My Little Sunshine

Chapter 306: Epilogue (3)

Chapter 306: Epilogue (3)

Adam continued to stare at the shut door even after Stella was long gone. He turned his attention to his little angel who was staring, more specifically glaring, at him. He cast his eyes down to have a look at his son only to find him staring back at him with an annoyed expression tugging at his facial muscles. 

"What?" He asked no one in particular as his eyes jumped from his son to his daughter, and then back to the little version of him. 

Carlisle shook his head helplessly before he made a leap for the bed. After making sure that he was sitting comfortably on it, he decided to address his father. "You are doomed, Dad." He added while folding his hands across his chest. The grave expressions on his face only added to the seriousness which was lingering in the air. He looked like he was there to make a deal, and would only have it his way.

"Why do you always make Mom angry like this? It's our job. You should be nice to her." Drawing his delicate eyebrows together, he added.

"Put me down." Estrella patte his shoulder and spoke up in a demanding tone before he could say anything in response to his son's remarks. Not given any choice, Adam put down her on the floor carefully, making sure that her feet were resting on the ground firmly. With her small feet, she walked towards the bed and joined his brother.

"Big B is right, Dadda. You always make her sad and angry. You should love her like you love me." She pursed her lips in a pout and bobbed her head up and down like a broken doll. 

Carlisle was born five minutes before his twin sister, so Estrella used to refer to him as big brother or 'Big B'. 

"Go and make her smile." The little girl narrowed her eyes and instructed her father. "If she doesn't smile, then kiss her like you were going to kiss her in the hallway. I am sure she will smile after a kiss." 

"Don't listen to her, just do what you think is right. I will ask Nanna to come up and help Ella in cleaning up. Just don't come to lunch without Mom." With these words, Carlisle jumped down from the bed and took his sister's hand and helped her in getting down. "Let's get you to your room, Ella." He added to get a couple of nods from the little girl. "And don't forget to get Charlie fixed." He mumbled softly before heading out of the room with his twin.

Adam heaved out a long sigh after his twins were out of the room. After listening to the two of them, it didn't take him long to realize that he had messed up bad. Since their children had grown up, it was almost always Stella who was doing the 'bad cop' job while he was sitting back and enjoying the 'good cop' role. If his children weren't this smart, they would have for sure called Stella as a strict Mom. It was a good thing that no matter what, they used to take her side. Maybe because she spent much more time with them than him. Or maybe they could see how much effort she put in everything for them.

"Damn you, Adam Levinson." He cursed himself under his breath before storming out of the room as well. But instead of walking towards the other wing of the villa where their room was located, he walked down the stairs to the ground floor and made his way out. He knew just the place where he might find her.

Adam walked out of the main entrance and headed towards the right side of the building. The area was supposed to be empty but Adam had them converted the space into an extension of the front garden. A small fountain was placed close to the hedge while a wooden swing was placed next to the side wall of the villa which had green creepers running all over it. 

His eyes moved to her figure as she sat on the swing with an annoyed expression marring her face. Adam could tell that she was still angry at him, and that he was walking in the lion's den. But it was his job to make things right by her.

"Hey!" He muttered out softly as he settled down next to her on the swing. 

"What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with your little ones?" She scoffed. 

"I needed to make sure that my wife was doing okay after our little argument. They'll be fine with their Nanna." He replied to her as he draped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer. 

"You'll always be my favourite one. You are after all what makes my life bright. You are my sunshine." He pressed his lips to the side of her head, wrapping his other arm around her waist.

Stella could already feel her anger dissipating into thin air as his arms provided her the warmth she had been craving for. 

"If my children meant more to me than you, my love, I would want more of them. But I can't make you go throw all that pain once again." He muttered next to her ear. There was no way he was going to put her through all of that again. He still remembered the day vividly, how her screams filled his ears when the doctor's were checking up on her.

"You are the love of my life, Stella Adam. I love our twins this much because they are a part of you, my love. The only regret I have in life is that I didn't give you a proper wedding." He added to get a frustrated sigh in return.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want a wedding?" She turned to face him. "We got married the day you gave me this ring." She showed him the oval diamond ring resting neatly on her ring finger. "We already have two annoying but beautiful children. I don't want to show off to the world how rich my husband is when I have such a beautiful family already." 

"I want to kiss you everytime you say things like this, wifey." Adam chuckled lightly. Despite his several attempts to get her to say yes to holding a wedding ceremony, he didn't one. 

"I promise I'll be a little strict with them from onwards." He added as he gave Stella a pleading look to turn a blind eye to it one more time.

"Okay! What about the preps for tomorrow?" She questioned him before leaning her head on his shoulder. 

"Everything will be ready before our guests arrive." He answered her to get a low hum in response. "Stella?" He called her softly to feel the weight from lifting off his shoulder.

"What is it?" She looked up at him with a quizzical gaze. 

"I love you." He spoke up, gazing down into her hazel orbs. Before Stella could come out of her daze at his sudden profession, his lips crashed on her, stealing her breath.

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