My Little Sunshine

Chapter 267: A Token Of Thanks

Chapter 267: A Token Of Thanks

A frown marred her forehead when her eyes landed on his darkened expressions. She couldn't help but become curious about the content of the text. She badly wanted to steal a look at his phone's screen to see what could make his mood take a sudden 180 shift, but she continued to hold herself back. If it was something that he could share with her, he would do it on his own. 

"Stella?" She heard him call her name softly after staying quiet for a while, to which she hummed in response. 

"How was it?" He spoke up after putting his phone down, his words making her confused as to what he was referring to. "I mean your time with your parents. How did it go?" He explained his words to her when he didn't get a response from her. 

"Umm it went fine I guess." She answered him, shifting slightly in his lap. "It actually felt good to be there with them after all this time." She added, the corners of her lips turning up ever so slightly. 

"Who else was with you there?" He questioned her as he wrapped his arms tighter around her waist. His words were like a death sentence to her which rang through her ears again and again. 

"What do you mean?" Taking in a deep breath, she managed to speak with her trembling lips. She could feel her palms which were resting over his hands, beginning to sweat. 

"I will ask you one more time, sweetheart. Answer me honestly. Who else was there with you?" Adam took a deep breath and questioned her again. He was trying his best to keep himself as calm as possible. It wasn't her, he was angered by, but rather the sender of the texts. His one hand moved from her waist and found its way up to her chin. Hooking his index finger under it, he lifted her face up, making her look into his gray orbs. 

Gazing into his eyes which were looking back at her intently, she couldn't stop herself from hugging him. "I I am sorry." She muttered softly as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

"And why exactly are you sorry for?" He spoke above her head, questioning her. Even though he knew the answer to his question, he still wanted to hear it from her. 

"I actually went to meet Carston Williamson." She answered him and began to narrate the whole thing to him, starting from the moment she had run into him in the shop the other day. 

Twenty minutes later, after explaining the entire situation to him, she fell quiet and patiently waited for him to say something. Silence took over the entire room as she waited for his reply. She could feel his grip around her waist tightening up as the second's hand of the metallic analog clock ticked by. 

"Why did you do it? Why did you lie to me?" He spoke up after what seemed like an eternity to Stella. 

"I-I I just wanted to know more about my parent's death." She managed to answer him, her hands still holding on to his shirt. 

"You could have asked me, and I would have found it out for you. But no, you have a thing for putting yourself in danger." He scoffed. 

"Hey! I am fine, aren't I?" She ended up sitting straight in his lap and looked into his eyes. "Adam, you cannot always keep me under your wings, hiding me from the rest of the world. I have to step out and splay out my own wings some day. And the sooner I do it, the earlier I learn how to use them." Her fingers, which were clutching on to his shirt, moved to his face. Cupping his face in her small palms, she continued. "A child stumbles before he learns to walk." 

"Were you sure that Carston won't do you any harm? Or even lay a finger on you? You are so relaxed here because none of it happened. But what if it had? What if he would have kidnapped you? You even dared to ask Edward to stay put in the car." He raised his voice a couple of notches. "And if it wasn't him informing me about this, you would have kept it under the sheets." 

"He informed you?" She spoke up in confusion, her words barely a whisper. 

"How else do you think I know?" He let out a sarcastic chuckle before picking up his phone from the desk. He unlocked the screen and showed her the texts which he had received a little while ago. 

With trembling fingers, Stella took the phone from his hand. Her eyes moved over the screen as she read the first text. 

'A man will be delivered to your base in a while. He's the missing person you have been looking for so hard. Take it as a token of thanks for taking good care of her. I hope you can extract something good out of his brain.'

She scrunched her eyebrows together and gritted her teeth. 'What man?' The question was flashing through her mind, but it wasn't the right time to feed her curiosity. Her fingers moved over the screen as she scrolled down to the second message. 

'And just a little advice. Keep a closer eye on the brat. Don't go around believing her words. If I find out that she has somehow managed to make a fool out of you again and sneaked out, I won't spare you and your company.

-Carston Williamson.'

"Did you like it?" He questioned her once he saw that she was done with reading the texts. "You know what is your biggest problem. You never think about how your actions are going to affect the people around you. You don't even take my feelings into account."


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