My Little Sunshine

Chapter 246: You Have Changed

Chapter 246: You Have Changed

"Here's your breakfast, Boss." Bella walked inside with a tray in her hand, her heels clicking against the marbled floor and making a clink sound with each of her step. She walked up to the couch and placed down the tray on the glass table before it. 

"Good morning, Bella. And thank you so much for this." Stella greeted her as she left her desk and walked up to the couch. After her early morning activities with Adam, she had called Bella to grab breakfast for two on her way to the company as it was too early for the office canteen to have some food. And there was no way she was eating any leftovers. She did have a good scolding from her doctor on her last appointment regarding the matter.

"It's no big deal. It was on my way anyways." Bella shook her head in a no as her eyes wandered around the room as she looked for a certain someone. 

As if reading her thoughts, Stella let out a small chuckle. "He's inside." She replied to her unsaid question as she began to unpack their breakfast.

"Oh!" Bella scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Is Boss fine? I mean, I was too shocked to say or ask him anything when I saw him yesterday." She explained it to her, keeping her voice as low as she could. 

"Yeah! He's completely fine." Stella gave her a polite smile before continuing. "And can you please keep it to yourself?" She looked at her intently as she asked her, which was actually more of an order. 

"You don't even have to ask me that." Bella pursed her lips as she mimicked zipping them, putting on a lock and throwing the key away. Her antics earned a loud heartfelt laughter from Stella as she gave her a thumbs up.

Giving one last look at the smiling face of her Boss, Bella walked out of the office with a bright smile embracing her own lips. She was too happy for Stella as the lady was back to her cheerful self. For her, both of her bosses deserved to have every single ounce of happiness in this world . 

"Good morning, my love." A husky voice interrupted her thoughts, making her stop her movements and look up from the bunch of cardboard and aluminium boxes. 

Right before her, stood the man of her dreams which owned her heart and soul. He was all dressed up in an all dark blue professional attire as he leaned his back against her desk, or was it his desk now that he was back. He had his eyes fixed on her small frame as a loving smile graced his face. 

"How long have you been standing there?" Stella narrowed her eyes as she questioned the man. A faint blush crept up on her cheeks as the thought of him staring at her for long registered in her mind. She shifted her attention back to the dishes which were resting on the table as she tried her best to look back into his gray orbs. 

"You have changed." His words made her look up again, a frown marring her forehead as she scrunched her eyebrows together. Before she could inquire him about his remark, he began to explain it on his own. "I have witnessed you acting all headstrong and tough. Even though you are still the same little naive girl whom I fell head over heels in love with, you are so much tougher." He took a pause and began to walk towards her with slow steps. 

"You managed to keep this whole business empire running and on its feet. You managed to solve those problems on your own which arose after my disappearance." He stopped one he was close to the couch and settled down next to her. Raising his hand up, he brought it closer to her face and cupped her cheeks. 

"I never knew that my little elf could even bare claws." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering there for some time. "I am so proud of you, my little vixen." He murmured softly against her skin before moving his lips away. 

Stella gave him a bright smile, showing off her pearly white teeth, before scowling at him. The sudden change in her expressed confused him but a chuckle left his lips when he heard her response. "Can you stop with those nicknames? You go around giving me a new one every week. And my little vixen, seriously?" She rolled her eyes at him as she passed him a plate. 

"Well, what's wrong with that?" Adam questioned her with an amused expression. "You are indeed my little vixen." He patted the top of her head with proud smirk resting on his face. His actions earned him a low groan from his dear wife. 

The duo continued to tease each other every now and then as they enjoyed their breakfast. Adam looked intently at her smiling face which was brimming with joy as she was telling him about some of the events which happened in his absence, a warmth spreading in his chest.

'If only I could pause the time and the two of us could stay like this forever, with you always smiling just like now.' He wished to himself, even though he that it wouldn't change anything, he still wished. He knew it was impossible for them to lead a happy and simple life, for they had too many enemies hiding in the shadows. But he would do every single thing in his power to ensure she was always protected. 

"Stella?" He called out softly to get her attention. A low hum made its way into his ears as response as she continued to eat the French toast, savoring each bite of it. "I love you." His sudden confession made her stop in her tracks as she looked to her side, only to find him smiling like a fool, gazing at her intently. 

Shaking her head sideways, the woman flicked him on his forehead before shifting her attention back to the remaining food on her plate. Just when he thought that he wouldn't get a response, her sweet voice resonated. "I love you too." 


"Boss, will be here in a minute or two." David walked inside the meeting room and informed the people who were sitting around the long rectangular table. They were heads of each department along with their assistants who were there to record the minutes of the meeting for their bosses as they were too lazy to do it themselves. 

They had been sitting inside the room idle for the last ten minutes as they waited for the CEO of the Levinson's Corp. It wasn't because Stella was late, rather they were too scared to be late even by a second for they had witnessed what happened to such people with their very own eyes. For them, Stella was much more strict as a Boss as compared to Adam. 

"Good morning, everyone." Stella greeted the people who were sitting around the table as she walked inside the room. The room quieted down right after she walked in, silence engulfing the surroundings as the temperature dropped a few degrees. 

"Good morning, Boss." Every single person in the room greeted her back before they clamping their mouth shut again. The phrase 'you could even hear a pin dropping down on the floor', fit perfectly to the current situation. 

Stella settled herself down on the head chair while David, who was still standing, took a seat on her right after she was comfortably sitting in her chair. 

"I won't drag the meeting too much and come directly to the main point." Stella took a pause as her eyes wandered around the table. "There's a file placed before each of you. I would like you to open it and have a look at it." She pointed her chin towards the blue colored files lying on the table. 

"Each file has some specific tasks which I have assigned for each department. I want you guys to get them done before the deadline mentioned next to the said task." She continued. Her words were followed by some shuffling sounds as every head of department picked up the file placed before the. The sound of pages being flipped filled the glass room. 

Stella gave the people some time to have a look at their files as she lazily looked around the room, stealing a couple of glances in the direction of her personal assistant as discreetly as she could. It was so weird for her to look at her man with the mask on, and a different identity. As she was busy eyeing 'David', he caught her stealing glances at him and gave her a playful wink, making her eyes go wide. She looked around the table with the same widened eyes to see if anyone else has seen their brief exchange or not. 

"Boss?" She was about to heave a sigh of relief, when the Vice President of the company interrupted her. 

"Yes, Mr. Parker." Stella composed herself and questioned him. She was annoyed by the man at first when he returned back to the company after a week or so after the project site incident, for she blamed him for what had happened to Adam. If it wasn't for his carelessness, Adam wouldn't have gone missing. But within a week of his return, she realized that he wasn't the one to be blamed and it wasn't right on her part to act so childishly. Moreover, the man was pretty good at his job. 

"May I ask you what are these tasks actually for? I mean it looks like a take over." Parker placed down his file and questioned her politely. In the span of a month, he had come to realize that the lady wasn't any less than Adam when it came to business. And he had an immense amount of respect for her. 

A devilish smirk graced Stella's lips when she heard his question. Her eyes roamed around the table, looking intently at the people as she answered him. 


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