My Little Sunshine

Chapter 259: A Guilty Child

Chapter 259: A Guilty Child

With an ashen face, Adam was sitting in the driver's seat with Stella sitting next to him in the shotgun seat. Every now and then, she would steal a glance in his direction as he continued to sit quietly in his seat. With every glance, she would purse her lips more together, trying her best to suppress the laughter which was threatening to burst through her lips. 

When she couldn't take it anymore, she let her lips loose and a loud, heartfelt laughter slaughtered through the quietness engulfing the car. With her hands resting on her stomach, she laughed out loud, trying to not roll down of her seat. 

Adam's expression turned more dark when he saw her laughing at his expense. The mere thought of not being able to feel her warm, wet core around his member, was enough to ruin his mood. And now, here he was, being laughed at.

"Don't you dare to think that I have forgotten about you eating pizzas all day long even though your doctor said no to them." He gritted his teeth. His words were enough to stop her laughing fit. 

Like a guilty child, Stella sat up straight in her seat with her eyes casted down on her knotted fingers which were resting on her lap. 

"What happened? Why aren't you laughing now?" He questioned her again, shifting slightly in his seat so that he was facing her. He shook his head sideways when he didn't get a response from her. "Sweetheart, why are you so neglectful towards your health? I am not saying this because you are pregnant. I am saying this for you. You do know how concerned I am when it comes to your health." 

She nodded her head in response. "It was before my previous appointment. You know how much I was craving for some cheesy dish. I didn't eat them after getting a scolding from her last time." She muttered softly, still keeping her eyes fixed on her lap. 

A light sarcastic chuckle was heard before she felt herself being pulled in his laps. "Do you take me as a fool?" He spoke next to her ear after making sure that she was comfortable settled in his lap. "Are you forgetting that my first day on job as David, I went back to your place with you. And guess what I was eating when you broke that glass vase? Some leftover pizza which definitely had double the amount of cheese than usual." 

His words shut her mouth down. He was right. She was too stupid to even think that she could fool him this easily. Before she could say anything else, he continued. "And if you were craving something cheesy, you could have just asked the chef to make it for you." 

"I'm sorry." She muttered meekly as she shifted slightly in his lap and buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

"It's not about sorry, my love. It's about your health. And you do know that our babies solely depend on you for their nutrition." He added, hugging her closer.

"I will be more careful about the things I eat from onwards." She spoke up against his neck.

"Of course, you will. I will be there to keep an eye on you from now on." He stroked the back of her head before placing a kiss on top of her crown. "By the way, why did you shift to that penthouse? I keep forgetting to ask you about it. Moreover, why was there no one there back then besides you. I mean not even a single maid." He questioned her.

The duo had been using their room at the company for sleeping and showering as both of them were too busy dealing with their works regarding the take over. Every department was supposed to submit their files to the vice president of the company as soon as they get done with every assigned task. The vice president, in turn, was supposed to submit them to her through her personal assistant, David. 

Parker was too busy dealing with the arrangements of the banquet which would take place after the takeover of R&E Group of Companies to celebrate the hard work of their employees and to announce the good news to the remaining business world. Hence, Stella asked him to just pass the files directly to her, without making sure that everything was done perfectly. She decided to do it herself as it would not be good overwork the poor guy. 

Engulfed in their busy routines, the couple barely got any time left for each other. It was during the meals that they were able to enjoy each other's company, or at night when Adam would force her to sleep after snatching away all of her files. Their busy routines confined them to the company premises, not letting them go back to her penthouse and relax for a while. 

"Are you going to answer me or not, sweetheart." Adam asked her when he didn't get a response from her.

"Umm." Stella tried her best to put her thoughts into words, but failed to do so.

"Take your time, my love. I am not going anywhere before you answer me, and neither are you." He tightened his hold around her and murmured in her ear. 

After a minute or two, Stella finally answered him. "After I found out about the babies I decided to shift to the penthouse. I asked Blake to help me with it as I couldn't do it on my own. He is the one who actually found that penthouse and asked someone to not only renovate it, but incorporate technology in it as well." 

After a pause, she continued. "The reason why I made the decision to shift from the mansion, was you. It wasn't easy for me to live there when every single inch of the place reminded me of you. It reminded me of how you were gone, or went missing. All the time I spent with you there, it came rushing to my mind. Especially after finding out that I was pregnant, that too with twins. I wasn't supposed to stress as it wouldn't be good for the babies. So I decided that it would be better if I shift somewhere else."

After listening to the woman in his arms, Adam pressed a lingering kiss on her forehead and hugged her tighter. He wanted to offer her some comforting words, but he knew it would not make up for the pain she suffered then. 

"I won't say that shifting to a new place completely helped me then, but it did help in decreasing the bouts of loneliness hitting me. I wanted to send Uncle Rob to the old mansion as I didn't want him to be there all alone, but he turned me down, saying that he would prefer to stay there and look after the mansion until we return." She added with a sad smile. "So, I pay him a visit every now and then." 

"As for why there are no maids back at the penthouse. I didn't want many people around me. So they just come early in the morning, and leave after cleaning up the place and taking the laundry with them. And since Uncle Rob assigned them for me, I trust them." She continued to answer the bunch of questions he had thrown her way earlier.

Adam just hummed in return after hearing her. A frown marred his forehead when he felt her moving in his arms as she moved away from him. He was about to question her sudden actions, but she beat him to it. 

"That reminds me, I haven't paid him a visit since you came back. Damn! What must he be thinking about me? We should pay him a visit tomorrow. It's Sunday anyways, and we don't have much work left." 

"Yeah! We should." He replied to her with a firm nod. "I owe him an apology as well." 

"Are you going to accompany me as your own self?" She questioned him, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No. But he would see through this right away." He answered her, pointing his index finger towards his disguised face. "I grew up before his eyes. Moreover, he is way smarter than you are, definitely not easy to fool." He added the latter part with a smirk. 

"Did you just call me stupid?" Stella narrowed her eyes at him.

"When did I say that?" He blinked his eyes a couple of times, acting out all innocent. "I just said that he's smarter than you. If you consider yourself to be stupid, I don't have a problem with that." He shrugged his shoulders.

She looked at his face with a baffled expression. She so wanted to wipe off that smug look from his face. "You. You are the one who's stupid." She clenched her jaw and threw a couple of harmless punches on his toned chest, causing him to let out a hearty laugh. 

'I promise that I won't make you go through it ever again, my baby girl.' He thought to himself as he continued to gaze lovingly at her figure as the woman refused to stop with her punches, not that he minded them. As long as it wasn't his injured shoulder which was taking the blow, he could still take a professional fighter's punches. 

'I really need to hit the gym again.' He made a mental note. It was better for him to get back into shape again as soon as he could. He couldn't fight the war with this unfit body. An entire month's rest had really hit his body hard, especially after all those injuries. 


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