My Little Sunshine

Chapter 292: The Young Mistress

Chapter 292: The Young Mistress

"What are we doing here?" 

Stella turned around and questioned the man who was standing behind her with his back leaning against the black car. She shifted her gaze back to the mansion which was standing tall and proud before her. To call it just a mansion, would be degrading the ancestral villa of the Levinsons. She wasn't new to the place but she had only come here once. 

"Adam Levinson? Will you bother answering me?" She spoke up once again to get the man's attention who was still standing in the same spot and in the same posture. 

"We will be living here for a little while. I need to make sure that the staff back at our mansion is fine. I have asked Uncle Rob to shift here for the time being as well. He will be coming here tomorrow." He answered his beloved wife while standing up straight. He walked towards her with slow and steady steps and hugged her from behind. 

"The security here is much stronger here than the base itself. I needed my soul to be at peace while I take care of some loose ends." He spoke up next to her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "I can never work while knowing that you and our babies will always be at risk." 

"For how long?" She spoke up, leaning against his chest. "You do know that I am not made for this lifestyle." She heaved out a long sigh as the memories from her previous visit flashed through her mind. 

She wasn't used to having maids on her beck and call every time she goes for a walk in the garden or wanted to have a bath. This was just too much for her. 

"Hey?" Adam turned her around in his arms. "It's just for a little while, my love. And you deserve the whole world. You'll get used to it. Just bear it for a little while for me." As if reading the thoughts on her mind, he spoke up softly as he gazed into her hazel orbs. 

He wanted to give her the world because she deserved it. But here she was, denying every possible way he wanted to spoil her through. Bringing her here for security was just an excuse for him to give her a more comfortable life during the pregnancy. He could have easily assigned more men to her All he needed to do was find a way to make her agree with

"Only if you ask the maids to lay off me a little and give me my space." Stella put forward the condition before him to which he agreed right away like the lovesick husband he was, but in his own way, which only left Stella frustrated. 

"Sure, my love. But why are you asking me to do it? Do it yourself. After all, you are the Young Mistress of the Levinsons now. You can order them around as you please." He put forward his own condition before he began to guide her inside the mansion where the whole working staff was already waiting for their welcome. 

Dressed in dark and light gray working attire, they were standing in two lines on either side of the entrance. When they saw the couple approaching them, they bowed their heads as low as they could manage to while greeting them in unison. 

Stella heaved out an annoyed sigh after witnessing the sight. She wasn't annoyed by their actions, but rather it was her dear husband who had managed to get on her nerves once again. She shook her head in helplessness and greeted them back in a polite tone. She continued to walk inside the mansion under the guidance of her husband. 


Twenty minutes later,

Once they had settled inside the master bedroom which was double the size of Adam's bedroom back at the mansion, Stella began to question him. 

"How did you find me?" She spoke as she snuggled closer to him. 

Adam shifted his attention from the spare laptop he was using, to the woman who was looking up at him with a curious gaze. His eyes trailed down to her body only to land on a baggy sweatshirt. Even though the wardrobe in there was filled with the finest of clothes to exist for a woman including sleeping wear too, his women still chose to wear his shirt over a pair of dolphin shorts. 

"Are you going to answer me or not?" She spoke up again as she flicked her wrist before his face to get his attention. 

"Isn't it obvious?" He spoke up trailing his eyes back to her face. 

"But I want to know your side of the story." She pursed her lips in a pout and gave him a pleading look to which he only shook his head in helplessness. 

"Alright! I will tell you." Like always, Adam gave into her demands.


Back in Berlin,

"If you need anything, just give me a call." An elderly man spoke up as he helped Taylor settle in his bed. 

Despite his continuous protest to go to his penthouse in the main city, Carston has brought him to his mansion, giving him the reason that it would be better if he spent his time with him until the wound on his temple was completely healed.

He wanted to argue with him, but knew that no matter how hard he tried, his father would not give into his pleas. 

"I am fine. You can leave now." He spoke to the housekeeper, who complied to his words right away and left the room after bowing before him. 

After seeing that he was left alone, he took his phone and scrolled through his contact list. After getting to the desired number, he hit the dial button. 

After the call was connected through, he talked to the other person for a while before getting out of the bed. 

"I am so sorry, Dad." He muttered under his breath as we walked out of the room and headed to his study. 


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