My Little Sunshine

Chapter 173: 'Little Elf'

Chapter 173: 'Little Elf'

Stella walked into the bedroom which was inside Adam's office. He had sent her a text a while back, asking her to come to his office. She came as soon as she could after getting done with the papers she was going through. And now, he was nowhere to be found. She thought that she might find her inside the room when she didn't see him on his desk, but he wasn't there. 

"Why bother asking me to come when he wasn't even in here?" She muttered to herself after checking the bathroom. 

She pulled out her phone from the pocket of her coat and dialed his number. She heard a ringing sound coming from the office with which she was all too familiar. She walked out of the room, ready to scold the man but didn't find him there. The ringing sound was coming from his desk. She walked closer to the big desk where her eyes were greeted with his phone. 

"He even forgot to take his phone." She pouted and picked up the phone. Her eyes widened at the name flashing on the screen. She scrunched her eyebrows before cutting the call. 

"This guy is impossible at times." She murmured to herself before taking a seat across his chair. Picking up a few files from the bundle of files which were kept on one side of his table and decided to go through them. She knew Adam had a habit of keeping the files he needed to go through on his left and the ones he had checked on his right. 

She shook her head, looking at the two piles. 'He works too much for his own good. Looks like I need to make some changes around here.'

Twenty minutes later, Adam opened the door of his office and walked in. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes fell on the back of his girl who was busy doing his work. She was too engrossed in her work to even notice his presence. He walked in with quiet steps and stood behind her. He leaned over and placed his hands on the two arms of the chair. 

"Sorry for making you wait sweetheart." He spoke right next to her ear. His voice startled her, making her jump in her seat. Adam chuckled at her response, earning a glare from her. 

"I didn't mean to startle to you." He said, raising his hands up in the air. Stella didn't reply to him and shifted her attention back to the file before her. Adam raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you giving me the silent treatment?" He asked to which she nodded slightly.

"What did I do now?" He continued. He knew that making her wait for a little while wasn't enough of a reason for her silent treatment, she wasn't that petty. 

Stella didn't reply to him but picked his phone which was resting on the desk before her and passed it to him. Adam narrowed his eyes at her before taking it. He unlocked it and looked through it. 

There was nothing new in there except for a call.from her. 'That's her own call, why is she giving me the silent treatment over this?' He thought to himself it was only a minute later that his mind worked and he realized what the reason might be. He looked at the screen again and his eyes fell on the name by which he had saved her contact number in his phone, 'Little Elf'.

He leaned against his office desk and stood next to her with his back facing the floor to ceiling glass wall. "Sweetheart?" He spoke up softly but didn't get a reply from her. 

"Stella?" He called out her name tenderly, only to get ignored again. 

He chuckled at how childish she was acting. 'And she doesn't like when I call her little elf. She surely acts like one.' He shifted his attention to his phone and his fingers started to move over the touch screen of his phone.

Half a minute later, he patted the crown of her head to get her attention but Stella didn't bulge. He shook his head as an amused smile rested on his face. He placed his phone on the file she was reading without saying another word. 

Stella's eyes shifted to the phone's screen. Her eyebrows shot up as she looked at the name on the lightened up screen. 'WIFEY'. 

She bit down on her lower lip to suppress the smile which was threatening to embrace her peach colour tinted lips. She rolled her eyes at his antics to make it up to her. He had even capitalized it and put a red heart next to it. 

Adam was looking closely at her expressions, and judging by the twitching around the corner of her lips, he knew that he was out of deep waters. He grabbed the sides of her chair and turned it around before getting down on his left knee before her.

"Do you like that name wifey?" He asked as he looked up at her, taking both of her hands in his palms. 

Stella nodded her slightly. "A bit may be." 

Adam smiled at her, showing off all of his pearly white teeth. "What was my little elf doing by the way?" 

"Adam!" Stella narrowed her eyes at him. 'He sure loves teasing me.'

"You don't need to do my work for me." Adam added as he got up.

"I am not. I am just helping out a bit, they'll still be needing you to sign them." She turned her chair around to continue her work. "And you don't need to work this much." She added without looking up from the file. 

"By the way, how's the project going with R&E Group of Companies?" She asked him.

"The new subsidiary will start the production starting next week." Adam replied to her to which she nodded I'm response.

"I might have an idea on how to not let your new subsidiary suffer any losses or to avoid the effects after the news about the problem in materials blow up." She added. 

"I am all ears." He replied as he took the seat next to her.


"Dad?" Rachel entered the study after knocking on the door. 

"Yes, sweety?" Liam replied, looking up from his desktop.

"I need to ask you for a favor." She added meekly.

"What kind of favor?" Liam spoke up while removing his sunglasses.

"I need you to help me in apologizing to Stella." 

"And why do you need to apologise to her?" Liam looked at her skeptically.

"I messed up, I messed up big time Dad. But I want to apologise for my behavior, for how I treated her and looked down on her. I know she won't listen to me if I ask her to meet me. But she will listen to you." Rachel explained.

Liam stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. He had his eyes sat on his daughter, taking in all of her expressions. He heaved out a sigh before replying to her. "Alright, I will talk to her. I will let you know how it goes." 

"Thank you so much." Rachel walked around his study desk and hugged from the side, giving him a peck on his left cheek. "Thank you so much for helping me out with this. You are the best." She expressed her gratitude once again before walking out. 

She entered her room and locked it from the inside. She picked her up phone and dialled the last contacted number. After a few rings, the call was connected.

"It's done." She spoke into the phone's speaker. 

"When will you be meeting her?" A man's voice came through.

"I don't know for sure. Dad said that he will talk to he about it. It's upto that b***h now." She replied.

"I have a feeling that she won't turn down your Dad. Let me know as soon as you find out." The man added before disconnecting the call.

Rachel looked at the pictures which were on her dressing table. She picked them up, her lips curled up in an evil smirk as she stared at them. Those pictures were of Adam and Stella, hanging out together, attending meetings or having dinner or lunch at some restaurants. 

"If you won't go out of his life willingly, then I don't have any other choice but to make you leave forcefully." He uttered to herself before throwing the pictures in the fireplace. She looked as the pictures burned and turned into ash, mixing with the remnants of the burnt wood. 


"I will increase the security around her." Blake replied to Adam. 

Though the office hours were over, Adam and Stella were still at the company. Stella had gone downstairs to ask Bob to make some coffee for them. They still had to take care of a few things before they could finally leave for home.

He had received a call from Blake a couple of minutes earlier, right after Stella had left. He had called him to bring his attention to an important problem. Their men had discovered some people trailing him and Stella. 

"Do that as soon as possible. Make sure you assign some of our best men. I don't want her life to be in danger. Not even the slightest bit." Adam added.

"What if they are after you?" Blake asked him on the other hand.

"They cannot be after me. I don't think so that someone sane will get people to trail the person who's currently ruling the European underworld." Adam replied to him as he tapped the fingers of his free hand on his desk. 

"You have a point. I will tighten the security around your place as well." Blake agreed with him. No one would be that stupid, right?

"I will talk to you later." Adam spoke before disconnecting the call. He was watching intently at his laptop's screen where he saw his women exiting the elevator with a tray. He shook his head sideways at the silly lady. She could have just ask Bob for the coffee. He could have sent someone upstairs with their coffee. But how could she give trouble to anyone else. That wasn't a part of who she was. It was one of the many things he loved about her. But at the same time he didn't like the fact that she troubles herself this much.

"Looks like I need to straighten her out about this." He murmured softly to himself. 

As if right on cue, Stella walked inside with the tray in her hands. 

"Come here." Adam asked her as soon as she placed the tray down. Stella walked around the desk and stood next to his chair. 

"Do you need my help with anything?" She asked him while looking at his laptop only to find that he was looking at the CCTV footage. She frowned in confusion. Before she could ask him about it, she saw him turning his swiveling chair. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her towards himself, making her land right on his lap. 

"Adam!" She yelped in surprise. 

"Ssshhh! Let me hold you." He pouted and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He rubbed his nose along the length of her neck and inhaled her misty citrus scent. 

"Stella?" He called her softly. 

She hummed in response as she leaned into his embrace, tilting her neck on the other side so that he could easily have access to her neck.

"I love you. I love you so much that it's hard for me to imagine my life without you anymore." He murmured against her milky, smooth neck. 

A faint blush crept on her face starting from her neck. The corners of her lips turned slightly upward, gracing her face with a faint smile.

"I feel the same way about you Adam." She spoke up while turning her body in his lap so that she could look at him.

She cupped his face in between her small palms and made him look into her eyes. "And I love you too Adam." She added before closing the distance between their faces and crashing her lips over his.


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