My Magical System

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Demyul’s predicament

Decapitator Roi was sent away, fuming along with his sword right after the explosion. When his body landed on the ground, it bounced and rolled several times.

His leather clothes were in tatters and burns were visible on different parts of his body. And his green spiky hair was in disarray, with his eyes were all white.

Looking at him, it seemed like a flying corpse. But after his body stopped rolling, Demyul noticed the Sacrilege Roi twitched.

Demyul knitted his brows. “Dammit, he’s still alive?” It was a sure kill surprised attack. Most of his enemy who was hit by it died in an instance. There were even some cases that the enemy turned to ashes right after getting hit by it.

But this enemy, not only he was intact, he only suffered some burns. More on that, he was still alive!


Demyul gnashed his teeth and rushed toward Roi to finish him. However, Demyul stopped, a reddish aura burst out from the Sacrilege Roi’s body. Demyul used his arm to cover his face to block the pressure that was trying to push him back.


“What the fu-! This monster!” Demyul grunted.

A second later, Decapitator Roi stood up once again. Demyul widened his eyes. Except for his tattered clothes, he could not spot even a slight bruise on him.

“H-h-how did it happen? Those wounds he had a while ago suddenly disappeared?”

Muttered Demyul in a shocked voice. ‘Is it some kind of self-regeneration ability?’ But based on his knowledge, regeneration ability is taboo. Only demons have such ability.

Regardless, his enemy was a bandit! He heard that bandits dislike using shields! But this person in front of him, not only used an armor-type ability, but he was also capable of healing his wounds in an instance! Unbelievable!

While Demyul was disturbed, the Sacrilege Decapitator Roi was already walking to pick his sword. On his face, he was wearing a wide grin. “Hehe, surprise?” He said to Demyul in a chill-imbuing voice. Reddish aura was oozing from his hand and enveloping his sword.

Demyul, with a, *couldn’t believe face*, launched another charging attack. This time, the tip of his sword was already accumulating enough magical energy. He would be going to finish him in a more powerful blast.

But instead of blocking it, Demyul noticed his enemy charged at him. Before they arrived at each other’s face, Decapitator Roi hopped in the air, then brandished his sword and smashed the ground in front of the charging Demyul.

“Ground SHAKER!!!”


The Sacrilege Decapitator Roi’s shout resounded on the battlefield. The next second, the ground shook, then it cracked. An earth-shaking earthquake trembled the ground. It was followed by ground spikes growing towards the charging Demyul. Looking at it, Demyul grimaced.

Although his attack pulverized the growing ground spikes, those that protruded underneath him impeded his attack. *Shit!* Not only that but he also was hurt when one of the spikes pierced his leg.


Demyul cried in pain and was sent staggering back. He landed on his butt and groaned in pain while hugging his wounded leg.

Now he’s groveling. Sweats were pouring on his face as he tried to endure the pain.

However, more sweats were pouring on his face when he heard the stepping noise coming closer and closer to him. It was like being gradually constricted by the tentacle of death.

“Captain!” Demyul heard a call from someone nearby. He did not need to glance to know who it was. Based on the voice alone he knew that it was from Henry, one of his subordinates in their squad.

Henry saw their Captain, Demyul, groveling on the ground while an enemy with a massive sword was walking towards him.

However, he could not find a way to help him. At the moment, two enemies were blocking him. It would be too late to give him a hand.

More on that, the other two members of their squad were in the same situation as him. So no one could help their captain.

“Holy, shi-!”


Because his attention was not on his fight, Henry made a blunder of himself. The enemy’s short blade was able to cause him a three inches wound across his eyes.

Thanks to his fast reflexes, the wound wasn’t deep enough to break his skull. Still, it hurt him. Out of reflex, Henry covered the wound using his other hand. Blood was noticeably dripping from it.

“Bastard!” Henry was able to get his revenge when his horizontal slash hit one of the enemies in front of him. After seeing his state, one of the bandits charged in to finish him, but instead, he was greeted by a sudden horizontal slash from Henry. The bandit took a long horizontal wound across his torso and lost his consciousness right away.


With a fierce look, the other one was angrily followed up to kill Henry, *Ting!* but henry was able to block it using his one-handed sword in hand.

Still holding the bloodied wound on his face, he kicked the enemy in the stomach. Bang!


The bandit was sent back a few steps before he curled on the ground while caressing his stomach. It wasn’t a normal kick as it was powered by magical energy. And the enemy did not expect that he would kick him.

Knowing that the enemy was hurt, he staggered towards Demyul. However, the bandit in front of Demyul was already lifting his sword to finish him. Decapitator Roi grinned then swung the sword to finish the pitiful soldier in front of him.

“Hehe, goodbye!”

“Over my dead body!”


Fortunately, Demyul was able to lift his sword to block it. But the loss of support from his feet put him at a disadvantage in strength. Summed up with his aching leg, he wasn’t in a top condition to contend with the enemy’s strength.

Demyul’s hand trembled and the enemy’s sword was gradually pushed towards his neck.

“It’s useless to struggle. Hehe!” Mocked Roi.

At the corner of his eyes, Demyul saw Henry and the other two members of his squad running towards them. Perhaps, they wanted to help him. Tsk! Demyul gritted his teeth. He was the captain and yet he looked so miserable. What a failure of a captain he was!

Although he wanted to push back the enemy, his strength was gradually diminishing as he was losing more blood on his leg wound.

Although he had no family at the time, he wanted to survive. He was about to propose to a lady he got to know in a bar. It was also the reason that he decided to join this mission as he needed money for that. His majesty promised a good sum of reward, but of course, the difficulty of the mission was also there.

But, Demyul only had himself to blame. It was because he put aside the young commander’s order that the enemy was able to surround them.

Well, it was too late for regret. Glancing again at his subordinates who were trying their best to hastily come to rescue him, he believed that it was too late. His arms and hands had started to feel numb.

“Hahaha, now die!” The Sacrilege Decapitator Roi laughed after noticing that Demyul’s strength had slowly waned down. But, even so, Demyul did not lose hope, even after the sharp part of the sword grazed the surface of his skin and blood started to drip out.

At the last stroke of his strength, Demyul already lost hope. He knew it was the end of him. His head will sooner roll on the ground.

His hands fell limply and his sword fell and clattered on the ground.

Demyul closed his eyes in reflex as he waited for the instant pain to arrive.

However, after a few seconds, he noticed no pain. And weirdly, he could still think! Wait! Did he become a soul directly? Why was he still capable of thinking?


Suddenly, he heard a groaning sound. Demyul knitted his brows and deliberately opened his eyes. There, he saw the enemy still standing in front of him, but.

There was a red metallic object jutted out from his chest. It was a sword! Demyul exclaimed. Then he noticed a familiar person at the back of the enemy.

“Y-Young C-Commander...?” He muttered in surprise.

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