his semen would be like. While this sounds unusual, it was very helpful, as there were no condoms among magical creatures at all. Even Amarantha did not have such a product.

At the very least, he'd learned that the people of this world... didn't use protection at all. And if it's not a problem for magical creatures, because it's hard enough for them to conceive a child, then the lack of a condom is a major problem in human countries.

"Overpopulation in Avalonia is one of the reasons why this country has become so aggressive in increasing its lands." Adam frowned. "Many nobles, and even common peasants, liked to have fun in the brothels, and not just in these parts. They have, without realizing it themselves, left offspring of themselves. Although there is magic that can prevent pregnancy, such luxury is only available to the upper class."

Adam hesitated and logged off. Elyra was still unconscious and Adam could only watch her, immersed in his thoughts.

"I suppose a business in Avalonia selling condoms would be a good idea...however there is one problem - I don't know how to make them." Adam sighed and propped his chin up. "In my past life, I was a typical virgin, and I worked 24/7. Given my problems and taking care of... um... Who was I taking care of that I had to work so hard?"I think you should take a look at

Adam frowned and tried to remember, but he failed, "I can only remember huge hospital bills and drug prices...".

Even after two minutes of thought, he couldn't remember the identity of the man he had cared for and paid the hospital bills for. So Adam could only shake his head and forget the situation.

"If I don't remember, then it doesn't matter." Adam's eyes darkened and he just smiled, looking at Elyra. "Past lives don't matter, yeah."

Adam laughed and shook his head. The shadow behind him trembled slightly.


The next day...

Adam stood up and stretched, logging off. He had been meditating for six hours and had finally finished his business.

"I need to get the magic stones..." Adam frowned and got out of bed.

Next to him lay a half-naked Elyra who was sniffling sweetly and sleeping after a long night. Adam changed his clothes and kissed Elyra before leaving.

As he stepped out of Elyra's cave, a girl with red hair tied into two ponytails appeared before him. Adam raised an eyebrow and then bowed.

"Your Majesty."

It was Sierra, who was wearing a red loose dress today. She smiled brightly and greeted Adam, "Hello, Adam. I see you've decided for yourself."

"Yes." Adam nodded and looked into Sierra's eyes. "I also hope you will keep your promise."

"It can't be otherwise. I made a promise on behalf of the Nymph Queen!" Sierra proudly stuck out her large breasts and patted them. "If you fulfill my conditions, you can rest assured, the magic stones will be yours!".

Adam nodded indifferently and pointed back with his thumb, "I guess I only have 99 to go?"

Sierra suddenly became serious and her magic power exploded into an arrow that penetrated Elyra's body in a millisecond. Adam opened his eyes wide and wanted to use magic, but was interrupted by loud laughter.

"Haha... HAHAHAHAHA!" Sierra smiled brightly and clapped her hands together. "Excellent, just excellent. Should I praise you for your abilities? Elyra already has a magical channel in her, which means a successful conception... in a hundred years, the nymph race will see a new addition!".

Sierra's eyes sparkled brightly, and she looked so adorable that Adam thought it was someone else. Sierra was jumping with joy and circling Adam, looking like a little girl happy about a New Year's present.

"Yay! Yay! Finally I won't have to think about procuring more slaves!". Sierra smiled and laughed.

She walked over to Adam and patted his shoulder, her expression was somewhat cheeky, but the unconcealed joy was visible to Adam.

"You've proven your abilities. I'm proud of you, you're a real man!". Sierra chuckled. "There are only 99 nymphs left. Out of that number, I have 5 nymphs ready for a relationship. I'll introduce you today, so be ready, okay?"

Adam simply nodded, watching as Sierra danced joyfully. Although this woman was very unusual, and in places even mysterious.....

Right now, however, she looked carefree and emotional. Adam could only smile and shrug his shoulders.

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