My Little Sunshine

Chapter 254: Shopping Time

Chapter 254: Shopping Time

NOTE! Every time you see Adam it means that he is still disguised as David. It would be awkward to use David when it's just the two of them. I will be using David when the are at the company or during his conversation with others! Happy reading ?


"Where do you think you are going?" Adam, still in his disguise,  tried to keep up with her as she was walking too fast to his liking and that too in heels. Though they weren't too high and had a broad base, but he was still in his overprotective mode. 

The duo was roaming around the mall because Stella had demanded to do so. They had left the office early today because his lady wanted to roam around the mall and do some shopping before going to the hospital. He tried to change her mind by saying that he could go on his own and grab whatever she would like for her, but the woman was too persistent about doing it herself. So, here they were now, roaming around just like the way his wife wanted. 

"Why are you walking so slow?" She questioned the man as her steps came to a halt before a huge outlet of an international fashion house. 

"You are the one who's walking too fast." He glared at the woman who was standing before him. No one in their right frame of mind, would believe that his wife was pregnant with two children, when she was herself behaving like one. 

"Nope, it's you who is slow." She gave him a side glance and spoke up before walking into the outlet which had floor to ceiling glass walls with a couple of mannequins standing on one side, adorning a bunch of mesmerizing dresses for display.

"Since when did you become fond of shopping?" He followed her inside and questioned her with an annoyed expression, which was soon replaced by a bright smile when he caught her looking around the newborn's section. 

"Yes, I hate shopping. But who do you think will shop for our twins if not us? They surely can't do it themselves." She spoke up absent-mindedly as all of her attention was fixed on the racks which were filled with a variety of clothes from newborn babies. 

"I did some research a while back, they have the best clothes for newborns in whole of Germany. That's why we are here." She spoke up as she continued to move from one rack to the other. 

Adam hummed in response as he continued to follow her, making sure to stay right behind her in case she needed his help. A frown marred his forehead when he saw her only focusing on the boys section. 

"Why are you only looking at these?" He questioned her only to get a shrug in response as the woman before him carried on with whatever she was doing. "Stella?" He called out to her when he didn't get a response.

"Because I know that both of our twins are going to be boys." She finally bothered to reply to him with a smug look on her face. 

"What if both of them are girls?" He questioned her. He stepped a bit closer to her and wrapped his left arm around her lower back. Pulling her closer to himself, he tried to get her attention. "Are you going to ignore me just like this after our babies are born?" He pursed her lips and complained to her about the way she was barely giving him any response. 

His words finally made her shift her attention from the clothing rack to him. She giggled lightly as she raised her free hand up to his face and pinched his cheek lightly. "I was just having a look at them, you big baby." She tiptoed and placed a feather like kiss on his chin. "Let's go and have a look at those." She pointed her finger towards the other side of the section where a bunch of racks were filled with pink baby clothes. 

The corners of his pursed lip turned upwards as a bright smile graced his face. He pressed his thin lips on her forehead before shaking his head sideways. "Nah! Let's look at these first." He pointed his chin in the direction of the rack they were standing next to. 


The duo walked out of the store with a bunch of shopping bags in their hands which were filled with baby clothes in every shade of pink and blue. Adam wanted to carry all of them on his own, but Stella didn't let him have his way. His shoulder was doing much better now but it still wasn't completely healed. There was no way she would let him carry any weight until he had completely recovered. 

"Why didn't you get anything for your own self?" Adam questioned her as the store had clothes for women as well but she didn't even bother to even glance in their direction. 'She better start spending money on her own self as well.' He made a mental note to give her a thorough scolding regarding the matter later on when it would be just the two of them.

"I already have enough clothes back at home." She replied to him without looking in his direction. 

"Ughhh!" He groaned in annoyance. He was about to drag her inside one of the shops they were passing by but stopped himself when an idea popped in his mind as his eyes landed on a high-end jewellery shop across them. 

"Alright! If you don't want to get anything for yourself, get me something. I need some new suits for the company." He asked her, knowing fully well that she wouldn't say no to him on this. And just like he had predicted, she agreed with him right away. He guided her to a store which was exclusively for menswear. 

Just when they were right outside the glass door he smacked himself in the forehead using his free hand. "Damn! I need to make a call. How could I forget to do it." His words got her attention, making her frown. 

"Remember my friend from the city, it's him I need to call." He explained to her when he saw her questioning look. 

"Then you can call him first. We can shop for you after it." Stella suggested as she thought that it must be something important, it could even be urgent for all she knew. 

"Okay, but I can't talk to him here. I'll have to walk down to the car and I don't want to make you walk more. Why don't you go inside and look for something for me? I will get back to you as soon as I am done with the call." He suggested to her. 

"Alright! But what if I chose something absurd?" She raised an eyebrow at him as she questioned him with a playful smile on her face. 

"I can wear anything no matter how absurd it is as long as you are the one who made the choice." He pinched the tip of her nose, gazing into her hazel orbs lovingly. "Give them to me. I will put them in the car." He spoke up, grabbing the handles of the shopping bags which were dangling from her dainty fingers.

"Umm okay." She agreed to him and passed the bag to him, making sure that he wasn't carrying even a single one in his right hand. Giving one look at his disappearing figure as he moved through the crowd, she stepped inside the store.

She was busy eyeing around some formal suits as she strolled around the area. A girl dressed in a light brown working attire offered her help to her but Stella turned it down as she gave him a polite smile. 

"Thank you so much, but I am just looking around for now. I will call for you when I need your help, Lizzy." She added as her eyes trailed to the name badge pinned on the left side of her chest. 

"Sure, Ma'am. Just let me know if you need anything." The girl replied to her with a smile of her own. 

After walking past her, Stella heaved out a long sigh as she couldn't find anything that caught her eye. Even though the store had a wide variety of men's apparel, she still couldn't find anything to her liking. She was bored by his choice of wear as he would always go for black, gray or dark blue. He had a wide of range of their shades. And she had the urge to see him in something different, something a bit more vibrant.

"Lizzy?" She trailed back her steps and came back to the spot where she had seen the girl. She was hoping that she would still be there as the girl seemed sweet to her. Moreover, she might be able to help her with it.

Her eyes glowed with joy when she saw her standing a bit far from her earlier spot as she was dealing with another customer. The man had his back facing towards her while he chatted with the girl. Even though his face wasn't visible to her, she could still tell that he wasn't your ordinary man by the way he carried himself. The way he stood with a straight back, was enough for her to know that he belonged to one of the aristocratic families of Germany. From his salt and pepper hair, she could tell that the man must be in his late forties or early fifties. 

She wanted to call Lizzy, but stopped herself from doing so. It would be bad on her part to disrespect an elderly man. She just decided to stroll around the store for a bit longer, hoping that Lizzy would be free by then. Turning her back towards them, she followed down the same path she had just come from. 

After five more minutes, she returned back with an unhappy expression on her face. 'No wonder he brought me here.' She thought inwardly. The entire store was filled with suits which were as bland  as his personal closet. 

Puffing her cheeks, she let her eyes roam around as she got back to her initial task, to look for the girl. She narrowed her eyes when she saw her still talking to the same customer. She just needed her help for a little while, but this man was taking so long to get done with his business. Her already messed up mood turned much worse and she began to walk in their direction, stomping her feet on the ground.


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