My Little Sunshine

Chapter 227: Drink Of Choice

Chapter 227: Drink Of Choice

"Y-you you" Stella tried to think of a retort but couldn't do so. She was fuming with rage. If it was possible in real life, then one could have seen steam blowing off from her ears and nose. How dare this man say something so terrible about her? 

"You think you are any smarter than me?" Stella glared at him. "And breaking news, you can't resign from the job for the next three years, you moron. If only you could have bothered yourself to read the contract you signed, you would have known." 

David twisted his lips to show his distaste after hearing her response. "There's really no way?" He let out a grunt. 

"There's one, I can fire you." Stella smiled at him.

"Oh! Really?" His lips curled up in a smile as he began to ponder over the idea of being fired. "So, will you fire me? Pretty please?" He added, blinking his eyes a couple of times innocently. 

Stella leaned her chin on her propped up arm, tapping it with her index finger as she gave his pleading a thought. "No." She gave him a devilish smile as she voiced out her answer. 

He scrunched his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, showing her his annoyance. He was about to continue their little argument but bit down on his tongue when he heard a little click coming from the doorway where a man was standing.

"Mr. Taylor. You finally bothered to bless us with your presence." Stella turned her head and greeted him in her usual sarcastic way. 'If only this man was here on time, I wouldn't have to deal with this chimpanzee here.' 

"I apologise for the delay, Ms. Stella. But something came up at the company which delayed my departure from there." Taylor walked inside the room and motioned the waiter to close the door. 

"That's something I can forgive. After all, who knows better than me how difficult it is to run one." Stella added with a blank face, her fun and relaxed self long gone. She knew when she needed to act like the CEO of Levinson's Corp., and this was the perfect time for showing off that side of her personality.

"I didn't know that you were bringing your assistant with you. Or else, I would have brought mine as well." Taylor sat down across the duo and spoke up, his lips were constantly curled up in a smile. 

Stella could feel shivers run down her spine every time she looked at his face. She tried to avoid looking at it directly as much as she could, deciding to focus on the wooden table before her. 

"She doesn't like to go on her own on meetings." It was David who replied to his remark. He was wearing the same blank look on his face like Stella. 

Looking at the sudden change in his carefree personality, Stella frowned. 'Where did that annoying dude go?' 

Taylor could only smile in return as he nodded his head in understanding. "But it's better for you if you don't butt in your head when your seniors talk. I don't think that Ms. Stella would appreciate such behavior either." He didn't forget to show David his place that he was a mere assistant who shouldn't bother answering him instead of Stella.

"Oh, no! I don't mind it at all. Why do you think I keep him around? What's the use of having a personal assistant when I have to do everything myself?" Stella gave him a polite smile before her face went back to being expressionless again. There was no way she would allow someone else to humiliate her employee that too in her presence. Only she had the right to bully them. "And it's Mrs. Levinson for you." She corrected the way he was addressing her from the moment he walked in. 

Taylor was baffled by her sudden outburst while David was having a hard time in controlling the twitching corners of his lips. 'Damn! She looks hot when she's trying to act like this.' He chuckled inwardly. 

"And if you are done focusing on my assistant, can we please shift our attention to the proposal?" She rolled her eyes in annoyance. She didn't have that much free time on her plate that she could chat around with people like him.

"Of course!" Taylor exclaimed when he found her glaring in his direction. He placed a folder before her as he began to explain. "It's exactly the same contract that I signed with Mr. Adam, but it has your name written in places where his used to be. I have already signed them. We just need your signature to start with the project again." 

"Give me some time to read through it once. I need to make sure there aren't any errors or loop holes in it. You can order for yourself till then and enjoy your meal." Stella spoke up, pulling the folder in her direction. 

There was no way she could trust this man's words. According to her sources, his company was the one who leaked out the information about the project site incident. She wouldn't take his work even over her dead body. 

"Can I order something for myself? I am famished." David questioned her while keeping his voice as low as he could. He frowned when he saw her shaking her head in a no. 

"You need to read these papers. How can you eat and focus on them at the same time?" Stella gave him a confused look. 

"Didn't you say that you." He trailed off when he realized the errors in his own words. She never said that she would do it herself. She just said that she needed to make sure that the papers were fine. 'Damn! This woman will be the death of me.' 

Stella gave him a wide smile before it disappeared right away. As on cue, there was a slight knock on the back door with which a waiter walked inside with a larger platter in his hands. 

She pushed the file before him and focused on her food which was being served. Her eyes glowed in delight as the strong aroma of grilled beef wafted up her nose. The corners of her lips turned upwards, ever so slightly that it could be mistaken for a slight stretch, as soon as her eyes landed on the starter, her favourite peri-peri bites. Along with the outer crispy layer, it was actually the cheese filling that she actually loved. And the dip this restaurant served these little bites of joy, was a different delicacy for her. 

"Where's my drink?" She questioned the waiter after he was done serving her food and her eyes could find it. 

"I am sorry, Ma'am. But we are out of oranges for now. The delivery truck with our today's fruit supply got broke down on its way. So it will take some time. I can serve you with something else until it gets here. It will be a complimentary drink." He bowed his head slightly as he apologized to her. 

"You don't have to apologise to me. It's not your fault to begin with. If you can get some pineapple shake to accompany my meal, that would do just fine." Stella gave the man a faint smile as she changed her drink of choice. "Just don't make it too sweet, add a little amount of plain soda water in it and serve it with bite size pineapple chunks on the side." 

She continued to explain the way she would prefer her drink as the two men who were accompanying her, continued to stare at her with weird expressions marring their faces. Both of them had the same thought running in their minds. 'How could someone who looks like her, eat this much?'


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