My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 65 Amarantha's Jealousy

The quiet night had the unique property of making everyone calm down. While most of the creatures slept, Adam sat next to Elyra, who by now had fallen asleep. The deep night was gloomy and the lights in the cave were gone.

Adam's eyelashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes where boredom could be seen. Five hours had passed since he had condensed his sin of Gluttony. The sudden vigor surprised him and even after much effort Adam couldn't fall asleep.

Out of boredom, he summoned a box of apples from his inventory, as well as a knife. The blade of the knife deftly peeled the apple peel while the pleasant smell made Adam hungry.

A light appeared in the cave, suddenly and unexpectedly. A token flew out of Adam's robe and surrounded him with a bright barrier, separating them from the outside world. Without raising his head, Adam spoke, "Good evening, Amarantha. This is the first time you have contacted me in this manner."

There was no response. Adam, however, only smiled and continued peeling the second apple. The familiar aura of Amarantha he would never confuse with anything. Though the silence was tense, Adam felt the tenderness and waited patiently for Amarantha's words.

"...There's been an important change, so I need to talk to you about it." Amarantha fell silent and then spoke again. "Avalonia has managed to take over 10% of Elfheim's territories, and their spies have plunged the capital into chaos. Many elves who have lost their kin are protesting and Amaria is feeling the pressure. An assassination attempt was recently made on her."

Adam's hand, peeling the apple, froze for a second, but then he continued with a carefree smile, signaling Amarantha to continue. Amarantha seemed surprised at his reaction, or rather lack of reaction.

"...I heard that you are close to the Elf Queen. Haven't you been feeding her off your fork?" Amarantha's voice sounded surprisingly resentful, making Adam smile and raise his eyes.

"You think too much. If I could gain Amaria's appreciation, my life in Elfheim would be much better. But given the lands I now own, and the wartime... I suppose she has lost value to me." He pulled out another apple and without distraction, began peeling. "Sad, of course, if she dies. But I wouldn't sacrifice my plans for her. It's too risky. And besides, I...".

"Married?" Amarantha interrupted him and snorted. "I heard about that from the pesky Nymph Queen. Her breasts swelled so high because of her haughty posture that I could barely contain my desire to chop her in two."

Laughing, Adam shook his head. Amarantha's tone was full of resentment and jealousy, which was somewhat unusual compared to her usual state. He leaned back against the cave wall and smiled.

"Yeah, my wife is beautiful. She even learned to cook for me, can you imagine? I've never been so touched." Adam grimaced and propped his chin up with his hand, before setting the knife aside. "But why do I hear a note of jealousy in your tone? Do you want to be my wife too?".

"What..." Amarantha's voice seemed ragged and Adam was already imagining her confused face, but the next words stunned him. "What if it is?".

Adam was surprised and felt like someone had hit him over the head. Although Amarantha sounded somewhat embarrassed, her tone was firm and made Adam remain in prostration for a few seconds.

Adam took the knife and began cutting the apple into pieces, remaining silent for a while as Amarantha waited for his answer. Stuffing the apple into his mouth, Adam smiled.

"Then get your wedding dress ready. Your hubby will be home in a week." Adam laughed and shook his head. "Okay, we'll put that topic off for another day. How's the construction of the town coming along? Have there been any problems or lack of funding?".

Amarantha fell silent and Adam could hear the rustling of paper. She was sorting through the paperwork and he waited patiently, peeling the apple from its peel. His gaze was slightly clouded.

"The construction of the city is 70% complete. There were problems with the Avalonia army, but I was easily able to suppress their arrogance. They ended up signing a non-aggression agreement, which is only to our advantage." Amarantha sighed and continued the report. "There are no other problems, however, two days ago I was contacted through my subordinates by Duke Ronald, who asked for your financial assistance. I sent him 200 Platinum Dragon Stones, and he promised to pay in full for his kindness."

"Huh... Ronald's in trouble too, since even my funding earlier didn't help him. That sounds sad." Adam grimaced and put the knife aside. "Regarding the money, I already told you that you can use it however you want. I don't care, to be perfectly honest. Just be sure to complete the town the way I asked you to before the big waste of money, okay?"

Adam smiled softly and touched his face, feeling cold. His eyes were somber and he brooded, ignoring Amarantha. After twenty minutes of silence, Adam lifted his head and asked with a sigh: "There is a request. I need to get some of my servants out of the Elfheim capital as soon as possible. Can you do that for me?".

Mary, Claire, Elara. They were all his maids and he had to keep them with him considering how useful they were. Claire knows a lot of information about Elfheim and also has good communication skills.

Mary is a warrior girl who is ready to fight to the last man. Adam once saw her at a training session and her movements were very skillful and showed skill. Regarding Elara - she was a bridge to help Adam in political matters.

She had a lot of acquaintances and that helped Adam in building the city. And given her intelligence and her love of money, the position of finance minister might be a good fit for her.I think you should take a look at

"That's not a problem...besides, I've already taken them out and they are in our town." Amarantha answered him and in her voice, Adam heard a hint of a smile.

"You're amazing. Tell me what you want and I'll try to give it to you." Adam smiled softly.

Amarantha was silent and did not answer. Adam did not rush her and simply lay with his back against the cave wall.

"Come back in two days."

Her voice sounded soft and bright. Filled with cheerfulness and merriment, Amarantha spoke the words softly and suddenly the token went out, falling to the floor. Adam raised an eyebrow and was surprised at her gentleness and joy.

Glancing at the fallen token, Adam smiled and shook his head. It seemed to him that this woman was much gentler than usual today.


Adam continued down the dark and gloomy cave that seemed endless. His heart beat faster with the sense of freedom and adventure, for he loved such moments. The air was cool and smelled of earth and stone.

Along the way, he noticed strange black particles circling him. They gave the impression of some kind of ritual or mysterious meeting. Adam felt himself part of this mysterious ceremony.

Finally, he reached the place where the second nymph was waiting. She was a nymph of darkness, and it was evident in her attributes and nature. Adam himself was associated with the dark attribute and this meeting seemed natural and comfortable.

As he stepped through the narrow opening, he saw an incredibly beautiful nymph sitting on a rock under an open starry sky. Her long hair was black as night and fell smoothly down her graceful back. In the gloom, her black eyes sparkled like two bright stars decorating the night sky. She wore a white lab coat, which gave her the mystique and aura of a scientist.

The nymph was engrossed in reading a shabby book, and the wind played with her hair like playing lights in the dark. Her beautiful, delicate fingers flipped the pages lightly as if she were absorbing every word, every story.

Although this nymph's physique was slender and graceful, she did not possess lush forms. But her natural beauty and charm overrode all formalities. Adam smiled and casually glanced at the contents of the book.

[BDSM - Everything a beginner needs to know. Even a monkey could understand]


"What?" Adam looked at the nymph and then at the book... "Huh?".

Adam grinned crookedly and shook his head, feeling strange. At the same time, the nymph suddenly turned her head and Adam met her eyes. There was a silence between them that lasted for two minutes until the nymph suddenly grabbed his chest and pushed him to the ground.

"Are you Adam?" She nestled against his chest and began to sniffle.

Adam grimaced, but still answered, "Yes. And you..."

"I'm Nyx. I guess we're both out of time, so let's hurry up and have sex." When she said that, she was already stripped naked. She grinned and took Adam's cock in her hands.

"Thanks for the treat!".

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