My Little Sunshine

Chapter 198: Lunch

Chapter 198: Lunch

He had a single thought running in his mind when he heard her suggestion. 'What could go wrong in facetiming while having their food? Right?'

A little while later when the two of them finally had their lunch served before them, they finally turned on their front cameras, holding their phones at a distance so that they could see each other properly. 



The two of them uttered at the same time as they eyed each other. 

Adam wasn't wearing a shirt and she could see small droplets of water glittering on his bare torso under the pale lighting of his hotel room. Little did she know that he had taken off his shirt before face timing her, just to tease her. 

On the other hand, in her gazed state Stella forget to realize that the sweater was actually Adam's and was too baggy for her small figure. The round neckline of the sweater had somehow slipped from her right shoulder, most probably when she was jumping on the king sized bed in excitement, exposing her milky white skin for him to enjoy. 

"You aren't wearing a bra." Adam narrowed his eyes at her, more specifically, her exposed shoulder. 

Stella, who still busy enjoying the eye feast who was her boyfriend, just shrugged in response before actually replying to him. "I was just in the room. I didn't go out, nobody came in. Well, except for the maid who came in a while ago with my lunch." 

Adam just hummed in response as he made his way to the dining table which was in the living room of his suite. 

He put his phone down on the table, leaning it against a sauce bottle so that it could stay up as he enjoyed his lunch with his little elf. 

He heard some shuffling sound coming from the other side. He saw the video shaking up a bit as the phone showed him his room. "What are you doing?" He couldn't help but inquire when he didn't see his woman for more than a minute. 

He was about to question her again but stopped when he saw the video stabilizing a bit, showing him the face of his beloved girlfriend again. 

"I was looking for this." Her sweet voice came through as she showed him a broad perfume bottle. She put it on the side of the folding wooden table which had her lunch and supported her phone against it. 

"Tadaaa!" She exclaimed in joy while splayin her hands in the air like a magician who has successfully pulled off a magic trick when she was successful in making the phone stand and stay like that. 

Adam let out a throaty laughter at her antics. 'She is so, so cute. And she is mine.' He thought to himself as he looked at her smiling face. 

"Let's eat before our food gets cold." Stella ordered him when she didn't see him moving. 

"Yes, Ma'am." There was no way he could argue with her or not listen to her. 


"Why are you still up?" Adam questioned her as he looked at the time. 

It was already past midnight and the two love birds had spent their entire day doing their own chores but keeping the video call going on. They would either place the phone somewhere close to them when the other person was busy. Their phones were continuously being charged as well at the same time as none of them wanted the call to end. 

Adam had gone to attend some of the policemen which had come over to share with him some of the evidence they had so far collected. Although, it wasn't allowed normally, but for Adam they decided to make an exception, more like he forced them to do so. He had left his phone back in the bedroom as it wouldn't have done him or his team any good. He remembered ordering her strictly that she must be enjoying her deep slumber before he gets done with his work. 

But listening to him easily, how could she do that?

"I couldn't sleep." She replied as she tried to stifle a yawn but failed miserably. 

"Yeah, yeah. I could clearly see that." He shook his head sideways. 'What would I do with her?' 

"Stella? I won't be going anywhere. I am just a call away. You know that, right?" He tried to coax her. He wondered how did the tables turn around so quickly. He was the one being reluctant to leave. He was the one acting like a kid at the airport. She was the one bucking him up all that time, acting like the mature one between the two. Adam could only shook his head looking at the spoiled kid pouting in his phone's screen. But who else was to be blamed for this if not him. 

"But." Stella tried to reason with him but was interrupted right away. 

"No buts." Adam refused to listen to her. There was only one thing in which he couldn't compromise on, her health.

"Okay." Stella agreed to him pursing her lips again in a pout. She knew it was useless to argue with him any further.

"I see you have already changed into your nightwear." He exclaimed as his eyes drifted to the black t-shirt she was wearing. 

"I changed when you are busy with your work." She answered him while yawning, she didn't bother to suppress it any longer. 

"I am going to go and change. And when I come back, I want you to be fast asleep by then." He firmly added, getting a nod from her in response. 

He placed the phone down on the bed and left to change. When he came back, he saw her fast asleep, just like he had asked her. As she had placed the phone in such an angle that he could see her face clearly when he returns, supporting it with a pillow. A smile graced his face as he placed a kiss on his phone's screen. 

"Good night, my love." He wished his sleeping beauty before drifting off to his own dream land.


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