My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 72 Shizuya

[Available Lucky Blocks for today: 20]

[Open x1] | [Open x10]

"So many of them have accumulated..." Adam felt somewhat lucky as he saw he could immediately open two sets of ten cards.

With hope in his heart, he pressed [Open x10] and squinted. Immediately after his press, ten cards appeared before him, shining in various colors, temporarily blinding Adam. However, after five seconds, the radiance disappeared, and he saw a notification.

[Congratulations! You received: Sword of Darkness, 25 experience points for the "Casanova" class x5, 500 Seduction Points x4.]

"So much stuff..." Adam squinted again, and the information appeared before him.

[Name: Sword of Darkness

Type: Weapon

Description: In ancient times, there were elegant magical swords crafted from the legendary metal Riviris. However, during the war, this metal was destroyed due to the greed of practitioners, forever depriving talented swordsmen of good partners. The sword's level increases with the user.]

Adam took the sword in his hand, and it looked quite ordinary, like a knight's sword. The main difference was in the color of the blade, which was black. Swinging the sword a few times in his hand, Adam nodded, realizing that the sword suited him.

To be frank, Adam preferred ranged combat as it was more convenient, and he excelled in it. However, when it came to close combat, there were numerous problems.

As already known, Casanova was not a combat class. It was closer to a magical class, so Adam found it challenging to fully unleash his strength. If he were not a demon but an ordinary human, he would face many difficulties.

In any case, all he could do was hope that he could change his class to a combat-oriented one.

"Swordsman? Assassin? Warrior? Honestly, I don't even know which one is better... because when it comes to games, I pretty much have no clue." Adam scratched the back of his head and sighed. "If I knew I'd end up in this situation, I would have played MMORPGs more often, seriously..."

Adam rolled his eyes and moved to the [Chamber of Commerce], finding himself amidst the stalls once more. He located the tent labeled "Other" and chose an item.

[Name: Level Up

Type: Miscellaneous

Price: 200 Seduction Points

Description: Allows you to increase your class level by one level. Can be used once per month.]

"A month has already passed, so..." Adam nodded decisively and spent the points.

[Level up!]

[Level 16: (202/235)]

[Unlocked class skill...]

[Name: Mood Reading

Description: Casanova can easily discern the mood of their target. Red - anger, green - joy, yellow - unease, blue - sadness, black - malice, white - indifference.]

"Come to think of it, I haven't gone 'hunting' in a while... I've been spending all this time with my wives, so it's not surprising." Adam smiled and logged out of the system.

Glancing around, he noticed it was already late at night. The city's nocturnal lights were still brightly lit, thanks to technology based on magical energy. Since magic was everywhere, the lamps worked as if they were charged by solar energy. The only difference was that magical lighting functioned 24/7.

"I truly admire this world..." murmured Adam as he got up.

It was late, and most people in his mansion were asleep. Amarantha had left for her gang's business, and Elyra had not been feeling well due to her pregnancy for several days.

"I'd like to help in some way, but she says she has to overcome it herself." Adam sighed and put on his jacket before leaving the mansion.

The night sky was gloomy, and the weather outside was cold. Although it was summer, sometimes the weather became unexpectedly chilly, almost like winter.

"There's nothing to do at the brothel... Besides, I don't want to bother the girls. Sigh, if that idiot Alexander had stayed, we could have had a drink together, that would have been nice." Adam shrugged and felt a sense of loneliness. "Wait a moment... come to think of it, is he the first man I've had a normal conversation with? Oh wow..."

Softly smiling, Adam strolled through the streets of his city, observing its development. And thinking about the income he was generating... Adam could only smile.

Despite the late hour, there were many citizens still awake. Elves, humans, beastmen... the variety of races was astonishing. Perhaps, without strict security measures, there would be many problems due to racial prejudices.

"Hey handsome, want to have some fun?" Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind him.

Turning around, Adam saw a middle-aged woman of the human race. She reeked of alcohol, clearly drunk. Staggering, she approached Adam and leaned against his chest, sniffing.

"M-m... the scent of youth. So, what do you say, want to have some fun with me?" She smiled at him and took his hands.

Adam raised an eyebrow, and his eyes sparkled, showing colorful spheres around the woman. There were red spheres and one large blue sphere.

"Hmm..." Adam chuckled and smiled at the woman, taking her hands intimately. "You seem a bit sad. If you allow me, I'd be glad to accompany you."

The woman looked at him and blinked, looking puzzled. But then she smiled softly at him and nodded.

"I know a nice place to relax." Adam pointed to an upscale restaurant and led the woman there.

Under the glow of the streetlights, he finally saw her appearance and realized that she wasn't human. Her cute ears gave it away – she belonged to the catgirl race. After a brief conversation with her, Adam learned her name was Shizuya. She had migrated to the city with her family: her husband and two children. Initially, Shizuya had hoped to find work here, but encountered difficulties.

"Sorry... the workforce is currently saturated, and there are no job vacancies. I truly apologize..." And this monologue repeated twenty more times. Shizuya had lost hope, just like her husband. They had some money left from their previous job, so they could survive somehow. But then a miracle happened...

Her husband found an unknown job and started bringing home money. With each passing day, the income grew, and she even dared to hope that everything was falling into place, but...


The city of Sedyon, a beautiful fortress at the Three Borders, also had casinos and other entertainment venues. Although many intelligent people avoided such places, unless they wanted to lose everything, there were still those who succumbed to the influence.

Gambling addiction. In Adam's previous life, it was a serious problem that had ruined many families. Although he was smart enough to avoid the influence of casinos and similar establishments, he had witnessed the desperation and consequences of gambling addicts. However, Amarantha insisted on building a casino and other amusements.

Although initially reluctant, Adam realized that it would bring substantial profits. And so...

Shizuya's husband was one of those who believed in the principle of "the casino will help me make money." In the end, he lost over 100 Silver Dragon Stones, their last money. The result... hunger.

"Damn it... can you imagine? This idiot left me alone with two kids, without any money! I had to get a tough job and carry heavy loads." Shizuya gulped wine straight from the bottle and scowled. "How I hate my life. If I knew this would happen, I would never have come here."

Adam leaned back in his chair and sighed. Although he expected such cases to happen, he didn't anticipate encountering the influence of gambling so soon.

"You said the kids are hungry, so why are you spending money on alcohol?" Adam frowned, noticing one detail.

"Hey, hey, don't look at me like that, got it? I'm not that dumb and heartless. The boss treated me to this, and said it might help ease the pain from the workload." Shizuya snorted and pushed the bottle away, breaking it.

The waiter was about to say something, but Adam simply waved his hand and compensated him. Bowing, the waiter left them alone.

"Let me order you something edible. You can't satisfy your stomach with alcohol, right?" Adam infused magical energy into the token, and a menu appeared before him. "There are many good dishes here. Eat, and I'll order more for takeaway for your kids."

Adam softly smiled at Shizuya, looking into her eyes. Today, he felt generous and was willing to spend, considering that such expenses wouldn't affect his wallet.

"No, it's not necessary..."


"Heh-heh, although you disagree, your stomach does." Adam chuckled and pointed to the menu. "Let me be cool, alright? When a man wants to treat a woman, she shouldn't refuse his treats."

Shizuya looked closely at Adam's face, and her cheeks turned red as she fidgeted in her seat. Despite feeling awkward about being treated by such a young guy, she felt a warmth in her heart.

"Sorry for the trouble..." Adam smiled, watching Shizuya enjoy her food. Her soft black hair swayed, and her bright brown eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

"Although I prefer attractive women, mature ones are not bad either..." Adam thought to himself as he ordered portions of food for her children for a month.


Inevitably, every city has its slums. And although Adam tries to avoid the emergence of slums, it is a challenging task, considering the sudden influx of immigrants. Tents and poorly constructed houses were scattered everywhere. It seemed that even a gentle gust of wind could blow off the roof and leave the residents without shelter.

In one such house lived Shizuya, the sweet woman from the catgirl tribe. Adam entered the house and immediately felt the creaking floor beneath his feet. There were many rotten planks, and the smell inside was not pleasant.

"Forgive me for bringing you to such a dilapidated place," Shizuya apologized, bowing her head.

By that time, she had regained her composure and behaved very politely. Adam could only smile and reassure her.

"No need to say that. In any case, a home is still a home. Not everyone has a roof over their head."

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